
What is the difference between children who do housework from an early age and children who do not do housework? Children who do housework will be better in the future

author:Kapok hemp

Wen 丨 Kapok Mom

If you want your child to be excellent in the future, then you must let your child do housework!

What is the difference between children who do housework from an early age and children who do not do housework? Children who do housework will be better in the future

Children who often do housework from an early age will have more advantages in these 4 aspects in the future!

01/Better academic performance

Harvard University did a study that tracked children for up to 20 years, and found that children who often do housework have a 15 times higher employment rate than children who do not do housework, and in terms of income, the former is 20% higher than the latter.

Our country has also done such a study, the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences on Beijing, Heilongjiang, Jiangxi, Shandong four provinces and cities of 200,000 primary schools to conduct a survey of the status of family education, the results show that the children who can do housework have better academic performance, and the proportion of children who do housework is 27 times higher than that of children who do not do housework.

Why does doing housework have such a magical "effect"? When you actually do housework, you will find that doing housework is actually a science, such as cleaning up the room, whether you think about doing housework in your mind, doing housework, you will always have a plan in your mind: where to put this thing, sweep the floor first or wipe the table first.

So doing housework can exercise a person's logical thinking ability, everything is connected, learning is the same, learning also requires super logical thinking ability, so those children who often do housework, academic performance is better.

In addition, doing housework also requires diligence and patience, these qualities put on anything is a valuable quality, especially for learning, learning is not only the school's academic performance, learning is the ability to accompany a person's life, have the ability to learn, in the student era can achieve good results, after graduation in the workplace can also make a difference.

What is the difference between children who do housework from an early age and children who do not do housework? Children who do housework will be better in the future

02/ Stronger sense of responsibility

Often, my mother asked me: the child has no sense of responsibility at all, the school bag is littered, the books are thrown around, and the toys are thrown everywhere.

The key to solving this problem is: willing to use children!

Too many parents are usually reluctant to let their children do anything, even eating to feed their children, which is really not an exaggeration, but a true portrayal of most families.

Children are usually the center and center of gravity of a family, and the phenomenon of several adults surrounding a child is everywhere. Young parents only have one child, plus grandparents or grandparents who come to bring babies, four adults around a child, if the parents on both sides are close, in the same city, that is 6 adults around a child, not to mention let the child do housework, the child lives almost to open his mouth, clothes to reach out of life.

Therefore, it is normal for children to have no sense of responsibility, and if you want to cultivate your child's sense of responsibility, you must let your child work more, and parents must "fiercely" be willing to use their children.

Let the child do housework, let the child pay for the family, start from the small things such as taking out the garbage, and gradually exercise, so as to cultivate the child's sense of responsibility.

What is the difference between children who do housework from an early age and children who do not do housework? Children who do housework will be better in the future

03/ Can take care of themselves

An epidemic in Shanghai has made people witness many "laughing" moments.

There are interns who have just graduated, can't cook, and the potatoes distributed have sprouted, and they ask for instant noodles.

There are also middle-aged men at home, eating instant noodles for a month in a row, instant noodles are eaten, the takeaway can not be fixed, made rice at home, but will not cook, had to ask the neighbors for help in the group: which kind neighbor makes more dishes, share me a little!

Under the epidemic, people's state has been exposed, some can not eat because they can't cook, and some can still eat exquisitely in home isolation.

The difference is that parents are not aware enough of developing their children's abilities in this area.

Now we are willing to let the child suffer and be willing to use the child, tomorrow the child will have the ability to take care of himself, will take care of himself, and will live well in the future.

What is the difference between children who do housework from an early age and children who do not do housework? Children who do housework will be better in the future

04/ Happy life

When your life is in order, you will feel energetic in everything you do, and when your life is chaotic, you will feel uninterested in doing anything.

Jackie Chan once complained about Wang Lihong's attitude to life in the show, the studio was a mess, the socks were torn, and the dirty socks on the ground were thrown everywhere.

Although in the end Jackie Chan said: He now has a wife, and his life should be better.

Unexpectedly, in 2021, Wang Lihong was exposed to be Ma Baonan. It must be a good mood to see the dirty house become tidy, and when sad, a bowl of hot noodles can always heal the sad mood.

So do housework to clean up the room, make the food you want to eat, and take care of yourself in life, life will become happy.

What is the difference between children who do housework from an early age and children who do not do housework? Children who do housework will be better in the future

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