
Ren Jiaxuan said that he accepted the marriage proposal, but did not get a license, what is the lack of legal protection?

author:Yang Yang emotional sharing

Selina revealed that she would agree to her boyfriend's marriage proposal but would not get a license, saying her relationship did not need legal protection

On May 12, according to Taiwan media reports, the famous Taiwanese singer Selina once said to her boyfriend: "I will not get married again." ”

Ren Jiaxuan said that he accepted the marriage proposal, but did not get a license, what is the lack of legal protection?

It is reported that Selina has been dating her current boyfriend for half a year. This is also after many years of singleness, once again ushered in their own love. After the two opened their relationship in early March, they were often photographed shopping together, etc., wearing couple costumes to attend Huang Ziling's birthday party, where the two had a very close relationship.

Selina is 7 years older than her boyfriend. They are a pair of brothers and sisters. Since the two have been dating openly, they have often shown affection. In interviews, they mentioned her boyfriend several times, saying he was romantic and didn't mind her large burns. Skin grafting, also called her a "mermaid with legs", scarred like mermaid scales, it seems that the boyfriend really loves her.

Ren Jiaxuan said that he accepted the marriage proposal, but did not get a license, what is the lack of legal protection?

And today, she even said she wouldn't get married. In the face of the reporter's questions about how to deal with her boyfriend's marriage proposal, she was also very calm, saying that she had discussed this issue with her boyfriend, and said: "Because if you really do a good job, it is very romantic, very unexpected." If I'm really surprised, I'll agree, but I'm not going to level up marriage, okay? ”

She even bluntly said that she didn't need (legal) protection, and then she said that she only wanted the two to be unconditionally engaged, keep romantic in the relationship, and keep love in a good state. Instead of using anything to bind and limit us, it is better to communicate well and let the popularity continue, and her views are also supported by her boyfriend, who agrees with her.

Ren Jiaxuan said that he accepted the marriage proposal, but did not get a license, what is the lack of legal protection?

Now, the two are very romantic together. They are an enviable couple. I also hope that the two of them can hold hands and grow old together and spend this perfect life together. Finally, how do you view relationships and do you need laws? Guarantee this sentence?

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