
Merkel worked hard for 16 years, but Scholz did not learn to follow the rules of Cao, where did the German faith go

author:Spirit Wolf Story

In 1945, Hitler committed suicide by poisoning his wife, Eva Braun, who had been married for only one day, which meant the end of the fascist era in Germany.

In 2005, with merkel the Iron Lady in power, Germany embarked on a 16-year period of its most successful and powerful.

In 2022, Scholz, who has only been in power for more than half a year, will almost lose the people that Germany has accumulated for decades.

Where does the German faith go? Where does Germany's future lie?

Merkel worked hard for 16 years, but Scholz did not learn to follow the rules of Cao, where did the German faith go

Merkel is recognized as the most successful chancellor in German history and one of the most credible leaders in the world. Forbes magazine ranked her number one of the 100 most influential women in the world, and she was also named one of the "Top 10 Global Thinkers of the Past 10 Years" by Foreign Policy magazine.

Merkel has made many efforts to become a qualified leader. In her early life, she was a scientist with a high degree of intelligence and full of reason.

Merkel created the most powerful and accurateLy positioned Germany, and she skillfully and artistically demonstrated her leadership skills with the wisdom and rationality of a scientist.

She took Germany to the top of the European Union. She attacked from the west to the east, finding the best balance for Germany between Russia and the United States. During her 16 years in office, she experienced the global financial crisis, the euro crisis, the German-German-American conundrum, the largest influx of refugees, the Paris climate agreement, and the COVID-19 pandemic. With Trump, Putin and other difficult leaders, they hide knives in their pockets, and they are both tough and soft. Under her leadership, Germany's economy has developed strongly, ranking first in Europe and establishing absolute influence in the European Union.

Germany was the initiator of two world wars and the defeated country of both world wars. Especially after the Second World War, Germany faced huge war reparations and the country was torn apart. The GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany were in constant infighting, and Germany once fell prey to the us-Soviet struggle for hegemony.

The iron will and the spirit of never giving up in the bones of the Germans have always been there, and they are just waiting for an opportunity, that is, the "Marshall Plan" of 1947, the Federal Republic of Germany with the military industry as the pillar, so as to temporarily get rid of the shackles of the United States and Russia, and the economy and national strength have developed rapidly.

Relying on its growing economic strength and position as the world's factory, Germany has re-emerged and stood on the world stage, actively practicing and promoting European integration, and ultimately contributing to the birth of the European Union.

However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the abrupt change in the international landscape, Russia and the European Union were in constant conflict over energy supply and geopolitical issues. The United States is also dissatisfied with the continuous expansion of the EU's power and tries to curb the further growth of the EU. During this period, there were successive Kosovo wars in 1999, The Greek debt crisis in 2009, the Crimean conflict in 2014, Brexit and the European refugee crisis, etc., and the development of the EU was greatly threatened and stagnated.

Merkel worked hard for 16 years, but Scholz did not learn to follow the rules of Cao, where did the German faith go

Fortunately, there is still an omnipotent Merkel in Germany. In the gap between the United States and Russia, Merkel firmly defended EU integration, further consolidating the position of Germany's big brother. It has enhanced the cohesion of the European Union and the appeal of Germany.

Germany's relations with Russia did well after World War II. The early Brandt government called it "Eastern Policy", later schroeder's "German-Russian special relationship", and in Merkel's era it was "partnership". Before Merkel retired, she had a long three-hour conversation with Putin, further cementing the relationship and paving the way for Scholz.

Of course, the contradictions between Russia and Germany are also obvious. Germany hopes to fill the huge power vacuum and huge market left in Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and to turn it into its own dumping ground for commodities and raw materials. Russia is naturally reluctant to give up this cake that belongs to it, and the "EASTward expansion of the European Union" has undoubtedly stimulated it strongly, but Merkel and Putin's more than three hours of talks have eased this situation.

Germany is the big brother of the European Union, and contradictions with the United States are inevitable. The United States has repeatedly pressed Germany to bear more NATO military spending and take in more refugees, all of which have been resolved under Merkel's hands. This even caused the dissatisfaction of former US President Trump, "Where there is a US military to protect you, the United States must pay for itself." Of course, Merkel has also beaten Trump hard, and she publicly questioned the U.S. attitude towards the new crown: You can't fight the epidemic with lies.

Merkel worked hard for 16 years, but Scholz did not learn to follow the rules of Cao, where did the German faith go

But some countries in the European Union, especially those threatened by Russia, have quietly moved closer to the United States. Germany was surprised to find that some of the newly joined countries in the European Union, especially the members of Eastern Europe, only asked him for money and goods, using themselves as cash machines. Even Ukraine, a small country that has not yet been shortlisted, is quite critical of Germany, and Scholz is going to visit, and he has been touched with a nose of ash.

Either way, Merkel has found a good balance between the United States and Russia. Germany used the EU platform to compete and coordinate with the United States, reached energy cooperation with Russia, and promoted the Nord Stream-2 project. It has eased the relations between Germany and Germany and sought and won time and space for Germany's development.

But there is no Merkel forever! Scholz did not have a peaceful heart under a charitable face, and he did not have the wisdom and courage of Xiao Zhicao.

After Scholz came to power, whether in national defense policy or in German-Russian relations, a 180-degree turn occurred, and the United States was also bent on its knees.

Under the crisis of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Scholz moved closer to the United States, and it is understandable to seek perfection, but now it is a little bit of the taste of kneeling under the pomegranate skirt of the United States, completely breaking with Russia, preferring high domestic inflation and high prices, facing the demonstrations and resistance of the people, stopping the purchase of Russian energy, and refusing to settle Russian natural gas in rubles. Now that they are clamoring for help from a small country like Qatar, this bend is indeed a little too big, which is surprising.

Before the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Scholz traveled between the United States, Russia and Ukraine several times, trying to prevent the situation from deteriorating and actively defusing the risk of war. He announced to the outside world that "no weapons and equipment will be provided to Kiev." When people thought he was going to inherit Merkel's mantle, as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict continued to advance, Scholz was like a chameleon, pushing aside all the declarations in front of him.

Recently, Scholz comprehensively broke through the "defense taboo" in his parliamentary speech, and Germany's defense and foreign policy took a 180-degree turn. Prime Minister Scholz announced that it would supply Ukraine with 1,000 anti-tank weapons, 500 Stinger-class surface-to-air missiles, and allocate special funds to buy U.S. F-35 fighter jets and Israeli drones. And he also proposed to allocate 100 billion euros to increase armaments, increasing Germany's defense expenditure from 1.5% to 2%. (Note: During Merkel's time, Germany insisted on not exporting lethal weapons to conflict zones.) )

His proposal was applauded by the parliamentarians for a long time, and they were reluctant to sit down for a long time, and some even claimed that Germany was finally a normal power. Von der Leyen, a former German defense minister and now president of the European Union, sees this as a "watershed moment".

Merkel worked hard for 16 years, but Scholz did not learn to follow the rules of Cao, where did the German faith go

We have to ask not only: Is it the neo-Nazis in Germany who have returned? You know: The reason why Germany has been able to achieve great development and the understanding of the international community is because after World War II, it has always repented of itself with a humble posture and completely eliminated the residual poison of "Nazis".

The Germany in front of you, actively embracing the United States, resolutely opposing Russia, a bit of a "sword to the side" feeling, cloudy, is this still the former Germany? I don't know if Aunt Mo, the Iron Lady who has been operating hard for 16 years, has cried and fainted in the toilet. #Russia-Ukraine conflict##Number one weekly magazine ##纪录片大赏 #

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