
Is the blood stasis sucked out of the cupping a toxin in the body? Check it out

author:Dr. Xiaodong talks about health

With the development of the times, at this stage, regardless of men, women and children, the attention to health is getting higher and higher

In daily life, everyone is also particularly interested in the topic of health care, in addition to the purchase of a variety of health care products, some people especially like acupuncture, cupping to get the way to maintain health.

Is the blood stasis sucked out of the cupping a toxin in the body? Check it out


Cupping is a traditional Chinese health care project, usually using the can as a tool, and then using the fire to pump the gas to generate pressure, attach it to the surface of the skin, forming a local blood stasis phenomenon, to achieve the purpose of health.

The benefits of cupping

(1): Through cupping, the moisture and cold in the body can be infiltrated through the skin tissue, thereby eliminating evil qi and helping to maintain a healthy body.

(2): The meridians, acupuncture points and internal organs of the human body are connected to each other, through the power of cupping, stimulate the acupuncture points on the surface of the body, and then stimulate the meridians of the muscles and bones, so that the internal organs of the human body get corresponding conditioning, so that people's qi and blood are smooth, which is helpful for strengthening the body.

Is the blood stasis sucked out of the cupping a toxin in the body? Check it out

(3): The cupping method has a warm stimulation effect on the local skin, with the fire can, water tank, medicine can the most obvious, will play a benign stimulation of the acupuncture points, so that the body self-adjustment produces qi and blood, relax the muscles and activate the network, reduce swelling and pain, dispel wind and dehumidification and other effects.

(4): Patients with too much moisture and too much cold in the body can use cupping and health care to play the role of warm and yang tongluo to remove moisture and water, which is helpful for removing the accumulation of moisture in the body.

(5): The fire tank attaches to the surface of our skin to form a negative pressure, so by sucking and pulling out our muscles, promoting blood circulation and relieving the feeling of muscle tension and fatigue.

Is the blood stasis sucked out of the cupping a toxin in the body? Check it out

What is the blood that is sucked out after cupping?

Cupping is the use of the principle of concept of negative pressure, adsorbed in the epidermis of the capillaries rupture leading to congestion, not the body of the toxin, then why some people are lighter color, some color is darker, and even blisters appear? In fact, this situation is related to changes in blood flow in the body, nerves and blood vessels.

In fact, the reason for this situation is because of the difference in personal physical condition.

In the cupping process, due to the difference between the suction force in the can and the skin state and the time of cupping, it will cause the color to appear different shades, which is a normal physiological reaction, not a toxin pulled out by the body.

Is the blood stasis sucked out of the cupping a toxin in the body? Check it out

What are the common misconceptions of cupping?

╭Cannot be repeated cupping in the same part╯

Cupping cannot be repeated in the same area. Some people cupping fires find special skin changes in the local area and feel that toxins are being excreted from the body.

However, repeating the same part of the skin is harmful, because the local capillaries are damaged after cupping and rupture and bleeding, and the bleeding situation becomes more and more obvious when repeated, and the skin will gradually be damaged.

╭Cupping can cure all diseases╯

Although cupping is a traditional way of health maintenance, so many people think that cupping can cure all diseases, but where the body is a little uncomfortable, cupping, although the role of cupping is more extensive, but it is indeed too exaggerated to think that it can cure all diseases.

Is the blood stasis sucked out of the cupping a toxin in the body? Check it out

╭The longer the tank, the better╯

When cupping, it is common to put the can behind you and wait for a while, and don't think that the longer the can is left, the better.

If the cupping time is too long, it will cause damage to the skin, skin damage may occur, and it may also increase the incidence of infection.

Precautions for cupping:

First, it is best not to drink alcohol before and after cupping, drinking alcohol will paralyze the vascular motor center, which is in conflict with the principle of cupping.

Second, after cupping, we should pay attention to keeping warm, so as not to allow cold air to enter the body and counterproductively aggravate the disease.

Third, you can't take a bath immediately after cupping, because bathing can easily cause skin inflammation.

Fourth, the time of cupping should not be too long, the strength should not be too large, long-term cupping will lead to blood bubbles, especially in the summer after the bleeding bubbles skin is easy to infect.

Is the blood stasis sucked out of the cupping a toxin in the body? Check it out

Fifth, pay attention to their own physical condition, there is heart disease, anemia, leukemia, skin diseases and pregnant women are not suitable for cupping.

Sixth, some parts are not suitable for cupping, such as the navel, skin delicate places, broken places, nipples, bones and other parts are not suitable for cupping.