
I seriously doubt that this phone or software has a monitoring function, because I chatted with my colleagues about the role of Ma Rong and poppy shells. After the chat, I swiped my phone to the photo I just chatted

author:Hui Tsai has to work hard
{"info":{"title":{"content":"我严重怀疑这个手机或者软件有监听监控功能,因为我和同事聊天聊到了马蓉和罂粟壳的作用。聊天完我在刷手机就刷到了刚刚聊天的相","en":"I seriously doubt that this phone or software has a monitoring function, because I chatted with my colleagues about the role of Ma Rong and poppy shells. After the chat, I swiped my phone to the photo I just chatted"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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