
After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

author:Jiong said about the science talk

#爱乐养生 #

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac located under the right rib and behind the liver for concentrating and storing bile, and the gallbladder is divided into four parts: the bottom, body, neck and tube, and the neck is connected to the gallbladder duct. The gallbladder wall consists of three layers: mucous membrane, muscle layer and outer membrane.

As a very important digestive organ of the human body, the gallbladder has the function of storing bile, concentrating bile, excreting bile to help digestion. The food that the human body eats every day needs the gallbladder to secrete bile to promote digestion and absorption, especially in the metabolism of lipids, which also has the function of secretion and regulating biliary pressure.

After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

However, the gallbladder is also susceptible to external factors, easy to damage an organ, especially now suffering from gallbladder stones or cholecystitis more and more people, once these two situations occur, it will also make people feel pain, affect daily work and physical and mental health, resulting in gallbladder loss of function, to the last resort need surgery treatment.

In the case of last resort, it will be removed, to prevent the spread of local lesions affecting the health of the body, although the gallbladder removal can improve the disease, but any surgery has a certain risk, after the removal of the gallbladder, there may be certain sequelae, some of the results are not good, so in life should also pay attention to the care of the organs, to prevent organ lesions.

When is the gallbladder removed?

There are two purposes for the first operation, the first is to relieve the pain and risk of cholecystitis attacks.

Second, whether it is gallbladder stones or gallbladder polyps, over time, it will cause chronic cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis will cause inflammation of the gallbladder mucosa, becoming a precancerous lesion, so it is also to prevent the occurrence of gallbladder cancer, in order to prevent the occurrence of it, it is removed.

After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

[1] Easy to indigestion

Gallbladder is very important for human health, many people need to remove it if they have lesions in the gallbladder, but after the removal of the gallbladder, the first impact is the body's ability to digest and absorb.

After the removal of the gallbladder, it is equivalent to the bile can not be smoothly secreted and stored, after the digestion ability is reduced, the food can not be adequately digested and absorbed, it will produce indigestion, many patients will also have loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting and other symptoms, which is also a common complication after surgery.

After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

[2] It will increase cholesterol

Due to the role of the gallbladder and concentrated bile, and the concentrated bile, it will have a certain decomposition effect on the body's cholesterol and can help dissolve cholesterol.

Once the gallbladder is removed, the bile cannot be concentrated, and the cholesterol cannot be decomposed well, which will cause excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the body and form a series of cholesterol diseases.

Most patients do not have a great impact after cholecystectomy, but there are also individual patients who, after resection, due to the inability to secrete bile in time, are stored and continuously excreted from the intestine, which will also produce certain stimulation to the intestine, which will gradually disappear in 6 months after surgery.

After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

[3] Induce reflux esophagitis

Patients with cholecystectomy may also face the side effects of reflux gastritis. Only if the gallbladder is healthy, the bile can produce secretion normally, and the normal body can digest food normally and ingest nutrients in food.

However, after the removal of the gallbladder, the bile will regurgitate, which is easy to cause reflux gastritis or reflux esophagitis, and the adverse symptoms of the body during the onset of the disease are obvious, and it will also be accompanied by acid reflux, heartburn, etc., so remind everyone to do a good job in life, pay attention to the care of the gallbladder.

After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

[4] Cholecystectomy will affect the body's immunity

Immunity is the body's defense against external bacteria and viruses, but also a protective barrier for the human body, which is innate to a person, and when dealing with the internal and external blows of the body, immunity is needed to check.

However, for the population after the removal of the gallbladder, first of all, immunity will be affected, it will cause a decline in immunity, because there is an inextricable relationship between the gallbladder and health, the removal of the gallbladder affects digestion, which will cause nutritional malabsorption, resulting in poor physique, which will bring a burden to immunity.

After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

How can extended --- prevent cholecystitis? Try to do 4 things well!

1. Engage in appropriate physical activity.

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise, insisting on exercise and exercise is more conducive to improving physical fitness, enhancing resistance and immunity, improving blood circulation, promoting metabolism, helping to strengthen the body, and reducing the risk of physical diseases.

Especially for those who sit for a long time and do not exercise, they should pay more attention to exercise, reasonable weight control, prevent excessive obesity, and effectively reduce the incidence of biliary diseases such as cholecystitis or gallstones.

After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

2. Do a good job of cold protection and warmth.

Remind everyone in their daily lives, we must increase or decrease clothes in time according to the changes in the weather, do a good job of cold protection and warmth, and do not wear clothes that expose the navel and bare ankles.

Especially when sleeping, you should cover the quilt to avoid a cold in the abdomen, and a cold in the abdomen will trigger resistance, reduce immunity, stimulate the national nerves, and cause the gallbladder to contract and cause cholecystitis.

3. Adjust your diet.

Just as the so-called disease comes from the mouth, the emergence of many diseases has a lot to do with unhealthy eating habits, so reminding everyone to eat a reasonable diet is very important for preventing cholecystitis.

If you want to reduce the appearance of cholecystitis, try to maintain a light and balanced intake in your diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat less high-fat and high-cholesterol foods, and change the bad habit of smoking and drinking, and reduce the burden on the digestive system such as gallbladder.

After the removal of the gallbladder, or the cause of 4 sequelae, doctor: less than a last resort, try not to remove

4. Regular physical examination.

Remind everyone to develop a good habit of regular physical examination in daily life, which is very common.

However, you can timely understand the potential causes of the body through physical examination, understand the health status, and achieve early detection of diseases, early detection, early prevention and early treatment, so as to avoid missing the best treatment time.

Regarding the problem of the gallbladder, do you have different views and ideas, please feel free to share them in the comments section below.