
Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

author:First cuisine

May is the "golden period" when children grow taller.

The rate of growth in summer is 2-2.5 times that of autumn. This period must not be wasted, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth. Give your child more, nutritious and delicious seasonal food, supplement calcium and vitamins, and the child will eat well and grow tall.

These 6 delicacies, grasp the child to eat, the child grows taller, the body is stronger.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

First, carrots

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

Recommended directions: 【Carrot pearl balls】

1. Prepare the ingredients

Prepare a handful of glutinous rice, rinse it, and soak it in water for three hours to let the glutinous rice absorb enough water, so that when steaming, it is more time-saving and sweet and soft. Carrots are cut into round slices and plated.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

A piece of lean pork, chopped into minced meat and put into a basin, sprinkled with minced green onion and ginger, add salt, white pepper, cooking wine, dark soy sauce on the background color, oyster sauce to increase the umami taste.

The minced meat is then stirred quickly in one direction, a process that lasts 5 minutes, beating the minced meat into a drawn-up shape. Beat in an egg yolk and stir again for 3 minutes to bring the meat out of the glue, until the hand feels a lot of pulling during the process of stirring.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

2. Balls

After the glutinous rice is soaked, use a colander to filter out the moisture of the glutinous rice and place it on a plate. Squeeze the meat stuffing out of the tiger's mouth, form a relatively round meatball, and then evenly dip the meatballs with glutinous rice, and use the same method to glue all the meatballs to the glutinous rice for later.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

3. Steam on the pot

Boil water in a pot with grates, bring the water to a boil, put the meatballs stained with glutinous rice on the grate, and steam for 20 minutes on medium heat. After 20 minutes, remove the balls, garnish with parsley, and serve.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

2. Prawns

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

Recommended method: [white-seared shrimp]

1. Prepare the ingredients

Prepare an appropriate amount of fresh shrimp, cut off the shrimp head, remove the black shrimp sac, and then cut off the shrimp legs, use a toothpick to pick out the shrimp line, remember not to open the shrimp back, when cooking, the water penetrates into the umami taste and dilutes.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

2. Cook the shrimp

Boil water in the pot, put in a small green onion knot, a few slices of ginger, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking wine to increase the fragrance, wait for the onion and ginger water to fully boil fragrant, boiling and then put down the prawns, so that the prawns can quickly mature in boiling water, retaining the fresh flavor.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

Cook the whole time on high heat, do not put any spices, eat is the shrimp meat is sweet and tender, the shrimp body becomes red after the onion knots, ginger slices pick out. Remove the pan as soon as it is opened and quickly put it into ice water to cool it to prevent the shrimp from being heated by the residual temperature.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

3. Mix the dipping sauce

Prepare a small bowl, add the appropriate amount of steamed fish soy sauce, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, fish sauce and stir well. Take out the cooled shrimp, neatly stack it on the plate, and a dish of fresh and tender white-burned shrimp is ready.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

Third, lean meat

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

Recommended Method: 【Meat stuffed zucchini】

1. Prepare the ingredients

Prepare one zucchini, cut into slices and set aside in a basin.

The lean meat is chopped into a meat filling, and the more it is chopped, the better it tastes.

Cut the white green onion into crumbles, cut the ginger into crumbles, and put the meat filling in a basin and start seasoning: add salt, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, and grasp the seasoning by hand to allow the meat filling to fully flavor.

Beat an egg, stir in one direction for about two minutes, grab two spoonfuls of dry starch, stir again in one direction for two minutes and set aside.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

2. Blanch the zucchini

Boil water in a pot, add vegetable oil, salt, vegetable oil and salt so that the nutrients will not be lost when blanching the vegetables. After the water has boiled, pour the zucchini blanch for about 1 minute.

When the zucchini is broken and relatively soft, remove the water control and rinse with clean water.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

3. Steam for 15 minutes

Wrap the minced meat with melon slices in turn, and then string each slice together with a toothpick to fix it. After wrapping all the minced meat, plate. Then beat two eggs into the dish.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

Boil water in a pot, put the castor, bring the water to a boil, put the plate on the castor, cover the pot, and steam for 15 minutes on medium-low heat. After 15 minutes, remove the plate. Prepare a small pot, pour in soy sauce, sesame oil and add a little boiling water.

Stir the seasoning, pour the water out of the dish and pour the sauce.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

4. Ribs

Recommended method: 【Braised pork ribs】

1. First, we cut the ribs and chop them into small pieces; cut the ginger into slices, put them in the basin and add an octagonal grain, a few dried peppers, a few fragrant leaves, a section of cinnamon for later; the green and red pepper hob cut into pieces to match the color; the onion is cut into slices and the sticky ones are scattered; and a can of beer is prepared for later.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, pour the ribs into the pot, add 10 grams of cooking wine, a few slices of ginger to fishy, promote the ribs to fully boil out the blood and excess fat inside, boil the water and beat the foam in the pot, and fish out the ribs to control the water for later.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

3. Burn oil in the pot, put in a handful of rock sugar, use a spoon to crush the rock sugar, stir constantly, the rock sugar is completely dissolved, the color changes from light yellow to reddish brown, when the water-controlled ribs are poured into the pot, stir-fry the ribs to color the ribs. Then pour in the prepared spices, stir-fry out the ingredients, add 10 grams of watercress sauce to fry out the red oil, tofu milk a piece of stir-fry, pour half a can of beer to fishy freshening, pour water along the edge of the pot, the amount of water should not exceed the ribs, turn to high heat, add 20 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of aged vinegar, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, a little sugar stir well, cover the pot lid and cook over medium-low heat for 20 minutes, cook the ribs, cook until flavorful.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

4.After 4.20 minutes, pick out the spices in the pot, turn the heat to collect the juice, collect the soup until it is viscous, pour in the prepared side dishes and stir-fry for about 1 minute.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

5. Eggs

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

Recommended method: [shrimp egg tofu soup]

1. Prepare the ingredients

Prepare a small pot, beat 3 eggs, add 1 gram of salt in it, drop a few drops of sesame sesame oil, add half a spoonful of water, stir with chopsticks for a while while stirring, beat the eggs and fully integrate with the water.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

2. Prepare the shrimp and tender tofu

Prepare a few large shrimp, remove the shrimp head by hand, peel the shrimp skin little by little, cut the back of the shrimp with a knife, wash the shrimp line, put the cleaned shrimp in the basin, add water and wash it twice.

After washing, put it in a basin, add 2 grams of cooking wine, 1 gram of oyster sauce, 1 gram of pepper, and stir with chopsticks to taste the shrimp.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

Take a piece of tender tofu, cut the tofu into thick slices and place it in a basin. Then take a colander and evenly drain the stirred egg liquid on top of the tofu, so that you can reduce the production of bubbles and soak the tofu into the egg liquid.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

3. Steam for 8 minutes

Boil water in the pot, bring the water to a boil, put in a plate containing eggs and tofu, steam for 8 minutes on medium heat, lift the lid after 8 minutes, add the prawns, cover the pot and steam for another 2 minutes, turn off the heat after 2 minutes.

Finally, sprinkle a small handful of green onions and garnish it, and you can serve it.

Summer, children "crazy long season"! Do a good job of these 5 staple foods, the child grows strongly, loves to eat and is not picky

The growth of children is irreversible, parents must seize the child's long "golden period", the food must be eaten, do not be reluctant. Children love to eat and are not picky eaters, and they are rubbing long.

(First Food Editor: Happy)

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