
Poem "Hundred Generals Culture" Raccoon Creek Sha • Millions of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States

author:Baijiang Culture and Art

#Number One Weekly##Headline General Culture ##头条热点 #

Poem "Hundred Generals Culture" Raccoon Creek Sha • Millions of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States
Poem "Hundred Generals Culture" Raccoon Creek Sha • Millions of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States

Written on the front: From the launch of the original "General Calligraphy and Painting Research" paper edition of the internal journal from December 8, 2005 to September 30, 2015, a total of 156 issues were published, which produced a good response in the industry. According to the needs of the development of the new era, inheriting the red gene and carrying forward the excellent traditional culture, from April 2022, the original paper version of the "General Calligraphy and Painting Research" publication has been transformed into an online headline general culture, red star online, general hope primary school, poetry and painting, professor lecture, headline reading academy, wisdom plus culture, wisdom photography, etc.

Raccoon CreekSha • Millions of covid-19 deaths in the United States

Yue Ruxuan


As of May 14, 2022,

For more than two years,

1 million people have died in the United States from COVID-19.

The White House waits for the underground flag to mourn,

President Biden's speech,


Democracy and freedom pay the bill today,

Millions of citizens lost their lives on COVID-19.

Half-mast mourning good heartache.

Capital rampant fattening itself,

The Empire declined to Yellow Springs.

What a face to talk about human rights.

Poem "Hundred Generals Culture" Raccoon Creek Sha • Millions of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States
Poem "Hundred Generals Culture" Raccoon Creek Sha • Millions of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States

Poet of the poem

Yue Xuanyi, (1943.1--), character Ruxuan, pen name Ma Mingcangqiang, a native of Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province, Han ethnicity, member of the Communist Party of China. The 29th grandson of national hero Yue Fei. He served in the army for 38 years, serving as director of the political department of the 54th Group Army and political commissar of the Henan Provincial Military Region; succeeding him as the head of the discipline inspection team of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission in the Ministry of Justice, a member of the party group of the ministry; a deputy to the Ninth National People's Congress and a member of the 16th Central Discipline Inspection Commission. Honorary President of the Chinese Rule of Law Culture Research Association, Consultant of the Chinese Poetry Society, the Chinese Dictionary, the Red Leaf Poetry Society, and the Wild Grass Poetry Society. In 2016, the People's Publishing House published Yue Xuanyi's collection of poems "Yin Oh Jiangshan", which was written by the poet titan He Jingzhi and prefaced by the poet he Jingzhi, calling him a "general poet" and "public servant poet" who "deserves the name".

@Baijiang Culture & Arts #Zhijia Culture ##红星在线 #

Editor: Xinhong, Baijiang Culture and Arts Center

Poem "Hundred Generals Culture" Raccoon Creek Sha • Millions of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States

The plaque is a unique folk culture of the Chinese national tradition. It is a sign hanging in the halls, pavilions, courtyards, gardens, hotels, hotels, shops and other units. The plaque is an indispensable part of all kinds of buildings, its meaning is equivalent to the eye of the building, it is to inform the name and purpose of the building, and it is also a business card for publicity. Shusheng Wang Xizhi is China's most famous and accomplished calligrapher, and a general. The brush used today was pioneered by the general Meng Tian of the Qin Dynasty who supervised the construction of the Great Wall. The Hundred Generals Culture and Arts Center can invite general calligraphers and celebrity calligraphers to jointly inscription poem inscription plaques and PEN exhibitions. Invite military celebrities and professors to give lectures. Peking University Boya Bai will cooperate with the cultural and technological training base.

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