
High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

author:Famous Doctor Online

On this night of food everywhere, the perfect match of barbecue + beer will not be less.

After drinking and eating, a late night joint appears tearing, knife cutting, biting pain, making people toss and turn unbearable, the pain makes people doubt life -

Don't think about it, it's a gout attack!

Tens of millions of people on the mainland suffer from gout

High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

The data of the "2021 China High Uric Acid and Gout White Paper" shows that the prevalence of hyperuricemia in China is 13.3%, the number of people is about 180 million, the number of people with gout is about 14.66 million, and nearly 60% of them are young people aged 18-35 years

Hyperuricemia has become the second largest metabolic disease after diabetes, and the "fourth highest" after hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia.

Uric acid is the product of purine metabolism, most of the purines are produced by their own metabolism, only about 1/3 of the purines are derived from food, so gout attacks and eating high purine foods have a certain relationship.

Gout is a joint pain caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint, and controlling the concentration of uric acid in the blood is the top priority to prevent gout.

If you ask what the high purine diet is, soybeans definitely make the list.

Each 100 grams of dried soybeans contains about 218 mg of purines, and the value is indeed not low, so that even soy products are "blacked" by people with high uric acid and are not welcomed.

But in 2016, the International Gout Guidelines explicitly stated that for all gout patients, low-fat dairy soy and plant-derived proteins are encouraged to be included in the diet.

At this time, some people began to scratch their heads: should I eat it or should I not eat it? What is the contradiction?

Soy products purine high? It's wrong

High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

In fact, the truth is very simple, dried soybeans certainly contain high purines, but according to our usual eating habits, we rarely choose to eat soybeans directly, the most common is to process soybeans into tofu and soy milk or cooked to eat.

Tofu and soy milk belong to diluted soybeans, 100 grams of soybeans can be made into 500 grams of tofu or 1000 ml of soy milk, plus purines are easily soluble in water, in the production process of soy products, will soak soybeans, rinse and filter, these steps will accelerate the loss of purines.

As a result, about 70 mg of purine is left in 100 grams of tofu; only about 63 mg of purine is left in 100 grams of soy milk; cooked soybeans are less than 50 mg - 100 grams of food with less than 50 mg of purine content will be defined as very low purine food.

According to this standard, patients with hyperuric acid or gout do not need to fast soy products at all, except for patients with renal insufficiency.

True Category 5 Purine Big Household

High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

The "Chinese Food Ingredient List" published by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention collects data on the purine content of 490 foods in 17 categories in mainland China, and comprehensively investigates the purine content of foods on Chinese plates.

According to the data, the real purine households are these 5 types of food.

1. Internal organs

High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less
High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

Whether you are a bird or an animal, a cow or a chicken, the purine content of internal organs is extremely high, and the liver is even more pulled out. The most expensive foie gras purine has the highest amount, and this "value for money" is a bit hot.

2. Chicken essence

High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

Condiments a family to keep to themselves, but out of the chicken essence of this outlier, 518mg pressure on the whole list topped the first, cooking as little as possible to put it!

3. Fish, shrimp and crab shellfish

High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less
High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less
High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

Shrimp and shellfish in seafood and river fresh are obviously high in purines and need to be eaten less. However, among the fish, the purine content of marine fish is also particularly high-end, and the daily diet should also pay attention to lightning protection. However, fortunately, there are still some foods with very low purine content in the whole category, which can be appropriately selected.

4. Dried mushrooms

High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

The purine content of dried algae foods is high, and nori is also a big purine household as a regular customer on the table, due to the characteristics of being easily soluble in water, it is recommended that everyone drink less soup. The purine content of fresh mushrooms is significantly lower, and these fresh mushrooms are healthier as a daily dish.

5. Dried beans

High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

As has just been said, unprocessed legumes have a high purine content, and among them, the purine content of fava beans is even better. And because of cooking habits, broad beans are generally fried and used to make appetizers, and the intake of purines is greater, and everyone pays attention to lightning protection.

The rest of the eggs, nuts, vegetables and fruits and other foods, the purine content is not high, do not need to worry about them.

For asymptomatic people with hyperuricemia, gout intermittent and chronic stages, low-purine foods can be eaten with confidence, and foods with medium purine content can be eaten in moderation.

The gout diet is more than just a cautionary tale

High uric acid fasting soy products? Miss by a mile! Stay away from gout, and these purines should be touched less

1. Sweetness is the enemy of gout

The "enemy" of gout patients, in addition to a variety of foods rich in purines, there are also foods rich in fructose. It will affect the level of blood uric acid, accelerate uric acid production, raise blood uric acid, and reduce uric acid excretion.

Oranges, lychees, persimmons, and guiyuan fructose are not low, and they need to be eaten as little as possible, and desserts such as honey, sugary drinks, and cakes are not recommended.

2. Be careful to die and live with wine

The alcohol itself is not high in purines, but it will reduce the efficiency of renal uric acid removal, increase uric acid production and secretion in the body, promote purine absorption, and lead to an increased risk of gout attacks.

In particular, beer is often accompanied by greasy and high-salt foods, and the result is an increase in uric acid, but the amount excreted through urine is reduced, and gout is more likely to be induced.

With the abundance of diet, the incidence of "gout" in Chinese is high. Although the food is very refreshing, the gout attack is also "really fatal".

Don't want to be sick on the body, pay attention to your mouth, diet do not neglect!


1. Can I eat soy products with high uric acid and gout? The answer you can't think of!.Medical community.2018-03-10

2. Do soy products cause gout? This is probably the biggest myth for gout patients. True for all. 2017-06-15

3. Rely on this "food purine table" to get the daily diet of gout patients!.Endocrine Channel of the medical community.2020-06-03