
Excerpt from Veronica Decides to Die

author:Xie Xiaojing littlettlejing
Excerpt from Veronica Decides to Die

1. It's also quite consistent with what she's done all her life, looking for things that are easy to come by or at her fingertips.

2. Everything happens by accident.

3. It is outside, it is inside, it is in the mountains around her, it is in the square in front of her eyes: Slovenia is her homeland.

4. At the moment she is only proud of herself, she finally has the ability to have the courage to give up her life, what a joy!

5. In any case, the world is at the end of the twentieth century, but there are still many people who are convinced of the myth of gods and ghosts.

6. Life is nothing more than a matter of waiting for the best time.

7. The reason for suicide is not because of sadness, pain, or depression. How many afternoons she had happily strolled through the streets of Ljubljana, or watched from the window of the convent as snow flakes fluttered in the small square where the statue of the poet stood. Once, a strange man gave her a bouquet of flowers in the center of the square, and for almost a month she was so happy that she seemed to wander in the clouds.

8. She believes she is an ordinary person and that the decision to commit suicide stems from two simple reasons. The first reason: everything in life is the same, and once youth is gone, everything will develop in a bad direction. Aging will leave an irreversible mark, disease will come, friends will be gone. In the end, being alive does not add luster to life, but on the contrary, the possibility of suffering is greatly increased. The second reason is more philosophical: Veronica reads newspapers and watches TV, and she knows what's going on in the world. Everything went wrong and she couldn't get the situation back, which made her feel incompetent.

9. Man struggles to survive, not to yield. Humans need to reproduce. Society needs labor. Even if love is gone, the couple still needs a reason to live together. A country needs soldiers, dignitaries and artists.

10. If God existed, He would understand that human understanding is limited. It was He who created this chaos, filled with poverty, injustice, greed, and loneliness.

11. This will be a fond memory of her life: it is nearly dusk, the music is melodious, the dreams of the other side of the world are poured out, the room is warm and comfortable; the handsome, vibrant lad who passes by, stops and looks at her face to face.

12. Ah! What a pain in this world! It is unique and can never be confused with anything else.

13. I feel like it's the happiest time of her life because she's fighting for something and she feels full of energy and able to fight all the challenges she has to face.

14. I have never heard her speak like this, in such a calm tone, so conceited. She said she couldn't talk about being happy or unhappy, and because of that, she couldn't stand it anymore.

15. In a world where you want to live at any cost, how do you evaluate those who decide to die? No one can make an evaluation. Everyone knows what they are suffering from, or how meaningless their lives are.

16. Green eyes, brown hair, a look of utter indifference, which belongs to those who do things because they have to do it, and they never ask why the regulations require this or that.

17. This is true in every family, where people tend to shift the blame to outsiders and vow that when parents make such a big decision, they don't know what they're doing.

18. He would not have made it public before his parents died because he did not want to hurt them, and for many years they blamed themselves for what they had done.

19. People are always inclined to help others, feeling that they are better than the real ones.

20. I will tell all people that children are my reasons for life, when in fact, they are asking me to find a reason for life.

21. People always think that we are a happy couple, but no one knows the loneliness, pain, and abandonment hidden behind the appearance of happiness.

22. Accept life as it is, not what I imagined it to be.

23. Life is like this, neither moving forward nor changing.

24. Throughout her life, many people she knew were keen to talk about the misfortunes of others, as if they were very willing to lend their hands to each other, but in fact the misfortunes of others made them happy, because then they could consider themselves happy and believe that life was more generous to them.

25. Her whole life has been waiting: waiting for her father to come home from work, waiting for the lover's unannounced love letter, waiting for the year-end exam, waiting for the train, the car, the phone, the holiday, the end of the holiday.

26. Generally speaking, the day a person dies is precisely the day he feels he will not die.

27. She doesn't want to make friends, she doesn't want to develop relationships, and she doesn't want to form alliances with people to start a lunatic asylum riot. She had only one obsessive thought: death. If she can't escape from here, she will also find ways to end herself as soon as possible.

28 A madman is a person who lives in his own world, or rather, a person who is different from other people.

29 Even though that person exists only in her fantasies, she still has the right to live or not to live as she wishes.

30. I want to continue to be a lunatic and live the way I dream and not the way others want.

31. There is no sun, but there is light that can help you calm your hearts.

32. She knew for a long time that when new situations arise, she should remain cold and calm.

33. Precisely because she feels that everything does not matter, she accepts what life gives her. As a teenager, she felt that it was too early to choose, and now that she was young, she felt that it was too late to change.

34. True love will change, develop over time, and will have new ways of expressing itself.

35. When the days are set in stone, time passes faster.

36. She was going to die, but she had never experienced anything.

37. Even on the outside, as long as she is smart enough, she can cope with life's challenges while doing what she wants to do. You can cry, you can worry, you can lose your temper, just like any normal person, but don't forget that on top of that, the soul is mocking all the predicaments.

38. A person's growth comes at a price, and she is paying, without complaint or regret.

39. Now, in Ljubljana's small central square, the poet's eyes gaze in one direction, and following his gaze, on the other side of the square one sees a woman's face carved into the wall of a house. That was Julia's residence. Even after death, Presheeren was always waiting for his hopeless love.

40. People don't learn from what they hear, they find out on their own.

41. A madman is a person who cannot express his opinion. More or less, we are all crazy.

42. She looked at the firmament and felt an indescribable sense of comfort, as if the infinity of the universe also contained eternity.

43. "How can a man hate himself?" "Maybe it's because of cowardice, or it's because of the constant fear of making mistakes, of not living up to the expectations of others."

44. She has done a lot of things to the end in her life, but it is insignificant, such as a quarrel that can be resolved by a word of sorry, but she has to argue between right and wrong, or never call the man she loves again, because she thinks that love will not come to fruition. She only shows her stubbornness in simple things to prove that she is strong enough not to be emotional. In fact, she was a fragile woman, whether academically, athletically, or in family relationships, and she never showed anything outstanding.

45. She has the outward appearance of an independent woman, but on the inside she desperately wants someone to accompany her. In order to make all her friends think that she was an admirable role model, she spent almost all her energy, expecting her behavior to conform to the image she had created for herself.

46. In fact, like everyone else in the world, she needs other people to be happy.

47. When she wants to be alone, she refuses to show affection and refuses to talk to people. Now she is free enough to feel the hatred, but she must be vigilant enough not to destroy everything around her.

48. It is this unrequited love that fills her with self-blame and always wants to live up to her mother's expectations, even though it means giving up her dreams. It is this love that for decades has prevented her from seeing the filth and challenges of the world, completely disregarding the fact that one day she will find out for herself, and without any ability to face and resist.

49. Veronica bathes in a deep tranquility. She looked up again and looked up at the night sky. The stars are dotted, and the crescent moon is like a hook, sprinkling the light gently to her place. Once again, she felt that infinity and eternity were going hand in hand.

50. If you don't want to be doomed, you must learn to share responsibility.

51 The happier one can live, the more unhappy he becomes.

52. The reality is that most people think it should be. It doesn't need to be the best, it doesn't need to be the most rational, it just needs to conform to the wishes of most people.

53. She understands that she has love, tenderness, and protection in her life, but she lacks the same thing that turns it all into happiness: she should be more crazy.

54. Man cannot get used to his own faults. Look at me: I'm once again in love with the sun, the mountains, and trouble. The responsibility for the lack of meaning in life is not on others, but on oneself, and I now accept this fact. I want to see the squares of Ljubljana again, to experience love and hate, despair and boredom again, to feel the simplicity and triviality of daily life again, which is where the joy of life lies.

55. You have passed two of the most difficult tests on the spiritual path, one is to wait patiently for the right moment to come, and the other is to be brave not to be disappointed in what is happening.

56. Don't think all the time that you're going to make others uncomfortable. If other people don't like it, they'll bring it up. If they don't dare to mention it, it's their own problem.

57. Everyone has only the present, and it is always very short-lived.

58. Religion – Why can't she immerse herself in it and see how much faith and attachment she has left?

59. She dispels distractions, thinks of nothing, thinks only of existence. She gazed intently at the rose, saw herself, and she loved it all, but sadly found that life was so hurried.

60. There are more and more rules in society, and there are many laws that contradict them, and new rules are against the law, which makes people feel like needles, and no one can go beyond this invisible but guiding rule of all people's lives.

61.People create laws not to solve problems, but to prolong the struggle indefinitely.

62. But this is the case with human beings, who replace most of their emotions with fear.

63. What I want is a decisive change in my life. I want to take risks, I want to help other people, to do things I haven't done before.

64. Work is the best treatment. Travel, get to know the world, and when you feel like others need you, you're a useful person.

65. In our lifetime, we can make many mistakes. There is only one mistake that must not be made, and that is to ruin our mistake.

66. How nice it would be if everyone could learn to live with the madness in their hearts! People will only be more just and happier.

67. There will always be a man who thinks exactly the same as yours.

68 Whether the opinion is good or bad, it really exists only when man puts it into practice.

69 If people here or outside can live according to their own will and allow others to do the same, then God exists in every moment, within every particle of mustard, above every cloud that looms or appears.

70. Don't follow the rules of a lady or gentleman, but discover your own life, desires, and adventures. People must live well!

71. Go, enjoy your bread, drink your wine, for God has accepted you, your clothes will always be white, your hair will always be fragrant, and enjoy this life with your lover, in all the glitz and glamour that God has given you.

72. She doesn't need to explain her life to anyone.

73. What I would say is that if a person has little time left but spends that few hours sitting in front of a person's bed and watching him sleep, it can be called love. I would also like to say that if the person has a heart attack but is silent because she doesn't want to leave the man, then it can only be said that the love may have been deep.

74. Each of us lives in our own world. But if you look at the sky, where the stars are thick, the different worlds combine to form constellations, solar systems, and the Milky Way.

75. You have nothing to lose. Many people dare not love because there are too many things, too many pasts and the future will be entangled. And you are different, you only have now.

76. Everyone is unique, has his own traits and nature, and has different ways of pursuing pleasure and seeking adventure.

77. You are different, but you want to be like everyone else. I think this can be called a vicious disease.

78. To feel the existence of the land is to feel one's own vividness.

79 Diplomacy is not only an art of waiting, but also requires the ability to maintain a appearance of convention and etiquette in all circumstances.

80. Neither can you go forward nor turn back. Therefore, escape becomes the easiest way out.

81. Love is higher than wisdom.

82. Death consciousness motivates us to live longer.

83. Every second of our fragile lives, the unthinkable happens, so every day is a miracle.