
Tree House / Sebastian Cox, West Yorkshire, UK

author:Architectural appreciation
Tree House / Sebastian Cox, West Yorkshire, UK

This year's Harrywood Biennale returns under the theme of "Radical Behavior," inviting producers to explore the role of craftsmanship in solving current crises. British designer Sebastian Cox took part with his "Sylvascope" tree house to explore the benefits of cutting down trees on poorly managed woodlands and using wood as a sustainable craft material.

The wooden structure was built on the estate of Harewood House, a mansion in West Yorkshire, where the Biennale is currently taking place.

Tree House / Sebastian Cox, West Yorkshire, UK

Cox commented on Instagram: "The tree house is part of a larger management plan that will help restore biodiversity in a grove of woods near Harewood Manor. As Cox explains, poorly managed woodland means that tall trees occupy every square meter, leaving no room for shrubs and wildlife that depend on them to grow. Cutting down trees can solve this problem; it creates clearings where sunlight can reach the ground, ultimately helping new life grow.

As a society, we often talk about tree planting, but no one dares to talk about cutting down trees. In addition to thriving under management, woodlands always have to cut down trees. I want to bring the material from the tree felling into a structure of woodland that is being restored and managed, for the public to think about when visiting."

Tree House / Sebastian Cox, West Yorkshire, UK

Cox said: "The tree house was designed as a viewing platform nestled between two tree trunks. It was built from larch, alba and oak from The Harewood Estate. Its woven façade is satisfied by a ladder and two opposing openings. It focuses your gaze on specific areas of woodland management, allowing you to see how those areas will change over the next few years."

From sawing to planks and weaving, the design appeals to and celebrates the different construction techniques that are unique to woodworking. The surplus wood left behind was cut and left for sale, or distributed to locals and other artisans.

The tree house will be on display at Harrywood House until July 2022.

Tree House / Sebastian Cox, West Yorkshire, UK
Tree House / Sebastian Cox, West Yorkshire, UK
Tree House / Sebastian Cox, West Yorkshire, UK

Project Information:

Name: Sylvascope

Location: Harleywood House, West Yorkshire, UK

Implementation : Sebastian Cox

Project: Harrywood Biennale 2022

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