
Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet

author:Eight Strange Entertainment


Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet



Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet


Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet
Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet

对于身材发福明显的关晓彤,一些粉丝都有些替她着急了纷纷留言:“快要进组了宝,你快减减”“彤姐你真的胖了很多,赶快减减肥吧,进组这状态不行”。 当然,也有相对比较宽容的粉丝表示:“幸福肥吧,有对象胖点就胖点吧”。

Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet
Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet


Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet
Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet


Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet


Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet
Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet
Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet


Guan Xiaotong sunbathed a plain face photo, the face was puffy and happy and fat, and the boyfriend Lu Han was so sweet

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