
17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

author:Knight of Don Quixote

"The sky is still hazy and there are still pigeons flying, who will prove the love and life of those who do not have tombstones." The snow is still falling, the villages are still peaceful, and the young people have disappeared into the birch forest. ”

This is the lyrics of Park Shu's classic song "Birch Forest", and the sad melody of the accordion is matched with a somber singing voice, vividly and delicately depicting the great sacrifices made by the Soviet people during World War II to defend their homeland, their weariness with war and their expectations for peace.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

In fact, on the sino-Russian border in northern China, there have also been countless anti-Japanese fighters who have paid the price with their lives to resist imperialist aggressors and fascists.

Today, we want to know a beautiful and heroic "messenger of peace": 17-year-old, she risked her life to go up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, but she was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a turban. She is Galia.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > beautiful and intelligent half-race girl</h1>

People who have seen the movie "Purple Sun" will remember the beautiful and pure Japanese girl Akihachi in the play: originally poisoned by militarism, after witnessing the war to take away her relatives and lovers, she began to reflect on her education and chose to side with the anti-fascist Soviet army and Chinese.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

After Japan's surrender, she "announced the good news" to the soldiers of the motherland, cheering and thinking that she could return to her hometown, but was killed by the Japanese fascists who had lost their conscience.

What is not known is that this poor and lovely autumn leaf had its prototype in World War II. It's just that the real "Autumn Leaves" is not a Japanese girl who has been brainwashed since childhood, but a beautiful and brave Chinese-Russian mixed girl - Galia.

In 1928, Galia was born in Suifenhe City, on the Sino-Soviet border. Galia's father was Zhang Huanxin, a Chinese, a native of Shandong who left his hometown in the early years to "break into the Kanto" in the northeast. Because Zhang Huanxin was engaged in border trade, he was active in Vladivostok and Suifenhe all year round, also known as "running weizi".

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

Years of border trade allowed him to meet many Soviets, where he also met his Ukrainian-Soviet wife, Fresnel. After marrying Fresnel, Fresnel took the surname of her husband according to the Russian tradition and named Zhang Fijogra.

Soon after their marriage, they had two children. The eldest son was named Zhang Guolie, while the younger daughter was called Galia Vasilievna Dubeeva according to Russian custom, but because the name was so long, the family actually called her Gala.

The Galia siblings also inherited the handsomeness of their father and the beauty of their mother, with a tall and toned figure and deep Slavic features, especially the younger sister Galia, who was as beautiful as a doll.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

When she was a child, Galia lived a very happy life. Her family loved her, took good care of her life, and sent her to school for formal education.

Galia, who has a cheerful personality, also gets along well with chinese, Japanese, Soviet, Mongolian and other ethnic students at school, and she quickly learns Chinese, Japanese and Russian languages.

Not only that, she also loves music and has a "golden voice". In 1941, at the age of 13, she and her classmate Lida participated in a Concert of Russian Expatriates and won the first prize of the "Golden Lily Singer Award" with a song "White Thornberry Flower".

After graduating from the Lucia Ojo School at the age of 14, she stayed on to teach music classes and Japanese lessons because of her excellent grades. But because her father was busy with business, she went home two weeks later to help. Galia's life should have been calm and warm until the war broke it all.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > the thornberry flowers blooming in the fires of war</h1>

On September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army brazenly invaded northeast China, killing and looting along the way, and the haze of war shrouded the beautiful birch forest in the northeast of the motherland.

The Japanese army not only invaded the vast black land and oppressed the simple people of the northeast, but also tried to invade the Soviet Far East through the Tianchang Mountain along the Suifen River.

In order to maintain its image in the international community, Japanese imperialism has thrown out the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" as a cover to cover up its shameless behavior in Northeast Asia.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

Not only that, the Japanese army also intended to use the northeast as its newly opened colony, and a large number of native residents were relocated to "reclaim the wasteland", trying to use the three eastern provinces as the base for its "three months to destroy China".

Even more heinous is that in order to better "control" the angry people, they even introduced a series of enslavement educations and brainwashed the next generation with militarism. This infuriated the Chinese and Soviet peoples, who resisted the ravages and humiliations of the Japanese army with practical actions all the time.

All this was seen by the young Galia, who buried in her pure heart a bitter hatred for the Japanese invaders.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

In 1945, with the reversal of the situation in the world anti-fascist war, the three major fascist Axis powers fell one after another under the counterattack of the Allied forces, and the Japanese army was only left to survive in China.

On August 9, the Soviet Red Army entered northeast China to attack the Japanese remnants, and the two armies confronted each other at Tianchang Mountain on the border of the Suifen River. Tianchangshan was the last line of defense on the Sino-Soviet border, where the Japanese army had deployed a large number of military forts, and there were also many Japanese women and children who had moved in the fortress.

The humanitarian Soviet army could not bear to let the women and children in the fortress be injured, and decided to send people to persuade them to surrender before bombing the fortress. However, the Soviets spoke Russian, none of whom spoke Japanese, and they needed a translator, so the person in charge looked for a suitable translator in Suifenhe.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

Knowing that the Soviets needed a translator who was proficient in both Japanese and Russian Chinese, they invariably thought of Galia, who alone could speak three Chinese, so someone recommended Galia to the Soviets.

Galia also immediately stood up and said that she did understand the three Chinese. After communicating with the Soviets, she felt that it was very safe to go: the Soviets would send 4 soldiers with her into the fortress to protect her, and she readily agreed.

However, Galia's mother was not at ease, fearing that the fierce Japanese soldiers would harm her daughter. But Galia told her mother that there was no need to worry, there were still her Japanese friends in the fortress, and she was protecting her friends.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

On October 8, before Galia left, her mother saw that she could not help her, so she had to take off the flower turban on her head and tie it to her beloved daughter's head, watching her go to the depths of Tianchang Mountain.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > heroic angel of peace</h1>

In order to persuade the fierce Japanese army to surrender, Galia and her party took a lot of effort. It is said that they went to the fortress three times to talk, and the second time the Japanese army pretended to promise that they would stop resisting at 3 p.m. and surrender their weapons.

The kind-hearted Galia thought the Japanese would not deceive them and believed it. In the afternoon, they did not see the Japanese army ready, so they went up the mountain again. As a result, the Japanese treacherously shot and killed the Soviet troops who were going with them, dragging the unarmed Galia into the cave.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

The Soviets at the bottom of the mountain waited anxiously all night, but there was no one there, and knowing that something was wrong, they bombarded the fortress with full anger at the invaders. The Japanese troops in the fortress saw the situation and fought with trapped beasts, but unfortunately they were outnumbered, and after the Japanese surrendered, they only had 26 soldiers left, and they could only be captured.

After the battle, everyone searched for Galia's whereabouts, but there was no news. Finally, people found her flower headscarf on the mountain. The turban was given to her mother, Fresnel, and together with the only photograph she had left in the world with her brother, it became the last relic.

After the war, Fidoerchenko, a Soviet officer who planned the surrender, was awarded the Order of the Red Star. The Galaya and 4 Soviet soldiers who died for it disappeared without a trace in the dust of history, and no one thought they were martyrs except the people of Suifenhe.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

After 30 years of Galia's sacrifice, Fidolchenko finally revealed the true feelings of that year twice in the TV show, telling the world the unknown secret of Suifenhe's persuasion. He said emotionally that the medal belonged to Galia.

60 years later, in order to commemorate this young martyr, Suifenhe City specially built Galia Park, in which stands a beautiful bronze statue called "Messenger of Peace".

The statue recreates the scene of Galia waving her turban in front of the righteousness and fearlessly walking towards Tianchang Mountain, with a pair of wings beside her, symbolizing justice and peace.

17-year-old Galia, who went up the mountain to persuade the Japanese army to surrender, was rudely dragged into the cave, leaving only a beautiful and intelligent half-blood girl with a turban, a heroic angel of peace who bloomed in the flames of war

In the park, 33 veterans of the Soviet Army and veterans of the Chinese anti-Japanese army planted her favorite spruce and birch for her , symbolizing the civilization of Russia and China, and also symbolizing the long-term friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples.