
Have you ever seen this flower? Has there ever been a kind?

author:Cai lemon baby

This plant can be sown or propagated by side bud cuttings.

However, it is generally seeds to sow, Lu Wei is very afraid of heat, if there are conditions in the summer, it is best to put it in the air conditioning room, no conditions to put it on the ventilated north window sill, after all, it is a succulent plant, many succulents are afraid of heat. During the summer, do not have more water, half a month to give the second water can be, the growing medium must be breathable, breathable, and then breathable.

Dew flowers belong to the purslane family, suitable for people: gardening players, palm bonsai enthusiasts, lazy people.

It can be placed on the balcony, living room, desk, shop decoration, courtyard, garden, window sill and other places as ornamental or decorative role.

Flower color: red, yellow, pink, white, orange red, pink or orange yellow, with red veins, red halo or red stripes; Because of its sowing and reproduction, the flower color is changeable, and even the same color system has subtle differences. Ten distinctions.

What do you think of this flower, has anyone ever planted it? Do you like this flower?

Let's take a look at the beautiful dew flowers.

Have you ever seen this flower? Has there ever been a kind?
Have you ever seen this flower? Has there ever been a kind?
Have you ever seen this flower? Has there ever been a kind?
Have you ever seen this flower? Has there ever been a kind?
Have you ever seen this flower? Has there ever been a kind?
Have you ever seen this flower? Has there ever been a kind?
Have you ever seen this flower? Has there ever been a kind?
Have you ever seen this flower? Has there ever been a kind?