
In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic


What is it like to be cold when people walk away from tea?

This inevitably reminds people of He Jiong's previous and current situation.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

There have been nearly half of the entertainment industry people, contributing two sets of birthday blessing lists that can be called prosperous.

In the early hours of the morning, they send birthday wishes on time through social platforms.

Among them are A-list stars Yang Mi and Yi Qianxi, super popular love beans Huang Minghao, Lu Han, Cai Xukun, as well as actors Zhang Zifeng, Lin Zhiying, Yang Zi, Wang Ou and others.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic
In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Even the well-known actor Huang Lei personally posted a text calling him a dear brother, and used the extremely weighty blessing word "Shoubi Nanshan".

In order to count He Jiong's connections, fans also specially launched the "He List".

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

In order to make their idol rankings enter the top ten, crazy like comments, this kind of secret competition makes people cry and laugh.

It is worth mentioning that because there are stars taking the lead, coupled with the fans not willing to show weakness, even if He Jiong himself has closed the official birthday wishes and made a low-key attitude, the dynamics of the day still exceeded 30 million likes, as well as millions of comments forwarded.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

The fact that a birthday can cause such a big sensation is enough to prove He Jiong's good popularity and huge network of relationships, and also establish his unshakable top-notch host identity.

Unfortunately, this year's "Ho List" that belongs to him did not arrive as promised.

Even the happy family members he regarded as relatives chose to be silent, only Jia Ling and Wang Jia'er and other old friends of the past were still in the scene.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

The strong gap made He Jiong once unacceptable.

As early as some time ago, some media filmed He Jiong crying bitterly because of excessive pressure, holding Zhou Xun after getting drunk late at night.

At that time, He Jiong had dinner with a group of bigwigs in the circle, and the invitees were not only him and Zhou Xun, but also Li Shi, Huang Lei, Xu Fan and others.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Several people got along very lively, drinking and chatting happily, just when the atmosphere of the liquor bureau was excellent, He Jiong suddenly covered his face and cried bitterly, and everyone was startled.

Zhou Xun's reaction was very warm, the first time to hug him tightly and like a mother, touching He Jiong's head, presumably at this moment she understood He Jiong's grievances.

For He Jiong, who never loses his temper in front of people, this is a rare opportunity to vent.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Why is the contrast between He Jiong's situation so great? Could it be that the previous prosperity was just a scene of stars playing tricks?

Landslides, overturning cars, receiving gifts, and eating empty pay may be the real reasons for the decline of He Jiong's career.

But on the inside, do you really think he deserves it?

01, study is not ordinary, graduation is not ordinary

He Jiong's story takes place in Changsha, Hunan.

In 1974, He Jiong was born into a well-off family in Changsha.

In 1992, he Jiong, who had just turned 18, was awarded a guaranteed place at the University of Foreign Chinese in Beijing for his excellent grades, and studied Arabic at the school.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Unlike ordinary college students, when others are still ignorant, He Jiong has begun to find a part-time job to pave the way for the future.

His first job was as a love mentor on the TV show "Man on the Road", where he was mainly responsible for mentoring some girls who were caught up in love mysteries.

Perhaps it is because of this experience that He Jiong's emotional intelligence has been exercised higher and higher.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

After that, He Jiong's life was like hanging up.

In his junior year, he contacted the choreographer and was appreciated to enter CCTV because of his excellent works.

In his senior year, he entered the children's column "Big Windmill" and began a three-year partnership with Liu Chunyan, a caterpillar.

He Jiong got a formal job before he graduated, and coupled with his own talent, the future is bound to be extraordinary.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

The school saw it in its eyes, and when he was about to graduate, it invited him to stay in the school as a counselor.

At the beginning, He Jiong could also run on both sides of the school variety show.

Later, he encountered an opportunity, the balance of time was broken, and he was too busy to say anything, and this opportunity was "Happy Base Camp".

At that time, the original host Li Xiang's partner resigned, and He Jiong happened to shine in another show.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Obviously, he is a guest, but his performance and control ability are first-class, and in the end, he directly compares the professional host.

Li Xiang was worried that no one could share the pressure with him, so he extended an olive branch to He Jiong.

Li Xiang's vision is very accurate, He Jiong's joining has made "Happy Base Camp" popular all the way, the ratings are high, and the national popularity is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

It is worth mentioning that the column group was still very intimate at that time.

Knowing that He Jiong had a counselor job at Peking University, he adjusted the original Friday time to Saturday.

02, the first "scandal" was exposed

This life lasted for ten years, and in 2007, He Jiong officially ended his class and only served as a school image publicist and promotion, but the name of the counselor was not removed.

In 2015, the matter was pulled out, and a news of "He Jiongbei hanging up his post and eating empty pay" came out.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

For the public, it is extremely difficult for public school teachers to prepare examinations, and the entry path is even more tortuous.

He Jiong did not have to pay the slightest teaching time, he could hang up his post and receive a salary, which was not to eat empty pay.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

The influence of public opinion forced He Jiong to withdraw from the North, and he thought that this should be He Jiong's biggest scandal, but he did not know that this was just an appetizer.

03. The "gift receiving" incident fermented and the reputation was seriously damaged

In November 2019, a certain episode of "The Prince of Lipstick" recorded by He Jiong became the fuse of his second scandal.

In the show, Shen Mengchen talked about her boyfriend Du Haitao being particularly frugal.

When the two first fell in love, he would give gifts from fans to his parents, and even some of the labels were not removed.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Hearing this, He Jiong immediately took the stubble and said in a mocking tone: "I will also receive a lot of gifts, but unfortunately, the children of the support group will stick the label very firmly, and they can't tear it off, so they can only use it themselves." ”

After that, he added the knife: "Before, some fans gave me a massage chair, but the number of times I used it at home was countless, so I moved the massage chair directly to the backstage of the company's makeup and used it together." ”

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Before and after the joint, it can be seen that He Jiong does not attach importance to the gifts given to him by fans.

If it weren't for the fact that some of them were glued with labels and couldn't be sent away, he would have sent them out long ago.

Things gradually fermented, some netizens also pulled out, He Jiong not only received fan assistance, but also received gifts from celebrity guests.

04, seriously distorted wind direction

The scene is backstage of the base camp, and the little ghost, as a guest, takes the lead in coming to the makeup room to greet He Jiong XieNa and sends a gift prepared by himself.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic
In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

At that time, He Jiong naturally took the gift bag and looked inside, wanting to see what it was.

When doing all this, he said in his mouth: I like Wang Linkai the most, and I don't have to be nervous about recording the program.

Perhaps for them, the guest is willing to send, the host is willing to want, this is a good way to open up the relationship.

But He Jiong is a public figure after all, is it really good to openly accept gifts? Not afraid to bring bad hosting world ethos? Adverse effects on yourself?

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic
In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

What is even more surprising is that Wang Linkai's own gift is only a drizzle.

Some fans have deeply picked up the list of gifts received by the host of kuaiben's previous programs, which include skin care gift boxes worth thousands to tens of thousands.

The nature of gifts given by celebrities themselves and those given by celebrities is very different.

The former can be whitewashed as a respect for the predecessors of the younger generation, and the latter has more meanings, and this phenomenon began as early as 15 years ago.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

It is understood that the initial fans did a quick response for their idols.

Only sent cheap food as a supper, and later began to send luxury goods, than the price, than the brand.

Their idols are still very proud, and with recognition, fans are more and more comparable.

Gradually evolving into the love beans that participate in the fast book, whose fans should help the poor, will be despised.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

It may be general to say so, and you can use data analysis to understand how popular He Jiong is from it.

On average, at least four guests are invited to a show, and there are 52 Saturdays a year, which is 52 episodes of the program.

Each guest should help at least two thousand, combined with about 100,000 yuan, it is no wonder that He Jiong will not take the thousand yuan massage chair seriously, it is not worth mentioning to him.

Later, other members of the Happy Family were also exposed to the same scandal, but compared with He Jiong's ace host status, presumably the number and amount of gifts they received were not comparable.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

After the public opinion broke out completely, He Jiong himself personally issued an apology, but the crowd did not buy it.

He Jiong, who is a professional host in front of people, has such a mercenary side after people, which makes people surprised.

In April 2021, his father was exposed to serious dishonesty, and He Jiong suddenly became the "son of Lao Lai".

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

In response to this matter, the outside world mocked more than insults.

Let's not talk about whether his father can run the company at the age of seventy, and with he Jiong's stature, he will not be able to come up with hundreds of thousands? It can be seen that this matter is not simple.

Malicious arrears, or disregard for untrustworthiness? It goes without saying.

05, "Happy Base Camp" ended

After six months, things gradually subsided, and the public gradually forgot about He Jiong's violent scandal.

But Hunan Satellite TV is well aware of a truth that "the Internet also has a memory".

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

If you put it in more than a decade ago, the network is not so developed, he Jiong's things may be forgotten for a year or two.

However, the time is different, and it is necessary to make an explanation in order to convince the public, so that hunan satellite TV has no worries about the follow-up development.

Therefore, in October of the same year, "Happy Base Camp" revoked the Saturday schedule and officially stopped broadcasting.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Who could have imagined that this national-level variety show, which has accompanied everyone for more than twenty years, has come to an end, or with such an unglamorous reason.

Losing this ace show, He Jiong's important work now is only "Longing for Life".

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

But for some reason, "Yearning 6" stopped for seven days after the first episode was broadcast, and He Jiong also had a dismal reputation in the show because of his career Waterloo.

Even so, He Jiong's performance in the show is still very positive and warm.

Will take the initiative to sit on the ladder to Peng Yuchang to hand the cup, peng Yuchang down, will also intimately support the chair, and constantly advise to slow down, do not fall.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

He will also take the initiative to ask for more variety benefits for Zhang Zifeng to ensure that his sister will not have no camera because of her young age.

Not only that, when making mistakes in the program, He Jiong will also use a seemingly intimidating tone to resolve the embarrassment, increase the sense of comedy, and also give the director face.

06, he was the "leader" of many people

Variety shows may have a show component, but in real life, He Jiong's kindness cannot be faked.

Before He Jiong had an accident, he had the personality of "old good man".

He never cared about the celebrity coffee position, selflessly took care of the newcomers, and the artists he promoted, let alone double digits.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

He once took Li Yifeng in the "little transparent" stage to participate in his own movie "Gardenia Blossom", just to help him open up his popularity.

Contacted wei Daxun with many variety shows and scripts to help him open up the development path of the entertainment industry.

After that, he led Wei Daxun to take the funny route, and after improving his sense of humor, Wei Daxun gradually broke away from tepidness and soared in popularity.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Wang Jiaer's Chinese fans who debuted from South Korea are few, and in order to help him break into the domestic market, He Jiong took him to record "Please, Please, the Refrigerator".

It is difficult for Han Geng, who has been angry and angry, to return to the entertainment circle, and He Jiong did not say anything to make him a resident guest of "Fast Book".

Xie Na was speechless and often made jokes.

He Jiong uses clever words to resolve the cold scene of the variety show for her every time, making her embarrassment a laughing point and holding her up as the "sun goddess" in the eyes of the public.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Jia Ling is now chubby and cute, but when she first debuted, she was not ridiculed because of her body type, only He Jiong put down the shelf to comfort her.

Perhaps because he had endured he Jiong's sincere help, in the dynamic comment area of his birthday this year, these stars all posted blessings.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Unfortunately, even if their figures are added together, they still cannot be compared with the "He List" of that year.

07. Is He Jiong good or bad?

I believe that many people did not expect that He Jiong's position in the circle could not withstand the beating, and once the scandal was exposed, it would decline rapidly, and it would fall into the quagmire without leaving any room.

It can be seen that this sentence does not distinguish between people at this time and at another time.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

As for whether He Jiong is good or bad, from the current point of view, it is impossible to kill him with a stick, because there are many complicated factors.

The brilliant and colorful spotlights have given He Jiong a perfect shell, and now even if there is only a little bit of disillusionment, it will make people think that his true appearance is so ugly.

But everyone ignores that a luxury car that has been driving for decades will also be damaged by old parts, let alone a living person?

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Moreover, he is not without places worthy of appreciation and recognition.

He has been the guide for many successful stars, paving the way for them and opening up their careers with kindness and sincerity.

However, He Jiong has damaged the atmosphere of the hosting industry, promoted the unspoken rules of receiving gifts, and lost the original intention of the happy base camp.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

He deserves any punishment, humbly accepts all the voices of the outside world, and rediscovers himself while correcting his mistakes.

08. Conclusion

I remember that Huang Bo once said a sentence: Hello, there are good people around you.

Indeed, if the road is good, there are naturally more friends around, not more friends, which is easy to walk.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

The decline of He Jiong tells us this truth, you live well, naturally you are constantly pestering people, and if you don't fall into the well, it is good.

At the same time, He Bang is gone, which shows that he actually does not have many special friends, and everything is gathered because of profit, and scattered because of profit.

I believe that in real life, people with the same personality as He Jiong have a deep understanding, and seem to have a good relationship with everyone, a huge network of relationships, but in fact, they are the loneliest.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

Because expressing kindness to the outside world has become a habit and an ordinary social model, but because of a certain social status, good popularity naturally explodes.

Now that it is sluggish, you can't blame your "former friends" for being sloppy.

In the past, "He Bang" became a joke, and the eight-sided exquisite dragon could not withstand people's tea cold, and he Jiong's decline was too realistic

I believe that after the double ups and downs of career and friendship, He Jiong will understand more life insights and understand the real and cruel way to survive in the entertainment industry.

It may be difficult to be sincere all the time, but please stick to the red line, don't amplify the mistake infinitely, and know how to "walk on thin ice" to be consistent!


This article is original by FancyMusic, welcome to pay attention, please do not reprint in any form without authorization!

Author: tt

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