
#Summer Beauty of Hometown #【Golden Doll Grass】 Grass heat-resistant and cold-resistant plant type Short and strong adaptation strong embellishment green flowering period long corolla funnel color golden early summer blooming beauty peerless poetry a piece with the king reward

author:Deer are seen when the tree is deep
{"info":{"title":{"content":"#家乡的夏日美景#【金娃娃萱草】萱草耐热又抗寒株型矮壮适应强点缀绿地花期长花冠漏斗色金黄初夏盛放美无双诗文一篇与君赏","en":"#Summer Beauty of Hometown #【Golden Doll Grass】 Grass heat-resistant and cold-resistant plant type Short and strong adaptation strong embellishment green flowering period long corolla funnel color golden early summer blooming beauty peerless poetry a piece with the king reward"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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