
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

author:Ranger Net

In this high-speed society, everyone is subject to multiple pressures from individuals, families, society, etc., at this time a spoof can effectively achieve unexpected results. Today Xiaobian recommends ten Hollywood spoof movies for everyone, and the boldness and sharpness of the spoof is definitely one of the leaders, let's take a look at it!

Borat (2006)

The film uses satirical means to show The Kazakh anchor Porat (Sacha Baron Cohen) on a "cultural journey" to the United States. Borat is the sixth-ranked host in Kazakhstan and is good at attracting the attention of the audience with vulgar and funny bridges. His family is also a bit "weird", and his sister also won the fourth place of "Miss Wind and Dust". It was such a host who was sent to the United States for cultural studies and made a documentary back. Borat and the producers were greeted by people and went to the bizarre United States. He began to learn American etiquette and get in touch with American culture, but he ran into walls everywhere and made jokes everywhere. On this day, Borat saw the beautiful goddess in his heart on TV, and his heart was so fascinated that he even forgot the mission of this trip... Whether he can return to China is still unknown to the happy Borat.

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

Bruno (2009)

The film tells the story of Bruno, the host of a German-language fashion show from Austria, who braves Hollywood overnight after a rebellion. The film begins with a gay model named Bruno (played by Sasha Byron Cohen), who calls himself the fashion spokesperson and leads the dress code of the younger generation in Austria, while Bruno is also the host of a midnight fashion show, running through the major fashion weeks in Europe with a microphone, but what Bruno did not imagine was that soon, he would usher in the first trough of his life. Due to some immeasurable force, bruno, who is uniquely dressed and beautiful, inadvertently ruins a fashion show by a well-known designer while hosting the show, which leads to a series of terrible consequences, which eventually causes fashion weeks around the world to list Bruno's name on the "blacklist" of refusal to come and go, and in his own words, his future in the fashion industry is completely snuffed out.

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

In the case of last resort, Bruno had to find another way to open up other career areas, and finally he set his sights on the big screen, feeling that only in the world of movies, he had the opportunity to show his strengths, so he came to the United States to find his "American Dream". In bruno's pursuit of fame and fortune, he constantly triggered one embarrassing situation after another that spread widely, and he pushed the values of everyone's parenting etiquette to the brink of chaos. A normal person, like Bruno, should not be afraid to express "politically incorrect" views, and also enjoy the pleasure of provocation and discrimination against others. However, this hypocritical society has turned normal people into strange people who are ignorant of current affairs. Bruno's behavior is acceptable because he has the status of a as a shield. He is discriminated against, so he is entitled to discriminate.

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

Fast Beyond Passion (2015)

A copycat spoof film based on the hit series "Fast and Furious". The protagonist, undercover cop Lucas White, joins the Los Angeles Underground Drag Racing Party, which is sporadically led by Vincerento. This group of people live by excitement and righteousness, putting life and death aside, and become the sworn enemies of the Los Angeles gangster Juan Carlos de la Soleil.

From the cast, the plot to the tone, the lighting is all imitation of the rapid thrill series, and it is not easy for a small-cost cottage comedy to be made like this.

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

Fifty Shades of Black," (2016)

The most costumed romance of the year!

The spoof of this film is very sincere, the original film is carefully imitated and ridiculed, and each scene is carefully prepared and arranged, and the black is also so serious.

The 21-year-old female college student Huan Na went to interview the 27-year-old handsome and successful entrepreneur Gray because of the report of the school newspaper, and the two fell in love at first sight, but soon Xian Na gradually discovered Gray's special habits and constantly discovered his unknown dark side. Gray, with dark copper skin, is the president of Gray Black Gold Enterprise, handsome and charming on the surface, but in fact has a different private life from the average person. As a child, Gray had a poisonous mother who worked as a prostitute and was often abused by pimp men who lived with her mother. At the age of 4, after his mother's death, he accompanied her body for 4 days before being found rescued, and Gray was adopted by the Gray family. From the age of 15, Gray had a relationship with a music teacher who had played SM tuning games with him. Gray, who has an unforgettable past, finds the only sustenance in such a secret relationship. When he became an adult, he became a dominant, constantly looking for the ideal subject for adjustment. In an interview, Gray and Yanna are attracted to each other after meeting each other; He pursues Hera in every possible way, hoping to agree to be his subject, and an intricate relationship develops between the two.

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

The Haunted House Movie (2013)

Spoof recent pseudo-documentary horror films such as the Ghost Movie Series", "The Last Exorcism", "The Devil in the Heart" and other films. The same pseudo-documentary style of filming as "Ghost Shadow Record", the plot is basically copied from "Ghost Shadow Record": a young couple moves into a new home, who knows that this is a murderous house, the wife is possessed by a ghost, and the male host (Marlon Waynes) invites various gods to exorcise demons, trying to save their happy life, or "sexual" happy life. The film is not only a spoof of "Ghost Movie", but also another pseudo-documentary horror film that was sold in North America the year before, "Exorcism", Malcolm and Keisha are a young newlywed couple who have just moved into a new house, which is what they dreamed of, spacious and comfortable. But things are not as simple as they think.

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

The Hungry Game (2013)

Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, who single-handedly created the Scary Movie series, will use the box office hit "The Hunger Games" as a spoof for a comedy called "The Starving Games."

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

Dear hungry citizens of District 12! Please bring your beloved child to the annual event, The Hunger Games! As a volunteer, Kaymith participates in the winner-take-all Hunger Games, and her graceful and fearless posture immediately captures the attention of everyone, becoming the number one public enemy of all the contestants. It's just that the opponents she encountered were beyond imagination, including Ha diarrhea Potter, floating bait demon corpses, Uncle Gangnam and even the Avengers. Can Kate Mes survive a game full of strong opponents to grab the angry roast chicken?

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

Haunted House Movie 2 (2014)

Malcolm (Marlon Wayans), a black man, and his white girlfriend, Meghan (Jamie Pricey Jaime Pressly), move into a new house, and on the first day of moving in, his favorite dog dies in a bizarre accident, heralding the beginning of disaster. Megan finds a terrifying doll in the house, and malcolm, who has no awe, provokes the doll; Malcolm finds a videotape in the attic containing horrific images, and the eerie images are chilling; Meghan's eldest daughter, Betsy (Ashley Rickards), is confronted with a series of horrific incidents in which Betsy's younger brother claims to have a hidden friend named Tony. Nightmares come like a storm, and a family of four suffers the most terrible curse...

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

Twilight Movie (2010)

Twilight Spoof Edition

Becca (Jane Proske), a 17-year-old girl, follows her father to school in a small town that looks weird no matter how you look at it, where she is reunited with her childhood playmate Jacob (Chris Riggi), and the adolescent boy reveals a strange atmosphere at every turn. At school, dressed as a veteran, she became the target of bullying by her classmates. At this time, the pale and golden-eyed handsome Edward (Matt Lanter) appeared in front of her, and the two frowned at first sight. The fiery Becca asks Edward for pleasure but is refused, it turns out that Edward is a vampire, belonging to the huge Cullen family, on the one hand, Edward has a strong love for Beka, and on the other hand, he must endure the bloodthirsty desires that exist in his genes. Edward takes Becca to meet his family, but the party is messed up by Becca. The sad Edward knows that he can only bring disaster to Beka and can't bear to break up, and Jacob finally reveals his love to Beka after becoming a Chihuahua person, as an obscure ordinary girl, suddenly by the two handsome men at the same time, what choice should she make?

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

"This Is Not Sparta"

The film is adapted from "Spartan 300 Warriors", which reinterprets the original film with a spoof technique.

In militarized Sparta, Leonidas (Sean Maguire) proves himself to be Sparta's strongest warrior after a fierce battle with giant penguins, successfully obtains the Spartan throne, and marries Margot as empress. One day, Leonidas, who was training his son to beat him, received a Persian emissary who arrogantly declared that King Xerxes would rule Greece and that Spartan children would have to produce NIKE shoes in sweatshops. Enraged, Leonidas kills the Emissaries and a bunch of American idols, bribing the Prophet with cosmetics to ask for war, only to be warned by the ugly goddess Betty. Still determined to go on the expedition, Leonidas led 13 warriors with painted abs to the pass to defend and defeated the Persian vanguard with street dance. The fat Xerxes used the blue screen computer stunt to create a large army to suppress the territory, and Paris Hilton, who was abandoned by Leonidas, told the Persians to encircle the path of the Spartan army, and Leonidas led the crowd to fight with the Persian army such as Lodge and the Ghost Knight.

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies


Aradi (Sacha Baron Cohen) is the leader of the Middle Eastern Republic of Vader. As soon as he was born, he began an authoritarian rule. He competed in the 100-meter race, fired his own gun and ran on his own, and all those who followed were shot. He inspected nuclear weapons laboratories and eradicated all undesirable scientists. He received foreign heads of state and was always accustomed to showing off his unique armpit odor. He always slept with a star, and he always used to take nude photos in his palace. He was absurd and in the spotlight, clutching his scepter in a blood-stained hand. One day, he comes to New York to attend a United Nations conference, but is accidentally betrayed by General Shepherd (Ben Kingsley), who finds a copycat as his replacement and sets up a puppet government. He watched the brain-dead Li ghost acting in the United Nations General Assembly, and he was extremely angry. He goes to a demonstration in front of vadiya's embassy in the United States and meets the female owner of organic food (Anna Faris) who hosts refugees. He came to the store in anonymity to make a lot of jokes, and then he ran away from the store, accidentally met his former subordinates, and began to plot to regain power, after the yin and yang, he fell in love with the female shopkeeper and began a journey of revenge...

Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies
Don't look at it when eating! Take stock of Hollywood's top 10 spoof comedy movies

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