
Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

author:Documentary in the shadow
Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?


Okotal is a notorious seductress who has lured thousands of women into dedicating themselves to him over a 10-year period and used them to network politically for himself.

So, what is so unique about Okotal that it can drive thousands of women crazy?

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

«——[The Formation of Ocotal's Religious Thought?]——»

In 1956, Okotal was born into a Catholic family in Ankara, Turkey.

As a child, he was a very quiet child, and his greatest hobbies were reading, drawing and thinking.

Among these hobbies, reading is Ocotal's inspiration, and then he will bring his worldview through thinking and finally express it with pictures.

In addition, probably because of his parents' religious devotion, Ocotal has his own beliefs from an early age, and he supports creationism and opposes evolution.

This can be seen in his whimsical and religious images, which may be why his paintings always seem a little obscure.

In fact, it is not so much that he is painting, but that he is immersed in his own spiritual world, creating from God's point of view.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

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Slowly, his "God perspective" was no longer limited to painting, and began to gradually extend to other areas of life.

For example, he began to indulge in philosophical references, made his own thoughts about the whole world and the universe, and gave reasonable explanations with his own will.

This was the early enlightenment of religious thought that belonged to Okotal himself.

Since then, Okotal has even derived a persuasive theory based on his own unique ideas.

It was at this stage that his life began its first major turn.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

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At that time, Okotal was already studying at the "Mima sinan Academy of Fine Arts" in Istanbul.

To know that this school is not simple, its status in Turkey alone is equivalent to the status of the "Central Academy of Fine Arts" in the mainland - it is a national art school.

It can be said that as long as Ocotal studied painting well in this school, it is equivalent to half a leg has entered the circle of Turkish artists.

But Ocotal gradually discovered a problem, that is, even if his artistic attainments could reach the pinnacle, he could not depict his spiritual world in its entirety.

In this case, he resolutely chose to give up the art major and began to study philosophy wholeheartedly.

For the ultimate goal of philosophy and religion is the same: to explore the knowledge of life and the world.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

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But philosophy mainly relies on thinking, logic and dialectical thinking to look at problems, and most of them are materialist.

Ocotal, on the other hand, was a thoroughly idealist who believed in creationism. So in the philosophy department, he thinks every day not about how to learn, but about how to change these theories.

Correspondingly, his otherwise quiet personality has also changed dramatically.

After that, Okotal even began to "lecture" and "preach" among his classmates, and his targets were mostly two types of people: rich children and beautiful girls.

Soon, with his excellent language skills and sharp thinking, he became a prominent figure in the school, and had a group of "die-hard fans" who bowed down to him.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?


At this time, Okotal felt greatly satisfied, and in order to continue to impact the greater "stimulation", he simply dropped out of school and published books while "preaching".

Most of these so-called writings are about his understanding of religion and philosophy, and the most common words in the whole text are words such as "universe", "human beings", and "origin".

With these empty, mysterious words, supplemented by Ocotal's deep eyes and magnetic voice, his followers grew and his lectures grew larger.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

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As Okotal's influence grew, he began to appear regularly in the news media.

But because the religious theories he preached were entirely the product of his own consciousness, he began to be regarded by the Turkish government as a factor of social instability.

In 1986, Ocotal was arrested on charges of "using religious sentiments to change the social, economic and political structure of the country."

But when the judge tried the case, he felt that Ocotal's speech was absurd and bizarre, and talked about the origin of the universe completely self-centered, so he thought that there was something wrong with his spirit and acquitted him.

Okotal escaped jail time, but was forced to stay in a mental hospital for 10 months.

In fact, it was after these 10 months that Okotal fully began his "cult" path.

What's going on here?

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?


«——[A complete communication system·]——»

To say that this Ocotal is really not an ordinary person, after he came out of the mental hospital, instead of restraining himself, he became more and more rampant.

He presented himself as a victim and referred to himself as a "political prisoner". At the same time, he hyped up the beauty of the kingdom under "theocracy."

It is reported that in order to be able to accept the "instructions of God", Okotal followed the ancient philosophers and meditated for a full 2 months.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

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By the time he reappeared in the public eye, he had "meditated" on a whole set of so-called "theological theories."

Because of the cutting-edge and sharp critical ideas of this "theological theory", it soon aroused heated discussion in Turkey.

It was also at this time that Ocotal's followers exploded, and believers came to the door from all directions.

To some extent, the Turkish government, far from restricting Okotal, was taken advantage of by him.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?


In order to continue to expand its influence, Okotal established a "Science Foundation Research Society" in 1990 to brainwash more people under the guise of seminars.

In addition, Okotal wrote a book of his own thoughts, defining himself as a clergyman, a "messenger of God" who came to preach, teach, and solve puzzles on earth.

Because the book is beautifully bound and accompanied by a large number of illustrations drawn by Ocotal himself, it will give people a very classic feeling for a while, and it will confuse many people.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

Ocotal's writings

Under such a double collision of thoughts and senses, most people are deeply trapped in it and cannot extricate themselves.

At the same time, when Okotal's book was released in 4 consecutive volumes, his followers in Turkey had reached tens of thousands!

But Okotal wasn't satisfied with this, and he created a website dedicated to showing his spiritual world, as well as some videos of daily "preaching" with believers.

In the end, Ocotal simply started his own TV station, and expounded his own distortions and fallacies, eroding people's sanity like a virus.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?


So far, Okotal has created a set of its own communication system.

With the continuous expansion of communication channels, Okotal's economic wealth has also continued to grow, and he has long earned a lot of money in the worship and worship of the people.

No one knows how much money Okoville has, just as no one knows how many luxury cars and mansions Okotal really has...

But there is one statistic that can be roughly calculated, and that is that at the peak of Okotal, there were 100,000 believers sitting down!

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

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You know, there are probably more than 30 countries on our planet that have fewer than 100,000 people. Therefore, Okotal's influence at this stage has reached its peak.

Among the 100,000 believers in Ocotal, more than 1,000 female believers surrounded him, and they did not hesitate to break with their original families!

Seeing this, I believe many people can't help but ask: What is the magic of Ocotal?

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?


«——【Ocotal's "kittens"?]——»

When Ocotal accumulated a great deal of wealth, he began to devote himself to building his own "religious harem".

First, Ocotal carefully selected a number of young, lean male believers to seduce women.

Once successful, these women became "tributes" to these male cultists and were offered to Okotal.

Then Okotal would begin to brainwash them, instilling in them words such as "The body is the vehicle of Pleasure that God has given you, and you must pursue freedom."

Simply put, there are secret words that encourage these women to take the initiative to dedicate themselves.

For women who actively dedicate themselves, Okotal calls them "kittens", and the number of dedications represents their loyalty and determines their status in the "Okotal Religious Order".

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

Ocotal and his "kittens"

For those women who do not take the initiative to dedicate themselves, Okotal calls them "infidels" and "homosexuals".

Usually, Okotal will use tough tactics to force these women to submit, and in the process, there will be some violence and conspiracy, and some people will commit suicide because they can't bear it.

But the disappearance of a life could not even stir up a splash in Ocotal's heart, and he even used this incident as his own capital to show off, telling his friends around him.

It can be seen that at this stage Okotal's heart has been completely distorted.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

Ocotal and his "kittens"

Even more distraught, Ocotal practiced "slavery" for the female believers under the seat, that is, female believers should give their whole body to the master and leave it to the master.

This includes helping Okotal achieve a "power deal."

This is also why Okotal is so high-profile, but it has always been able to get away with it.

In fact, since the 1980s, Okotal has focused on making friends with some business celebrities and religious figures.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

Ocotal and the "Big Man"

In order to maintain these relationships, Okotal often has a very generous hand, and from time to time he will offer his "kitten" as a surprise.

In a flash, these "celebrities," "dignitaries," and "big men" became grasshoppers on a rope with Okotal.

In this case, in order to ensure the quality of the "kittens" and to facilitate his own management, Ocotal will let these women undergo plastic surgery according to their own aesthetics.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

Women who follow the aesthetic of Okotal plastic surgery

The most disgusting point is that Okotal will ask these women not to use anesthetics during plastic surgery!

It is said that Ocotal said that this was the pain they had to endure because their appearance was not perfect...

It can be said that his words and deeds are described by the four words of "heartbreak", which is no exaggeration.

In addition to looks, Okotal also has dress codes for these women, especially those who want to participate in his TV shows, and must wear designer clothes.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

Ocotal's "Kitten"

That's because they need to dance to the camera in turn on the set of the recording, and when the TV goes on, the "big guys" in front of the screen will tell Ocotal what they like.

But on the other hand, most ordinary people are very disgusted to see such a TV show, but no matter how they report it, the situation has not improved in any way.

Until one day, a man named Kaukak saw two familiar figures on TV...

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

Daughter of Kaukak

«——[Ocotal falls to the altar·]——»

Although Ocotal did not know Kaukak, Kaukak's hatred of him was no longer a day or two.

It turned out that Kaukak's wife was one of Okotal's "kittens", and after joining the "Okotal Religious Group", she resolutely broke off relations with her husband.

At the time of the divorce, Kokak's wife claimed that the church could meet all her needs, so she didn't want any property. But it was inconvenient for the two daughters to live with their father, so she needed custody.

Kaukak agrees with his wife's statement, just as there is a Chinese proverb called "female grand avoidance of father", foreigners also have this awareness.

But in 2018, Kaukak saw two familiar figures on Ocotal's TV show, which were his two daughters!

Kokak could not sit still for an instant, knowing that his daughter was still a minor, but she was scratching her head in an unclothed costume on TV.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

And Kaukak could clearly see that both daughters had been plastic surgery.

An enraged Kaukak called the police that day, and then took Okotal to court on the grounds of "luring underage girls into a cult."

At first, Ocotal did not pay attention to such a situation, believing that his "friends" would help him deal with it.

However, thanks to The efforts of Kaukak, the matter began to be reported by various media, huge public opinion was unfolded in Turkey, and other victims also came forward to speak out.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

The victims came forward to speak

Finally, Okotal's "friends" couldn't stand the pressure.

On July 11, 2018, it was reported that the Office of the Turkish Attorney General issued an arrest warrant against Okotal and 234 members.

When Ocotal, 62, received the news, he absconded, but the Turkish police were determined to arrest Ocotal and launched a carpet search.

In this case, Octar naturally had nowhere to escape.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

Okotal was arrested

Meanwhile, Turkish police have also found 69,000 birth control pills in Ocotal's home, already stockpiling bulletproof vests and guns and ammunition.

Above the court, Okotal maintained his usual arrogance, calling all of his thousands of "kittens" his girlfriends, claiming to be clergy, which was love for believers.

As for the 69,000 birth control pills, Okotal called it "to alleviate their physiological needs."

Later, in the two-year investigation and evidence collection of the Turkish police, Okotal's viciousness gradually surfaced, he not only dabbled in money laundering, kidnapping, illegal wiretapping, sexual assault, military espionage, illegal detention...

He even participated in the planning of the coup d'état, although it did not succeed, but also caused the death of more than 200 people!

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

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With regard to the facts of Okotal's crime, the prosecution compiled a full 500 pages of appeals.

But because there was no death penalty in Turkish law, Ocotal was eventually sentenced to 1075 years and 3 months in prison.

The case seems to be over, and the believers around Okotal are scattered, but the religious activities he is engaged in are actually harmful for thousands of years.

Take Kaukak's two daughters, who have lost their selves to Ocotal's beguided and unwilling to return to their father even in the end.

Fortunately, in the end, Kaukak regained the custody of the two girls through legal channels.

Such a result can also be said to be very lucky.

Here, we also hope that others who were once superstitious about Okotal can find themselves and live a good life again.

Ocotal: How could the infamous Lords of Sex demons make thousands of women mad?

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From Ocotal's criminal history, it can be seen that he is a character with high intelligence and high personality charm, but because of his distorted three views, he has embarked on the road of crime.

He tried to build a new world system, but created a cult full of ugliness and hypocrisy, which is to put it bluntly, to carry out his own evil beastly behavior under the guise of God.

Human differences are doomed to make it impossible for everyone to be satisfied, but this is not a reason to enslave others and cause chaos in society.

Establishing the correct three views and creating value with one's own hard work is real and can stand the test of time.

What do you think about that? Feel free to leave your own insights!

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