
Fish is rich in nutritional value, but there are 5 kinds, it is not recommended to eat more, I hope you can rest assured

author:Dr. Leung Ge Hong

#爱乐养生 #

Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, people's living standards are constantly improving, and there has been a great improvement in diet, and big fish and meat have also become the table of many families.

It can be said that fish is also the most common meat food in life, which is rich in protein, and contains saturated fatty acids, which are easier to digest and absorb by the human body, and can also help the body supplement a variety of trace elements, enhance resistance and immunity.

Fish is rich in nutritional value, but there are 5 kinds, it is not recommended to eat more, I hope you can rest assured

In addition, the fat calories in fish meat are very low, and you don't have to worry about getting fat when you eat more, especially the EPA and DHA contained in fish meat, also known as brain gold. Whether it is for small children or middle-aged and elderly people, eating more fish helps to maintain brain activity and improve memory.

And there are many kinds of fish methods, such as common steaming, stewing, frying, sweet and sour, etc., are very delicious, and fish has high nutritional value, and it is also a delicious food for all ages.

What are the benefits of eating fish regularly for the body?

1, fish meat is rich in animal protein, and the meat is tender and easy to digest, by eating fish can help the body to supplement sufficient protein, improve the body's resistance and immunity, as well as muscle content.

2, eat more fish, but also can help the body to supplement a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, such as DHA, EPA, these unsaturated fatty acids can be well absorbed by the human body, regulate the metabolism of fat in the blood, for the prevention of elevated blood lipids, there are great benefits.

Fish is rich in nutritional value, but there are 5 kinds, it is not recommended to eat more, I hope you can rest assured

3, and eat more fish, but also can help the body to supplement sufficient trace elements, such as zinc, selenium, iodine these trace elements can also constitute the raw materials of many enzymes in the body, thereby promoting biochemical metabolism in the body, more smooth.

4, fish meat is rich in animal protein, easier to be digested and absorbed by the human body, appropriate eating fish meat can also enhance resistance and immunity, promote muscle synthesis, improve physical fitness, but also speed up metabolism.

Fish is rich in nutritional value, but there are 5 kinds, it is not recommended to eat more, I hope you can rest assured

[1] Fish with an odor

I don't know if you have encountered such a situation in your life, when buying fish, many bosses will recommend fish meat that just died to you, and also declare that this fish has just died, the nutritional value is still there, but the price is relatively low, so many people will also buy it.

But everyone should be reminded. Even if the merchant says that this fish has just died, and hopes to learn to distinguish, you can smell the smell of the fish, if you emit a bad smell, it is likely to have deteriorated, and the meat is not delicious enough.

Such fish meat may breed a large number of bacterial viruses, if you often use this odorous fish, it will also lead to an increase in gastrointestinal burden, damage to the health of the intestinal system, cause harm to the body, increase the risk of disease, so remind everyone to buy fresh fish when buying fish.

Fish is rich in nutritional value, but there are 5 kinds, it is not recommended to eat more, I hope you can rest assured

[2] Strangely shaped fish

Under normal circumstances, we can know the shape of the fish, I believe many people are aware, but when buying fish, we often find the shape of some fish, which looks very strange, as if it is a deformed fish.

So this kind of fish is best not to buy, even if the price is cheap, do not eat easily, because the reason why the fish will grow into deformity, may be affected by pollutants, or caused by other factors, I hope you can correctly distinguish, for the sake of health, you must not covet cheap.

[3] Catfish

When it comes to catfish, I believe that many people will first think of the iron pot, catfish is very delicious to eat, and the taste is delicious.

However, everyone knows that the living environment of catfish is very harsh, it is easier to live in silt, and the water quality pollution is relatively large, which may cause catfish meat to contain toxins and parasites.

Regular consumption can also have an impact on physical health, especially for small children, and may even affect the development of intelligence and nerves, so fish like this is not recommended for everyone to eat more.

Fish is rich in nutritional value, but there are 5 kinds, it is not recommended to eat more, I hope you can rest assured

[4] Pickled fish

Many people in life like to eat pickled salted fish, this kind of fish meat after being cured and dried or fried, the taste is better, and it is particularly chewy.

However, it is best to remind everyone not to eat frequently, after a long period of salting, the intake of sodium ions exceeds the standard, and excessive intake will also increase the burden on blood vessels, causing increased blood pressure.

And will also produce nitrite this toxic substance, too much intake will also lead to body poisoning to increase the burden of the stomach and intestines, and even cause the risk of cancer, remind everyone to eat as little as possible.

Fish is rich in nutritional value, but there are 5 kinds, it is not recommended to eat more, I hope you can rest assured

[5] Wild fish

In life, many elderly people often emphasize that wild fish are rich in nutritional value and taste more delicious, so many rural people also like to go to the river to fish.

But this fish is not suitable for human consumption of wild fish, the survival of the water environment, we have no way to guarantee, coupled with the perennial in the wild, may also carry a large number of parasites and bacteria, often eat will also lead to increased gastrointestinal burden, thereby affecting health, here is also to remind everyone for the sake of health, try to eat less of this kind of wild fish.

Extending the --- the following for everyone to take stock of the taboo of eating fish, let's take a look at it...

1. Do not eat fish on an empty stomach

Although fish meat is rich in nutritional value and is good for human health, it is not recommended that everyone eat fish on an empty stomach, and fish meat is rich in purine substances.

The substance also needs carbohydrates, that is, rice to decompose, assuming that eating fish on an empty stomach may lead to an increase in uric acid concentration, an imbalance between acid and base in the body, aggravation or trigger gout.

Fish is rich in nutritional value, but there are 5 kinds, it is not recommended to eat more, I hope you can rest assured

2. Eat less sashimi

Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, people's living standards have been greatly improved, the food culture of other countries has gradually integrated into our country, and with the rise of Japanese food, sashimi has also had a large market.

Therefore, many people are also in order to pursue the taste, to meet their own mood ideas, began to eat a variety of sashimi, but this kind of uncooked sashimi, may contain parasites and bacteria, viruses, eat too much will also increase the burden on the liver, causing liver disease, remind everyone to eat less.

3, do not eat fish bile

Folk remedies believe that fish bile has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, but here to remind everyone, if you eat raw fish bile, it may cause the risk of body poisoning, but also lead to an increase in liver and kidney burden, and even cause liver and kidney failure, remind everyone like this food must not be easy to try.

Fish is rich in nutritional value, but there are 5 kinds, it is not recommended to eat more, I hope you can rest assured

4, learn where to eat where not to eat

According to research surveys, the mercury content in a fish is that the head is greater than the skin than the flesh of the fish than the roe.

Therefore, remind everyone that we must learn to distinguish which part of the fish is suitable for eating, which part is not suitable for eating, it is best to eat less fish head and fish skin.
