
To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

author:Pillow cat

After the unremitting efforts of everyone, on October 1, 1949, New China was officially established, although the founding of New China liberated the people, but this does not mean that from then on, the Chinese people can get rid of the war.

Only a year after the founding of New China, arrogant Americans began to fight against Korea.

In 1950, the United Nations army led by the United States went to Korea, repeatedly wandered near the 38th Parallel, and bombed the Dandong area of the mainland, and soon the war was about to spread to the Yalu River.

In response to this situation, the Central Committee immediately held an emergency military conference, when China had just experienced the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, and there was no shortage of capable generals in the Party.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Yalu river

Upon learning of the country's difficulties, the commanders of the major corps took the initiative to ask Miao to go to the front line to fight, and Premier Zhou, who was in charge of presiding over the meeting, said that this operation was not trivial, and who would send troops to Korea still needed careful consideration.

After the discussion, Premier Zhou said that because the geographical environment and climate of North Korea are similar to those in the northeast, the people of the Four Wild Forces can adapt faster after they arrive there, so the Four Wild Troops should be allowed to fight in Korea.

After listening to Premier Zhou's analysis, everyone unanimously expressed their approval.

However, at this moment, Lin Biao stood up and raised an objection, saying that he could not let the commander of the corps, Huang Yongsheng, go to battle.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Lin Biao

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is urgent

China is a socialist country, while the United States is a capitalist country, because of different ideologies, so since the founding of New China, the United States has been doing its best to suppress the mainland.

Not long after the founding of New China, the Korean War broke out, and seeing the increasingly arrogant behavior of the Americans, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou and others soon could not sit still, and they held a special military conference to argue about whether to attack Korea.

At that time, many generals and officials did not agree to fight the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, because at that time New China had just been founded, and China's production had not yet been restored.

Chairman Mao, however, made a more detailed analysis of this matter.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Chairman Mao

Chairman Mao said: If the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is not fought today, then after the United States conquers Korea, the US military will set up camp at the gate of our northeast region, and we will regret it too late.

The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea must be fought, and if this generation does not fight, it will be left to future generations to fight in the future.

At Chairman Mao's insistence, the crowd accepted his proposal and officially entered a state of readiness for war.

After determining the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, another thorny issue was put before everyone, that is, which general should be sent to the battlefield to fight, and in mid-1950, Zhou Enlai announced the final decision at the Meeting of the Central Military Commission, and the Central Committee decided to let the Thirteenth Corps of the Fourth Field Army rush to the front as a strategic reserve.

Premier Zhou's decision was well thought out; first, the former commander of the Thirteenth Corps was Huang Yongsheng, who had been following our army in the southern expedition to the northern war since the red army period, and he had rich combat experience; second, the Fourth Field Army's combat experience in the northern region was also more abundant, so that they had a better chance of winning.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Huang Yongsheng

When Zhou Enlai announced this decision, everyone expressed their approval, but at this time Lin Biao proposed: Huang Yongsheng could not go to the front line to direct the war, but wanted to change someone.

Lin Biao said that after the Thirteenth Corps went to Korea, it was necessary to face the AMERICAN army, this war is very important to us, the commander of the Thirteenth Corps, Huang Yongsheng, has no way to command such a large-scale foreign operation, and Deng Hua of the Fifteenth Corps should be allowed to take his place, and Luo Rongheng also expressed support for this matter.

Because Luo Rongheng had joined the revolutionary ranks very early, and because he had a high reputation in the party, spoke with great weight, and served as the political commissar of Siye, after he expressed his opinion, everyone did not raise any more questions, and then Chairman Mao also approved the resolution to let Deng Hua replace Huang Yongsheng.

The reason why Lin Biao replaced Huang Yongsheng at this time is not because he and Huang Yongsheng have a personal vendetta, but because Huang Yongsheng's own experience and personality are very special and complex.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Luo Rongheng (middle)

Go through complexity and deliberation

Huang Yongsheng was born on November 17, 1910 in Hubei Province, to an ordinary peasant family, and like most people who joined the Red Army, he witnessed the cruelty of war and experienced the suffering of the people at the bottom from an early age, so he also wanted to contribute to the cause of liberation and revolution.

Although Huang Yongsheng's family was poor, he did not succumb to fate, and in 1927, Huang Yongsheng single-handedly entered Chongyang County and became an ordinary soldier in the RegimentAl defense bureau.

In 1927, the autumn harvest uprising broke out, and Huang Yongsheng, who was active in the Chongyang area, also joined the uprising and played a great role, because the counter-revolutionary forces at that time were very large, so our army also suffered a great blow, and in the later period of the fight, there were not many people left on our army's side, and Luo Ronghuan and Huang Yongsheng were always in it.

After the end of the Autumn Harvest Uprising, Huang Yongsheng went up to Jinggang Mountain with a large army and began his revolutionary career.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Huang Yongsheng

Huang Yongsheng was a person with a very high ideological consciousness, he did not passively avoid the battle because of his personal safety, and every time he fought, he always charged the front line, so later, he was recognized by his superiors and sat in the position of squad leader.

Not only during the Red Army period, but also during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, he also made great achievements, and during the Liberation War, Huang Yongsheng led his troops to the southern part of the mainland many times, liberated Guangzhou, forcibly crossed Hainan, made outstanding military achievements, and served as the commander of the 13th Corps.

Judging from his resume, it was no problem for him to lead his troops to the front line, but Lin Biao, who had worked with him many times, put forward a different opinion, and Lin Biao believed that Huang Yongsheng's combat ability might not be suitable for the Korean battlefield.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Huang Yongsheng

Huang Yongsheng was previously a subordinate of Lin Biao, and Lin Biao was very clear about his ability, and when the Ji'an War was fought, Chen Cheng led the reorganized 84th Army Air Force to fight and was surrounded by our army.

Lin Biao originally planned to annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop, but in the specific course of the battle, Huang Yongsheng had a problem due to a mistake in judgment.

Because Huang Yongsheng mistakenly led this war, the annihilation war that surrounded the enemy became a defeat war, and a large number of enemy troops successfully escaped the encirclement of our army.

Lin Biao believes that Huang Yongsheng's experience is indeed very sufficient, but he is not suitable for fighting on a foreign battlefield, and if he misjudges the situation as before, it will be a devastating blow to our army, and the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is very important, and our army cannot afford to take this risk.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Huang Yongsheng

In fact, in addition to combat ability, Huang Yongsheng also has some personal style problems.

Because of the problem of personal style, Luo Ronghuan also repeatedly accused Huang Yongsheng, this time the People's Volunteer Army is to represent China to fight in Korea, this team represents not only China's military capabilities, but also Represents China's face.

If because of Huang Yongsheng's personal problems, China has a bad influence in the world, it will not be worth the loss, so he proposed to let Deng Hua fight for Huang Yongsheng at such a critical juncture.

It is precisely for this reason that Lin Biao's proposal was approved by Luo Ronghuan and Chairman Mao.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Lin Biao

See the real chapter on the battlefield

Deng Hua was also a veteran with great combat experience, as early as 1927, he joined the Communist Party of China, he not only participated in the agrarian revolution, the Long March of the Red Army, but also participated in many major battles in the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation.

He successively served as a party representative, regimental political commissar and brigade political commissar of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and because of his superior combat ability, he later became a column commander, a military commander, a corps commander and other important positions.

The reason why Lin Biao recommended him was because deng hua had found Lin Biao long before the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and he had studied the enemy commander MacArthur, and because Deng Hua had studied MacArthur's command skills and marching style, Lin Biao believed that it was the most suitable person to let him go to the front.

When Lin Biao made this suggestion, Deng Huaren was still in Guangdong, and after receiving Lin Biao's appointment, he rushed to Beijing immediately.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Deng Hua

As soon as the two men met, Lin Biao went up and shook hands with him cordially, and told him about the current emergency situation, Lin Biao said to him, you lead the Thirteenth Corps to deploy in the Yalu River area, ready to fight in the DPRK at any time, remember, we must win glory for the country, do not lose our four wilderness people.

Deng Hua knew that Lin Biao had high hopes for him, so he saluted Lin Biao at that time and replied firmly: "Yes!" ”

After saying this, Deng Hua continued, I still want to make a request, I hope that Hong Xuezhi and other leaders and organs of the Fifteenth Corps can go to the northeast with me in order to command and cooperate.

After arriving in the northeast, Deng Hua and Hong Xuezhi did not rest at all, and immediately launched an investigation into the situation in North Korea.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Hong Xuezhi

After analyzing the current situation, they immediately sent a report to the Central Committee, in which Deng Hua boldly guessed the offensive line of the US army and put forward many constructive suggestions.

Deng Hua's prediction provided great help to the preparation of the volunteer army, and even the commander-in-chief Peng Dehuai praised him.

Deng Hua was very good at psychological warfare, and when he first entered Korea, he took advantage of the arrogant psychology of the US military and adopted the combat method of interspersed movement, struck the enemy hard, and won many battles.

When he saw the war report, Peng Dehuai was also overjoyed, continued to support Deng Hua, adopted his designated combat strategy, let him command many wars, and destroyed tens of thousands of enemies.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Deng Hua

On October 14, 1952, Deng Hua directly participated in the deployment and commanded the world-famous Battle of Shangganling.

He led more than 40,000 soldiers, relying on the strong defensive positions with tunnels as the backbone, and fought bloody battles with more than 60,000 United Nations troops for more than 40 days.

The Battle of Shangganling played a very important role in the entire War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

In order to win the battle, the Un Army brought in more than 300 artillery pieces, 170 tanks and more than 3,000 sorties.

The intensity of the battle was unprecedented, especially the density of artillery firepower, which had even exceeded the highest level of The Second World War.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Battle of Shangganling

Because the US military put too many weapons in the war and the firepower was too dense, when the war was fought in the middle and late stages, our army had already declined, but even so, the volunteer soldiers still stuck to the same place, and under the command of the commander, they turned the tide of the war and created a miracle.

The victory in the Battle of Shangganling not only demoralized our army, but also directly caused the anti-war sentiment of the American soldiers.

After the end of the Battle of Shangganling, the mentality of the soldiers had changed a lot.

As a result of the long-term deep involvement in the Korean War, the United States has lost more than 100,000 troops in Korea, and the high military expenditure and huge casualties have made the United States war-weary and affected the confrontation between the United States and european union countries against the Soviet Union and its allies.

Not only the American people, but even the U.S. government are looking forward to ending the war as soon as possible, so they have begun to send a bargaining probe to the mainland.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Victory at the Battle of Shangganling

In order to cooperate with the armistice negotiations, the volunteer army launched one or two phases of operations in succession to force the US military to make concessions, but just when the US military and China were seeking solutions, the Rhee clique expressed a strong attitude of resistance and frequently demonstrated to the mainland.

In order to strive for a reliable and stable truce, the Volunteer Army adjusted its battle plan and launched the Battle of Jincheng.

On the night of July 13, 1953, Deng Hua personally organized and commanded the Jincheng counterattack, annihilated tens of thousands of Rhee's troops, captured the deputy division commander of the pseudo-"capital" division alive, and forced the US army to sign the armistice agreement.

Peng Dehuai once commented on Deng Hua, saying that Deng Hua was a person with rich knowledge, a lot of brains, and a very discerning and thoughtful person who considered problems, and he was indeed a good helper.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Peng Dehuai

He Lei, director of the Research Department of Operational Theory and Doctrine of the Academy of Military Sciences, also once commented on Deng Hua, saying that Deng Hua was very good at grasping the key points in commanding operations.

Deng Hua has culture, love to think, and has experience; he has never adhered to the existing principles of conclusions, but with the changes in conditions in many aspects such as time and space, he proceeded from reality, analyzed operations according to specific conditions, and was good at innovation.

In 1953, after the victory of the Jincheng counterattack, Deng Hua officially served as the commander and political commissar of the Volunteer Army, and returned to China the following year to serve as the first deputy commander of the Northeast Military Region, acting commander, deputy chief of the People's Liberation Army and deputy chief of general staff and commander of the Shenyang Military Region, and in 1955, he was also awarded the rank of general.

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, the central authorities decided to transfer Commander Huang Yongsheng to the DPRK, but Lin Biao said: I want to change someone

Deng Hua (first from left)

In fact, there are many outstanding generals like Deng Hua in our barracks, each general has their own area of expertise, and each general also has their shortcomings, we should fully consider their strengths and weaknesses, and should not just blindly abide by dogma.

We don't know what the result would have been if Huang Yongsheng had gone to the battlefield to fight, but Lin Biao's courageous spirit of questioning is worth remembering and learning from future generations.


Ni Qingfeng's "The Legend of Huang Yongsheng, the God of War"

General Deng Hua in the Korean Battlefield . Chinese Communist Party News

Battle of Shangganling . People's Daily News

HUANG Yongsheng . Chinese government website