
Blood vessels are good or not, a trick can be self-tested, do 4 things well can improve the resistance of blood vessels, delay aging

author:GP online

Did you know that blood vessels also have resistance, which comes from the function of vascular endothelial, which is composed of countless endothelial cells. The function of the vascular endothelium is to maintain the normal physiological function of the blood vessels and avoid the invasion of harmful substances in the blood. As long as the vascular endothelial function is weakened and the vascular endothelial structure is damaged, the vascular resistance will be reduced, and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques will be promoted, thereby inducing acute myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction, etc. Which methods can judge vascular resistance.

Blood vessels are good or not, a trick can be self-tested, do 4 things well can improve the resistance of blood vessels, delay aging

What methods can determine the strength of vascular resistance?

1. Self-test

Clench your fist and open your palm 10 times, followed by a fist; have someone press the radial artery at the base of the palm with one thumb, press the ulnar artery with one thumb, and then extend the palm of the hand; press the finger of the ulnar artery to loosen, still press the radial artery, and then observe the color of the hand. The palm quickly returns to rosiness within 5 seconds, indicating that the collateral circulation is relatively perfect. Because these two arteries mainly provide blood to the palm of the hand, after pressing the blood vessel, the palm of the hand is whitish due to ischemia and lack of oxygen. No longer press the ulnar artery, still press the radial artery, as long as the radial artery is not narrowed, microcirculation function is better, then in just a few seconds the palm will turn rosy.

2. Vascular endothelial function examination

Vasodilation rate greater than 6% suggests good vascular endothelial function. Regardless of whether there is cardiovascular disease, middle-aged and elderly people should go to the hospital every year to do vascular endothelial function testing, judge the health of blood vessels, do a good job in life intervention, and delay vascular damage.

Blood vessels are good or not, a trick can be self-tested, do 4 things well can improve the resistance of blood vessels, delay aging

How to improve vascular resistance?

1. Adjust your diet

Strictly control sugar and cholesterol intake, pay attention to a light diet, and focus on fresh vegetables and fruits and grains containing vitamins and dietary fiber. Vegetable oils are used as cooking oils, such as olive oil, sunflower oil and corn oil, and food is cooked by steaming, boiling or cold mixing, and the daily intake of edible oil should not exceed 25 grams. Both men and women, whether abnormal blood lipids or not, should stay away from foods high in cholesterol, such as animal offal, fatty meat, and margarine.

2. Arrange a good living

Sleep enough for 7 to 8 hours a night, get up on time, and fall asleep on time. Anger or anger can stimulate catecholamine secretion, prompting plaque deposition in blood vessels, and mood swings can easily cause plaque to rupture and fall off, resulting in blood clots and inducing acute myocardial infarction. Therefore, we should maintain a calm mind and cultivate a positive and optimistic attitude.

Blood vessels are good or not, a trick can be self-tested, do 4 things well can improve the resistance of blood vessels, delay aging

3. Exercise more

Have more than 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, walking, cycling or jogging, swimming or playing ball, etc., 4 to 5 times a week. Moderate exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, promote blood circulation throughout the body, increase the content of hdL lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood, and also help remove inflammatory factors and delay blood vessel aging.

4. Stay away from cigarettes and alcohol

Lit cigarettes can release thousands of harmful substances, of which carbon monoxide, nicotine and tar can stimulate blood vessels, promote the thickening of the inner membrane of blood vessels, and the loss of elasticity of blood vessels, resulting in thrombosis and occlusion of the vascular cavity. The same is true for alcoholism, and frequent alcoholics are prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

Blood vessels are good or not, a trick can be self-tested, do 4 things well can improve the resistance of blood vessels, delay aging

A message from the family doctor

Adjust your diet and exercise moderately to improve your vascular resistance. At the same time, we should stabilize various indicators such as blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids, actively control weight, and reduce the waist circumference to less than 85 centimeters. People over the age of 65 should regularly go to the hospital for arterial ultrasound and angiography.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction