
What is the subsidy policy for three children In 2022, how much is the incentive for having three children, why are some people still unwilling to give birth

author:Blind thoughts

The three-child policy has been implemented in May 2021, but the birth allowance policy has not yet been introduced, and the state is in the process of formulating. According to the reimbursement standard for one child and two children, the three children may also enjoy the following subsidy policies:

1. Maternity allowance

The specific subsidy standard for maternity allowance is the number of 30 days of maternity leave paid by the employer per month. The general rule is that you can apply for maternity benefits after maternity leave. The deadline is 3 months after the end of all maternity leave. Please note that since social insurance is coordinated by region, there are different regulations in different regions. The three-child birth allowance is the same as the six months of one child. As long as the person concerned complies with the family planning policy, the cost of the birth certificate can be reimbursed, and the reimbursement standard is the same.

2. Maternity medical expenses

Maternity medical expenses refer to the medical expenses of maternity medical treatment, including fertility costs and family planning costs. Among them, the cost of childbirth includes hospitalization, medical expenses, etc., and family planning costs include medical expenses such as sterilization and re-access. All localities will give certain reimbursement subsidies in accordance with local standards. (Note: The above information comes from the network history information collation, the content is for reference only, please refer to the latest policy!) )

Recently, the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission issued a questionnaire "Questionnaire on the Cost of Raising Infants and Young Children Under 3 Years old in Zhejiang Province", which asked, "Assuming that the government gives a monthly subsidy of 1,000 yuan for having two/three children (from birth to 3 years old), are you willing to have a second/third child?" "In addition, there are options for reasons for not wanting to have a second/third child, fertility cost expenditure, etc. Previously, the Hainan Provincial Health Commission also released a similar questionnaire, which showed that if the government subsidized 500 yuan per month until the child was three years old, would you be willing to have a second/third child.

Such a questionnaire survey with obvious intentions shows the seriousness of the current population problem on the mainland. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, since 2016, the mainland's birth rate has achieved "5 consecutive declines", with 18.33 million births in 2016 and only 10.62 million by 2021, which means that the mainland has now entered a "low fertility" situation.

At the same time, the Journal of China Women's College also released a survey report, distributing questionnaires to nearly 2,000 female teachers, asking questions about the problems and current situations encountered by them in work, marriage, and childbirth. The survey results show that female teachers are less than 4% willing to have three children, and 30% of unmarried female teachers do not want to have children, the report said that the age of these female teachers is not too large, the income is stable, the level of education is relatively high, but most female teachers do not want to have three children.

In addition, the survey also shows that in the number of ideal children, the proportion of female teachers who are willing to have a child as a whole is the highest, reaching 38.96%, the willingness to have a second child is 38.91%, and the proportion of not wanting to have children is 18.77%, while the willingness to have a third child is only 3.36%. Economic, educational, housing, and work pressures are the main reasons affecting the willingness of female teachers to have children.

In terms of income, the income of teachers in various places varies greatly, teachers working in first-tier cities can earn ten thousand yuan a month, while teachers in some second- and third-tier cities only have a few thousand yuan a month, although they can meet the needs of life, but the pressure to raise more children increases. Second, the reason why most female teachers don't want to have children is that they take up more time at work and don't have time to spend with their children.

In the seven census data, the total population of the mainland has reached 1.41 billion people, accounting for about 18% of the total global population, and the elderly aged 60 and above in the mainland account for 18.7% of the national population, of which 190.64 million are over the age of 65, accounting for 13.5% of the national population. That is to say, the mainland has entered the social stage of the elderly population and aging.

As early as 2016, the problem of the aging of the mainland population has been highlighted, when in order to cope with this problem, but also in time to open the two-child policy, when demographers predicted that once the full second child opened, the mainland's newborn population will have a strong growth situation, however, with the change of social concepts and the impact of practical factors, many people did not participate in the second child army.

From the data point of view, the two-child policy has not played a great role in improving the fertility rate, that is to say, the problems of population aging and the continuous decline in the birth rate have not been effectively alleviated, so in May 2021, the mainland fully opened the three-child policy, allowing the birth of three children, and formulated a series of related welfare policies.

While opening up the three-child, many provinces have also implemented different policies to encourage childbearing, the most is to extend women's maternity leave, parental leave, husband paternity leave and other holidays, while providing women with corresponding high-quality birth services; in addition, there are regions to issue tax relief and other policies to give families with two or three children corresponding economic subsidies; like Gansu, Jiangsu and other places for families with two or three children, give certain housing subsidies and so on.

On the one hand, under the open three-child policy, there are more and more policies to encourage fertility, which can reduce the pressure of many only children, and in the future, brothers and sisters can take care of it, and they can also share the pressure of supporting the elderly, which is also a good starting point. However, from the data point of view, the policies to encourage fertility are becoming more and more intensive, but they have not achieved good results. By the end of 2021, the fertility rate on the mainland is still low, not only that, the fertility rate in most parts of the world has shown a continuous decline, and how to improve fertility willingness has become the most headache for countries.

Nowadays, the social competitiveness is huge, many college students can find a suitable job after graduation is not easy, some jobs still have gender discrimination, age discrimination and other issues, although the best reproductive age is between twenty-two and thirty-two years old, but this age is also the golden time for women's career development, so many independent women are more willing to shine in the work.

In addition, for many young people who are married, mortgages and car loans have already occupied a part of the funds, and if one of the couples quits his job and goes home to take care of the children, the quality of life of the family, the education resources of the children, and the family income will also be greatly reduced. Nowadays, most of the young people who are suitable for marriage and fertility are only children, if they have three children, there are four elderly people on both sides of the husband and wife, and there are three children under them, just by imagining it, you can feel an invisible pressure, not to mention the truth to face.

This also shows that even if more policies are introduced to encourage fertility, they still cannot alleviate the current population problem of the mainland if they do not touch the most fundamental problems. Economist Professor Ren Zeping believes that if fertility is encouraged according to the current strength, then China's aging will be very serious in the next few decades, and it will soon enter a stage of negative growth. In this regard, he proposes four specific solutions:

First, he suggested that the government subsidize families with two or three children with a monthly economic subsidy of 1,000 yuan per child until the child reaches adulthood, which can alleviate the very large economic pressure of a family. Second, for the housing problem, return 50% of the mortgage interest of the second-child family, return all the mortgage interest of the three-child family, and discount subsidies on the original house price, if the problem of high house price is solved, I believe many families will be moved.

Third, Ren Zeping believes that more nurseries or kindergartens should be added to solve the problem of people, especially office couples, with their babies. Finally, there is the solution to health and education problems.

For now, the low fertility rate of young people is due to housing problems on the one hand, and expenditure on health care and education on the other. Although this is only a suggestion, but fundamentally, these policies accurately grasp the pain points of young people's reluctance to have children, if landed, perhaps also let many young people change their minds and alleviate the problem of marriage rates and low fertility rates.

The main thing is to reduce the cost of educating children!