
Ottoman Turkey

author:Stupid bird with hindsight

Ottoman Turkey was founded by the Turks. The Turks we are familiar with are the Turks who fought against the Tang Dynasty in the north. After being defeated by Emperor Taizong of Tang, most of the Eastern and Western Turks continued to live with the Uighurs, later the Uyghurs. Or directly joined the Central Plains Dynasty, such as An Lushan, the initiator of the later Anshi Rebellion, which was half Turkic. The remaining small part continued westward, crossing Xinjiang to Central Asia. But Central Asia was already ruled by Islam.

Muslims who believe in Islam are very strong in combat. According to the doctrine, you go to fight for the Lord, so that you can save up experience to upgrade to heaven, but what if you die in battle? Then ascend to heaven. It means that as long as you go to battle, you can go to heaven, which is much more brutal and direct than Christianity. And promise to conquer the place where everyone will share the wealth together, and do more and get more. At this moment, with the addition of faith and practical benefits, a large empire, the Arab Empire, was soon created in the west of the Tang Dynasty. That is, the Arabs who fought the Battle of Qiluo and finally won a crushing victory with the Tang Dynasty.

The Turks, who had fled from East Asia, came to the Arab Empire, which believed in Islam, and began to serve as mercenaries for Arabia. It was in the process of becoming mercenaries that the Turks began to believe in Islam. The Turks were able to fight, and Islam encouraged plunder. Since then, the Turks have made Islam, and Islam has made the Turks.

Later, the Turkic mercenaries became more and more powerful, and his employer, the Arab Empire, became more and more vain. About 970, 300 years after the Turks were expelled, a group of Turkic tribes, the "Seljuk Turks", completely destroyed the Arab Empire and became the Sultan of the Muslims, known as the Seljuk Turkic Empire.

It doesn't look very familiar. Yes, the Western Roman Empire was also destroyed by its own mercenary Germanic nation, and the prosperous Tang Dynasty was also interrupted by the Turks led by its own mercenary An Lushan, and began to turn from prosperity to decline.

As a result, it became a daily routine of the Turkic Empire to fight and loot. For example, the turks who later invaded India were the Turks who believed in Islam, and successfully made northern India believe in Islam, after all, the followers of Islam are all equal and easier to accept by the people at the bottom than Hinduism, so northern India is gradually Islamized. After World War II, under the toss of britain, Pakistan was formed, and now India and Pakistan are divided.

However, the Seljuk Turks split, and later the more capable Mongols came over and swallowed all the territory of the entire Seljuk Turkic Empire. But there was a small place where even the Mongols were reluctant to go, and the Ottoman Empire, which later rose, made its fortune.

The Ottoman Turks were a vast empire that surrounded the Ottoman Turks, and the Ottoman Turks were a small part of the Seljuk Turks mentioned earlier. In the centuries that followed, the Ottoman Turks began to emerge from such a small place that escaped mongol invasion, and gradually became bigger and stronger. By the 15th century, Ottoman force had reached an unprecedented level, and in 1453, the Eastern Roman Empire was destroyed, Constantinople was conquered, and the Silk Road was blocked, and Europe ended the long Middle Ages and began the Age of Discovery.

At its peak, the Ottoman Turks had almost taken Europe, otherwise the whole of Europe would be Muslims by now. In 1683, the Ottoman Turks besieged Vienna, and the Polish wing cavalry that came to support them broke the Turks under the city of Vienna. At that time, in order to resist the westward expansion of Ottoman Turkey, that is, Islam, Austria was the shield of Christianity, and Poland was the spear of Christianity.

There are great historical reasons why relations between Russia and Turkey are particularly poor. After the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, this was not the capital of Constantinople occupied by the Turks, which naturally became the heir of the Roman Empire. But Russia did not think so, because the Russian tsar married a princess of the Eastern Roman Empire, and believed in Orthodox Christianity, with blood and legal basis, they were the successors of Rome. Thus, Tsar is the Russian pronunciation of the Roman leader "Caesar", and the Muslim leader Sultan means "Caesar". In addition, the geographical relationship between Russia and Turkey also determines that their relations will not be good. Around the Caucasus, the Black Sea, the Balkans, because Russian food needs to be sold from the Bosphorus strait into the Mediterranean Sea to other places, so Tsarist Russia stared at this strait for six hundred years, until now. Both sides could not solve it, and they fought and fought 11 Russo-Turkish wars.

The most important reason why Ottoman Turkey could develop into a great empire was equality and tolerance. This great empire was led by the Ottoman Turks, surrounded by various ethnic religions. After all, the Ottoman Turks alone did not have many people, and it was impossible to develop a large empire purely on their own. Yes, for other peoples, even christians, pagans like Judaism, the Ottomans gave equality and tolerance. So slowly other peoples began to surround the Ottoman Turks and form this huge empire.

For example, jerusalem, the holy site of the three major religions, killed the pagans after the Crusades entered Jerusalem. But after the Turks occupied Jerusalem, the church by the tomb of Jesus was still for the Christians, and the Christians were divided into two groups, the Orthodox church and the Catholic Church, and they also set up a schedule and carried out activities in different religions at different times. Later, the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church fought because of the use of time in this church, and the later Crimean War was caused by the conflict between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and their home countries, England and France, and Russia fought.

So since Ottoman Turkey is so strong and has so many preferential treatment, why did it go into decline and become such a beating in Turkey now? The reason is that various empires, even dynasties and dynasties, have had such a problem. When the empire rises, everyone is equal, but as the empire grows, it is inevitable that a series of bureaucrats will be produced to maintain the operation of the great empire, the so-called rentier class. Slowly, these rentier classes continue to grow, colluding with each other to suppress the people at the bottom. Second, Islam later became very exclusive, extremely discriminatory against infidels, that is, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan today, the original promotion of equality and tolerance slowly disappeared.

Therefore, the various nationalities and religions that were originally within the empire did not want to live together and had plans to run away from home, and the centrifugal force of the empire further increased. In fact, this situation is exactly the same as our Daqing, which abdicated, and Mongolia, Tibet, and Xinjiang all rose up to make trouble. But we didn't become the Turkey we are today, for three main reasons. The first is that the First World War was on the right side and was not divided by the great powers. Turkey was miserable, and it allied with Germany in World War I, but this cannot be blamed on him, Germany has always been a good friend of Muslims, and it is now. If you look at every war in the Middle East, Germany ends up accepting the most Muslim refugees. Secondly, Chairman Chiang Kai-shek formally stabilized the overall situation, after all, he was the nominal leader at that time, although the local warlords did not listen to his command. Finally, the chairman fundamentally united everyone again, that is, the establishment of a new China.

By the way, why has Germany always been so friendly with Muslim countries such as Turkey? Mainly because Turkey needs the assistance of Western developed countries to achieve industrialization, Britain and France and other countries do not look up to him, after all, Britain and France have overseas colonies and do not need Turkey. Only Germany developed too late, and it was only unified in 1871, when there were no colonies, so it had to contact customers on its own. Before World War II, Germany and Chairman Chiang Kai-shek also had a very good relationship, and it was also true that they were going to train 60 German mechanics for the chairman of the committee.

In addition, after the peace of Westphalia was signed in 1648, the modern international system began to take shape, the consciousness of various nationalities began to awaken, and everyone themselves had a bad life in Ottoman Turkey and wanted to run away. Eventually, after World War I, it began to disintegrate, and what is now Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and so on, the chaotic states were all split from Ottoman Turkey.

According to the treaty of Sèvres at that time, Ottoman Turkey was basically divided, that is, completely collapsed. But Turkey's fate should not be extinguished, and two major events have affected Turkey's history. One is that Turkey has a strongman, Mustafa Kemal. Under Mustafa Kemal, the Young Officer Corps refused to sign the agreement for the partition of Ottoman Turkey. So when The British and French look at it, then teach you a long memory again, and if you don't obey, you will speak with strength.

At this time, the First World War had just ended, and Britain and France did not want to continue to sacrifice their own people in such a place where birds did not, so the old routine, paying for disaster relief, looking for agents, that is, They had not been dealing with Turkey across the Mediterranean Sea. At this time, there was the second major event to save Turkey, when the old king, who was loved by England and France, walked his dog, the dog and a monkey fought, and the old king went to pull a fight, and the result was scratched by the monkey, and it did not take long to die, and the newly appointed king, England and France did not like it, so the supply was cut off, and Greece could not fight, so the army was withdrawn. But even so, if you look at the coastline of Greece today, it has been paddled to the beaches of Turkey, and swimming in Turkey may be an illegal crossing of the border if you are not careful.

So, in Turkey today, you can still hear the people saying that the country was saved by a great man and a monkey. Later, the new treaty, the Treaty of Lausanne, was signed in 1923 to preserve the territory of present-day Turkey. Of course, it is less than one-tenth of the peak period, and it is difficult to say everything in these years.

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