
Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

author:Beiqing Net

Chinese medicine believes that the five viscera correspond to the four seasons of nature, so we should maintain our main organs according to different seasons: nourishing the liver in spring, nourishing the heart in summer, nourishing the lungs in autumn, nourishing the kidneys in winter, and nourishing the spleen and stomach in the four seasons.

In the summer, we should focus on nourishing our hearts and raising them from eating first

Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

According to the theory of Chinese medicine, summer is fire, and the corresponding organs are "heart", so unlike the spring emphasis on liver nourishment, the main theme of summer health care is to nourish the heart.

The heart of TCM theory has two main functions: one is the main bloodline, and the other is the main consciousness. The function of the main blood vein is very close to the function of modern anatomy, so aerobic exercise such as long-distance running and swimming helps to nourish our cardiovascular system.

Dietary, you can favor cardiovascular foods, such as cucumbers, loofahs, pumpkins, watermelons, etc., are rich in vitamins and fiber.

Potassium-rich foods such as bananas, citrus, potatoes, celery, mung beans, kelp, milk, and buckwheat can help improve the body's susceptibility to potassium deficiency in summer.

Milk, soy products, chicken, lean meat, etc., can not only supplement nutrition, but also play a role in strengthening the heart.

Fat, sugar, and salt should be eaten less.

Nourish the mind, short-tempered is not enough

Nourishing the mind emphasizes the conscious cultivation of the spirit and maintaining a state of refreshment and happiness.

Because the summer fire is in full swing, people are most likely to be sad and happy. Maintain peace and pleasure, so as not to be sad, hurt the body, hurt the spirit, so that the body's internal organs function normally, so as to achieve the state of "good qi is sufficient, evil can not be done".

Chinese medicine believes that "summer qi and heart qi communicate" and "sweat is heart fluid". Lixia health, it is recommended to get up early to adapt to the characteristics of climate yin and yang, long days and short nights, corresponding to the growth trend of all things, and appropriate to go to bed late and get up early.

Of course, going to bed late and getting up early still has to ensure the necessary sleep time, not to let you go to bed at what time in the morning like the night cat, and get up early in the morning, which is difficult to do and unhealthy. At least 6 hours of sleep should be guaranteed, and a proper nap at noon should be taken to supplement sleep.

Guard against heart fire and suffer more

Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

Fire prevention in winter is afraid of accidentally eating too much hot food for warm supplementation, and it is recommended to control the amount.

But summer itself is the season of fire, spicy hot food is not simply to eat less, but can not eat without eating.

If you can, you should also eat some bitter foods, such as bitter melon, bitter vegetables, lotus seeds, lilies, etc., because bitter vegetables are rich in alkaloids, bitters, and have the functions of cooling, reducing fever, removing annoyance, refreshing and stomach.

Nowadays, with the popularity of refrigeration appliances such as air conditioning and air conditioning, the "bitter summer" has become less difficult.

But since the beginning of the summer, we have indeed entered the summer health track, and the focus of health care should gradually change from "liver protection" to "nourishing the heart", and food, clothing, housing and transportation must follow.

Take the drink.

In the summer, people are easily listless, and a cup of hot tea is really refreshing.

Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

The caffeine in tea is also called theophylline, and the chemical structure is similar to that of caffeine, but when brewing tea, the refreshing substances in the leaves are released slowly and persistently, which can keep people calm and long-lasting awake.

On this basis, we have a little "upgrade" to make six kinds of health teas, which will be more suitable for this "heart season".


Winter melon tea

Take an appropriate amount of winter melon slices and boil water, boil until cool, and then drink.

Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, quenching thirst, clearing liver and eyes.


Dandelion tea

Take an appropriate amount of dried dandelion and wash it, put it in a pot, add water to a boil over high heat, simmer for 1 hour on low heat, filter out the tea residue, and let it cool before drinking.

Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

Dandelion is rich in selenium and potassium, rich in lutein, which can prevent cirrhosis and enhance the function of liver and gallbladder.


jasmine tea

Place dried jasmine buds in a cup and brew in boiling water for no more than 5 minutes per brew.

Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

Jasmine tea can stabilize the mood, strengthen the spleen and dampness, reduce gastrointestinal discomfort, and moisturize the skin, nourish the face and beauty. It should be noted that excessive consumption of jasmine tea can lead to anemia and calcium deficiency.


Honeysuckle tea

Put an appropriate amount of honeysuckle in a cup, brew with boiling water, and add an appropriate amount of white sugar to the tea after cooling.

Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

Honeysuckle has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, evacuating wind and heat, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and is suitable for the treatment of heat poison boils in summer.


Chrysanthemum tea

When brewing chrysanthemum tea, put four or five flowers at a time and brew them in boiling water for two or three minutes.

Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

Chrysanthemum has the effect of nourishing the liver and leveling the liver, clearing the liver, suitable for summer drinking, but also enhance the elasticity of microvascular, slow down the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, and also have a good effect on the dry eyes caused by excessive use of the eyes.


Lotus leaf tea

Take an appropriate amount of dried lotus leaves and brew them in boiling water.

Summer health first nourish the heart, these six teas are more suitable for the "heart season"

Lotus leaf tea has the effect of clearing the heart, relieving the heat, eliminating wind and dampness, and can also promote the smooth flow of the stomach and intestines, which is the ideal choice for the "three highs" people and people who lose weight.

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