
Jinshi Street: Write a new chapter in the construction of modern charm brocade


This year is the year of the rise of the "1339" strategy in Tianqiao District, standing at a new starting point, the streets of Tianqiao District will run the spirit of the Municipal Party Congress and the Municipal "Two Sessions" throughout the work of the whole office, seriously analyze the situation, focus on the goal of "striving to build a modern charm of making brocade", coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, grasp the advantages of economic and social development in the jurisdiction, optimize work ideas, improve work style, improve work mechanisms, forge ahead, catch up with learning, and strive to promote the implementation of various work and reach a higher level.

Jinshi Street: Write a new chapter in the construction of modern charm brocade

Party building leads the strong roots to build the soul, and the vitality of the brocade is fully stimulated

Organically integrate party building and business work, seize the favorable opportunity of the transformation and upgrading of the West Moat - Luoyuan Paper Mill, comprehensively create a "century-old inheritance • red brocade" cultural tour project, connect the surrounding Meiming Square, the former site of the provincial party committee secretariat, Shandong early history exhibition hall and other red resources, build a new cultural landmark of "red brocade" with spring water culture and Jinan's modern industrial culture as the core, carry forward the revolutionary spirit, and inherit the century-old culture, and use the red demonstration effect to promote the new pattern of integrated development of "cultural and commercial tourism" in the jurisdiction. Implement the "party building alliance" co-construction and co-governance action, build a "1 + N" party building alliance with the community party committee as the core, the "double check-in" unit as the link, the party branch as the grid, the party members as the main body, and various two new organizations as the support, adopt the "contractual" co-construction model, guide the co-construction resource force to sink to the grid, and promote the improvement of grass-roots governance capabilities. Relying on the "red property management", carry out the "365 service action of the people's feelings", establish a "one-core and multi-faceted" co-governance mechanism, promote more resources and more forces of property management enterprises to gather at the grass-roots level, exert efforts at the grass-roots level, and provide diversified, refined and personalized services for residents.

Jinshi Street: Write a new chapter in the construction of modern charm brocade

Economic development empowers catch-up, and the prospect of charm making brocade can be expected

In order to do a good job in the post-China Merchants Bank era and accelerate the return to the district-level financial revenue 100 million yuan club, our office will make greater efforts to attract investment and investment. On the one hand, adhere to the "double strokes and double introduction", vigorously develop the building economy, and actively use the investment platforms such as the CMB Building to attack in an all-round way, comprehensively attract investment, and attract business with business, continue to introduce more light and high-quality projects to settle in the jurisdiction, and expand the tax source income of the jurisdiction. On the other hand, it will help the "Lufeng Creative 1908" project to play a brand agglomeration effect, realize the integration and development of the "century-old papermaking" old factory area and the modern cultural industry, and create a night-time economic agglomeration area. Third, adhere to the upgrading of commercial and trade development, with the help of the favorable location advantages of the jurisdiction, located in the world's first spring favorable conditions, continue to optimize the business environment, prosper and expand the modern service industry in the jurisdiction, and actively assist Jihua Building to create a national diamond-level restaurant, and vigorously enhance the brand advantage.

Jinshi Street: Write a new chapter in the construction of modern charm brocade

People's livelihood services improve quality and efficiency, and the connotation of warm and warm brocade is rich

Always put epidemic prevention and control in an important position, adhere to the idea of not loose, the mechanism unchanged, the team is not scattered, compact nucleic acid testing, sealing management management, home health testing and other epidemic prevention work, comprehensively promote the "site code", optimize emergency handling, continue to consolidate the existing achievements in epidemic prevention and control; deeply promote grid management, strengthen professional training, improve the level of grid services, so that big things and small things do not come out of the grid, and properly handle various contradictions. Consolidate and promote safe production, strengthen safety supervision and law enforcement, enhance the awareness of safety production responsibility, consolidate the main responsibility of enterprises, and mobilize social forces to prevent and control the masses. Deepen the "Happy Home" village community mutual assistance project, expand the scope of services, help families who have lost their independence; make full use of the role of the community education center school platform, strengthen the "youth summer education" brand, promote education for all ages, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of residents; implement the "one-door handling", deepen the "one-time handling", improve service functions in accordance with "convenience for the people, and should be entered", and do a good job in various work such as minimum security, medical treatment, and assistance.

Jinshi Street: Write a new chapter in the construction of modern charm brocade

Urban renewal inside and outside, beautiful brocade beautiful and livable

Continue to promote the implementation of the transformation and upgrading project of old residential areas, transform and upgrade the hardware infrastructure, and realize the old appearance of the jurisdiction; vigorously promote urban renewal, actively dock the transformation and upgrading project of the West Moat - Luoyuan Paper Mill Area, accelerate the construction of the Spring Water Museum Project, and strive to create an open museum area with spring water culture and Jinan's modern industrial culture as the core, fully highlighting the characteristics of Jinan's historical and cultural city. Improve the level of fine management of urbanization, improve and perfect the long-term mechanism of grid management of "one network good system", consolidate and optimize the pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, realize urban thin management, urban wisdom management, and urban crowd management, and promote the orderly order of the jurisdiction, the sound and livable spring water. Grasp the national civilized model city offensive action, implement the comprehensive improvement of the urban environment, comprehensively promote the classification of domestic garbage in urban areas, and continue to advocate a thrifty, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle. Carry out the battle against air pollution, adhere to the prevention and control of pollution at the source, control pollution with an iron fist, fully implement the "river chief system", strengthen the comprehensive treatment of the ecological environment of the river, and love the spring.

In 2022, under the leadership of the district party committee and the district government, under the leadership of the district party committee and the district government, with high morale and passion, the city will work hard with one heart, pressure and hard work, fully promote the healthy development of various undertakings in the street area, and strive to create a better charm of the jinjin. (Source: Tianqiao District Rong Media Center)