
He was a man whom the Qianlong Emperor had favored all his life, and he only used 4 methods to capture the Sacred Heart

author:Zhai Fang

In the era of Chinese imperialism, the emperor was the highest symbol of the state and the nation, and held the highest legislative, administrative, military, sacrificial and judicial powers of the country. The emperor's personal qualities, talents, moral character, preferences, etc. are of great importance to the country and the nation.

Therefore, the choice of the emperor, the succession of the emperor and the rise and fall of the imperial dynasty are crucial. The person the emperor used was also based on personal preference.

Qianlong was the more lucid (clearly understood) emperor of the Qing Dynasty, with a prosperous country and rich material and cultural heritage.

Qianlong also inherited the excellent qualities left by Kangxi and Yongzheng, and learned the Four Books and Five Classics from a young age, and had a very profound cultural attainment.

As early as the Kangxi period, when Qianlong was still a playing child, he was taken to the imperial palace to be trained, and Kangxi was a well-known emperor in history who loved to learn, and remained sober all his life, quit smoking, alcohol, and color. In the Kangxi Dynasty, there were no foreign relatives interfering in the government, no eunuchs controlling the government, and no concubines pointing fingers.

The only woman with the highest power was Empress Xiaozhuang, who guided Kangxi to be a good emperor. The people around you are crucial.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, Yongzheng was a notorious workaholic, not leaving the Forbidden City for 13 years, and getting up early all his life to work hard for the welfare of the country.

When he arrived in Qianlong, he was the one who needed to see his grandfather, and his father spent his life starting a business and keeping his business for the sake of the Taiping Of Jiangshan.

This set a good example for Qianlong, who was determined to be an emperor as good as his predecessors and govern the country well.

Therefore, the culture, materials, and anything that Qianlong has been exposed to since childhood are the best. The vision is high, the taste is thousands, and the people or items that can be liked by the Qianlong Emperor are also of the highest specifications, and they generally cannot enter his eyes.

The person who can be like his eyes is by no means an ordinary person, but there is such a person, who seems to be tailor-made for Qianlong, accompanied Qianlong for more than 30 years, and promoted more than 50 times.

He was a man whom the Qianlong Emperor had favored all his life, and he only used 4 methods to capture the Sacred Heart


Let's start with the birth of Washu

Born in Manchuria, he was a Hongqi man of the Niuhulu clan, born in the fifteenth year of Qianlong, that is, in 1750, 39 years younger than the Qianlong Emperor.

Those who have read the "Biography of Zhen Huan" know that in Manchuria, the Niu Hulu clan is a famous and prestigious family, and the emperor gave Zhen Huan the surname Niu Hulu clan, which is to elevate the status of Zhen Huan.

Therefore, Hezhen himself was not born low, and when he was a teenager, he had the opportunity to enter the palace official school, learn Confucian classics and Manchurian and Mongolian scripts, and receive a good education.

The knowledge that Qianlong learned and Yan also learned, which also laid the foundation for Hezhen to contact Qianlong.

In the thirty-fifth year of Qianlong, that is, in 1770, He Yan took the Shuntianfu Township Examination, and did not take the examination to raise people, because he was born in Manchuria, and he did not succeed in serving as a third-class bodyguard in the court.

In today's words, the background is strong, it is a relationship household, can not use the relationship to find a good job, and Because of the family background changed his fate twice, the first time into the palace to study, the second time into the palace to work.

The starting line is higher than many people, so there are more opportunities than ordinary people.

Since he was in the imperial palace, there were many opportunities to contact the Qianlong Emperor, and once the Qianlong Emperor wanted to go on a tour and could not find the golden umbrella for the honor guard, so he asked who was responsible, and no one dared to answer, and they all trembled and did not gnaw.

At this time, He Yan said: Those who are in charge of this matter should be responsible for this.

There is a saying that the eunuchs in front of the emperor are like accompanying the tiger, and the eunuchs in front of the emperor are doing things with their heads up, doing wrong things or encountering the emperor who is unhappy, and being given death is a matter of minutes

At this time, Hezhen boldly answered the call, and it can be said that he has a certain amount of courage and intelligence.

As an emperor and the king of a country, Qianlong was talented and preferred wise people with courage and courage.

Compared with the eunuch who was only promised around him, and this move of He Yan, Qianlong's eyes lit up, and the question he answered was also the answer that Qianlong wanted, and the first time he saw the emperor, He Yan left a good impression.

He was a man whom the Qianlong Emperor had favored all his life, and he only used 4 methods to capture the Sacred Heart


Learned and scheming

In the first month of 1780, the 35-year-old He Yan accepted an important task and went to Yunnan to investigate and deal with corrupt officials.

Folk proverb: Strong dragon is difficult to suppress the snake, He Yan is in Beijing, corrupt officials are in Yunnan, it is not an easy task to punish corrupt officials, and He Yan used 2 months of scheming to get things done.

Qianlong therefore promoted He Yan to the position of Hubu Shangshu, in ancient times and in the present dynasty, it is all about ability, who has high efficiency in handling affairs, there are more opportunities, and the emperor is no exception in employing people.

When Qianlong rectified the use of troops in Tibet, all the instructions were issued in Manchu, Chinese, Mongolian, and Tibetan, and these scripts could only be understood, translated, transmitted, and implemented.

This series of actions, no one can match, no one can replace, and the Qianlong Emperor needs such a talent as a right arm to do things for him, and He Yan has become the best candidate.

He was a man whom the Qianlong Emperor had favored all his life, and he only used 4 methods to capture the Sacred Heart


Throw in the towel

Qianlong was the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the most favorite to play with the collection, Ancient Chinese art, poetry and song, jade, stone tools, cloisonné reached the height of the peak during the Qianlong period, as well as Lamaism, Buddhist scriptures are Qianlong's hobbies.

Qianlong attaches great importance to culture, but Qianlong attaches importance to it does not mean that others also attach importance to it, so it is difficult to find opponents and admirers for Qianlong's cultural attainments.

At this time, in order to curry favor with Qianlong, He yan worked hard to learn poetry, write poetry, practice words, and imitate Qianlong fonts, plus he had a very deep cultural background and learning ability, and he could keep up with Qianlong's pace, and from time to time he also interacted with Qianlong.

Qianlong had an admirer, and what he learned and thought was like input and output, and he found an object that could be told, and this object could not only understand but also plan and talk about ideas, which strengthened Qianlong's dependence on and love for Hezhen.


Hezhen's spirit of service

Qianlong is the longest-lived emperor in history, living 89 years old, and 39 years older than Hezhen, Qianlong needs the company of people who understand him when he is old.

Can take care of his emotions, but also can serve and flatter him, He Yan accompanied Qianlong around, whenever Qianlong coughed and spit, He Yan immediately took the spittoon to pick up.

At this time, He Yan was a university scholar and a military minister, but he was not impatient at all, and he did not dare to dislike the old Qianlong.

At this time, Qianlong, who was old, except for the eunuch palace maid who served closely, was Hezhen, and the eunuch palace woman could not understand Qianlong's artistic height, and in addition to Qianlong's control over power, to deal with major state affairs, various languages needed to be translated.

At this time, for Qianlong, Hezhen was not only his right and left arm, but also his confidant, and he became a caring person that Qianlong could not do without. Spiritually, mentally, and mentally, Hezhen was firmly relied upon by Qianlong.

It is said that the tree is a big move, and because of Qianlong's trust, He yan is complacent, proud and indulgent, taking advantage of Qianlong's favor for himself, rectifying people who do not like himself, and leaving a handle for others.

After Qianlong's death, Jiaqing succeeded to the throne and punished He yan in just fifteen days, the so-called one dynasty and one courtier, and He yan was favored for thirty years, using the power to curry favor and power to lean on the big tree of Qianlong.

As soon as Qianlong died, the arrogant Hezhen had no patrons, and most of the people who had offended him clapped their hands and applauded.

Therefore, people should be low-key and cautious at all times of the highlight moment, and should not use the hegemony in their hands to bully others.

There is a saying that goes like this: diligence is priceless, caution is talisman, diligence is a step of one's ability, diligence can make up for clumsiness, prudence is modesty and prudence, protect yourself while not harming others, and even give others a way of life, are the roads paved for themselves in the future.

The cycle of cause and effect, when you choose how to do it, the result is already roughly formed.

Qianlong has spoiled Hezhen for more than 30 years, if in the workplace, Hezhen's learning ability, comprehension, and sharing for the boss are worth learning, but improving work ability is not to curry favor. In order to do a better job, it is a kind of improvement for yourself and a responsibility for the boss.

There are pros and cons to washos and pros and cons to his pampering, as we are today, we just need to learn from his good place. For example, various learning, self-improvement, and the cultivation of hobbies and interests.

There is a saying: don't do things that distort your own values, you yourself are a down-to-earth person who does things and will not flatter, then don't learn from other people's flattery, learn to lose yourself in the end, hurt others, and gain more than you lose. Doing yourself well is the biggest gain.