
Men age and excel! The body has 5 abnormalities, the body or going downhill, early adjustment

author:Doctor nonsense

  Although there is a saying that men have forty-one flowers, men in modern society are affected by work and family pressures, which also makes male friends enter aging early. Especially after a man is over 30 years old, he does not pay attention to maintenance, and the aging rate will be faster.

Although aging is a natural law that human beings cannot resist, it is necessary to find the signal of aging in time and actively adjust the lifestyle in order to delay the speed of aging.

Therefore, when men gradually have 5 symptoms, don't admit it, this is a sign of getting older.

Men age and excel! The body has 5 abnormalities, the body or going downhill, early adjustment

  First, hair loss

  As we age, the hair follicles will gradually shrink, the growth rate of hair will slow down, and the rate of falling will increase, which will lead to hair loss. Related studies have found that 60% of patients with hair loss have a initial hair loss before the age of 25, of which 83.9% lose their hair before the age of 30, so many elderly people will gradually go bald.

After all, after increasing age, the body's ability to absorb nutrients decreases, and it cannot provide enough influence to the hair, which will cause endocrine disorders and poor blood circulation.

Men age and excel! The body has 5 abnormalities, the body or going downhill, early adjustment

  Second, decreased libido

  There are two reasons for the decline in sexual desire in 30-year-old men, one is the reduction of physiological needs, which is a typical symptom of aging. The other is psychological reasons, mainly and psychological pressure, coupled with aesthetic fatigue, so that the sexual desire is significantly reduced.

And both of these factors can lead to erectile dysfunction and decreased libido, of course, not all men will have, but after a certain age, you need to pay more attention.

Men age and excel! The body has 5 abnormalities, the body or going downhill, early adjustment

  Third, constipation

  The speed of intestinal activity directly affects normal bowel movements, so the elderly's intestinal activity is slow, and they do not like to drink water, which will lead to a decrease in water in the intestine and easy to constipation.

Therefore, the important manifestation of men getting old is constipation, which is closely related to the usual sedentary, and constipation is caused by long-term excessive mental pressure and aging of physical functions, men must pay more attention.

Men age and excel! The body has 5 abnormalities, the body or going downhill, early adjustment

  Fourth, white hands and feet

  When the hands and feet initially turn white, it indicates that the blood circulation in the body is not good, which may be a sign of hardening and aging of the arteries. And the hands and feet are also far away from the heart, when the body initially becomes old, the heart function will decline accordingly, so the blood transported by the heart can not flow well to the hands and feet in the distance, the hands and feet will be white, or even purple.

Therefore, when there is such a performance, we must pay attention to the care of the feet and hands, and we need to improve the situation by applying hot compresses frequently.

  Fifth, fatter than before

  The abdominal fat of the elderly will become more loose, which is called beer belly, and to some extent it is also a manifestation of the disease. In general, beer-bellied men have a higher chance of diabetes, fatty liver and high blood pressure, so it is not difficult to find that the amount of wine and barbecue they drink when they are old is the same as when they were younger, but they are more likely to gain weight.

Therefore, after reaching a certain age, it is necessary to actively exercise, do not have the idea of not exercising when you are old, which is very detrimental to physical health.

Men age and excel! The body has 5 abnormalities, the body or going downhill, early adjustment

  Although getting old is something that no one can change, don't worry and be nervous in the face of getting old, just stick to a good mood and a happy mood to face this fact, and strengthen your resistance through appropriate physical exercise, so as to resist various diseases.

And to delay aging, according to the above introduction, the most important thing is to adhere to the mentality of youth, while paying attention to the various diseases that may occur in the process of aging, after all, this is an unavoidable thing.