
Liu Yinglong: Dedicated with blood, painting the color of youth for the transportation of a strong country

author:Big and small news

Big and small news client May 12 news (YMG all-media reporter Zhang Sun Xiaoyu correspondent Mao Chunfeng photo report) The young generation, born at the right time, shoulders heavy responsibilities, is the most vibrant force in society. In the city's transportation law enforcement front, there is such a young man - in the face of new work challenges, he immersed himself in hard work and quickly grew into a backbone of the business; in the face of sun and rain, law enforcement dangers, he stood up his backbone and took the difficulties as exercises; in the face of the epidemic, he did not retreat, took the initiative to ask for help, stepped forward to the front line; silently donated blood for more than ten years, and won the national unpaid blood donation gold award... Liu Yinglong, a transportation law enforcement detachment in Yantai City, wrote a chapter of youth with his blood and bloomed a different style of traffic law enforcement.

Liu Yinglong: Dedicated with blood, painting the color of youth for the transportation of a strong country

Immerse yourself in hard work for work And get married and take only one day off

He is not tall, but he has a lot of energy, a shoulder that can pick up the burden. This is the evaluation of Liu Yinglong by leaders and colleagues.

After the comprehensive law enforcement reform of transportation, the business volume undertaken by the Yantai Transportation Law Enforcement Supervision Detachment has quadrupled compared with before the reform. As a law enforcement officer, the young Liu Yinglong should not only standardize law enforcement, be familiar with administrative law enforcement business, but also understand management and keep up with the trend of industry supervision. The law enforcement team has just been formed, in the face of different new situations in the past, facing the new problems in law enforcement supervision, Liu Yinglong often sits at his desk and reads various administrative laws and regulations, looking for relevant information one by one on the computer, and if the problem is not solved, he will not eat or rest until he understands the reason. Soon, Liu Yinglong grew into the backbone of the brigade's business.

Liu Yinglong: Dedicated with blood, painting the color of youth for the transportation of a strong country

"This young man is full of blood!" In the eyes of the old comrades, Liu Yinglong has always been a good young man who is positive and upward and immerses himself in hard work. Even the day before his marriage, he refused to leave his post, and was busy until he finished work, so he hurried back to his hometown four hundred miles away overnight to prepare for the next day's wedding. Liu Yinglong only asked for a day off from the unit for marriage, and returned to work on the second day of the wedding. With this energy, he solved one problem after another and achieved one achievement after another.

Dedicated to the front-line post drill, humane law enforcement is not dogmatic

After graduating from Shandong Normal University in 2013, Liu Yinglong entered the traffic law enforcement team, and from the first day of employment, the oath of "fighting for the cause of transportation" was engraved in his heart.

Traffic law enforcement work most of the time to be outside the wind and sun and rain, sometimes the investigation and punishment of "black cars" also face the dangerous situation of violent resistance to the law, others feel hard, apply for transfer back to the internal service, but he is not tired. Colleagues ask him why? He said that this work must always be done by someone, and as a young person, you can learn a lot from law enforcement outside the country, and now is the time to train people.

Since engaging in law enforcement work, Liu Yinglong has always insisted that law enforcement work is not dogmatic, and has achieved civilized law enforcement, standardized law enforcement, and fair law enforcement. At the scene of law enforcement, he can always be seen patiently explaining to the parties the harm of illegal acts and the basis for law enforcement, protecting the parties' right to remedy, and convincing the parties to law enforcement work. Where parties have difficulties in enforcement, he adheres to humane law enforcement and combines education with punishment. In the more than two years since the establishment of the law enforcement detachment, Liu Yinglong has participated in the seizure and handling of more than 260 "black cars" operating illegally, and the parties have no objection to the results of administrative punishments, and there is not a single case of law enforcement complaints and administrative reconsideration cases.

Liu Yinglong: Dedicated with blood, painting the color of youth for the transportation of a strong country

In addition to law enforcement, he is also a chivalrous man. Every time he received the complainant's request for help, he contacted the other party for the first time, timely understood the problems and situation encountered by the other party, and tried to solve the problems for the parties. Once, a passenger accidentally left his mobile phone in a taxi late at night drunk, and when he came to report the case the next day, he did not know what to do. Liu Yinglong repeatedly communicates with the parties to gradually evoke the fragmented memories of the other party and look for clues from them. By looking for taxis passing through the area during the ride time that night and screening and comparing the path trajectory, Liu Yinglong gradually narrowed the search to three suspected taxis and contacted the vehicles one by one.

However, the taxi master first reported that no mobile phone was found on the car. Liu Yinglong did not give up, he took the taxi master to the law enforcement detachment, and after searching, he finally found a mobile phone that slipped from the gap in the seat at the bottom of the back seat. The passenger immediately paid 1,000 yuan to thank Liu Yinglong and the taxi master, but he and the taxi master refused, and later the passenger repeatedly said that he wanted to send a pennant, which was also rejected by Liu Yinglong. In his opinion, these things were insignificant, and they were his duty, and every law enforcement officer in the detachment would do the same.

There are many more things like this. In recent years, with this attitude of law enforcement for the people and serving the people, Liu Yinglong has successfully handled more than 110 cases of various requests for help and complaints from the masses, helped many passengers, and resolved a large number of contradictions and disputes. In 2021, a large team of Zhifu where he worked won the "Top Ten Transportation Law Enforcement Civilized Service Windows in Shandong Province".

Do not let go of any safety hazards, stationed to help enterprises "demining"

External fine law enforcement, internal strong management. There are more than 1,000 road transport enterprises in the jurisdiction of Zhifu Brigade, such as passenger transport, freight, dangerous goods, maintenance, driving training, and leasing, and the pressure of industry supervision is huge. In the face of the new situation of safe production, firmly grasping the bottom line of enterprise safety production is the top priority of daily work. Under the unified deployment of the detachment, Liu Yinglong and his colleagues got up early and ran in the key points such as the workshop and the depot hub, carefully checked every detail, carefully inspected every vehicle, urged the passenger and freight enterprises to "move forward" in safe production, and adhered to "zero tolerance" for the problems found in the inspection, especially for the 26 enterprises with hidden dangers in safe production, and adopted measures such as rectification within a time limit, suspension of procedures, suspension of business, and improvement of enterprise safety production conditions in accordance with the law to eliminate hidden dangers in safe production. Prevent the occurrence of safety production accidents.

Liu Yinglong: Dedicated with blood, painting the color of youth for the transportation of a strong country

In addition to strengthening management measures, Liu Yinglong and his colleagues also help enterprises analyze the reasons for the existence of problems, formulate reasonable solutions, make up for shortcomings and weaknesses, and guide enterprises to continuously improve in terms of safe production and gradually move towards the right track. Qu Fei, head of xinglong passenger transport company, a transportation enterprise established late in the jurisdiction, said: "Comrade Liu Yinglong has been stationed in our unit for more than 3 months, and has been helping us improve the safety production system, rectify the existing problems, and let us truly feel that safe production needs to be rigorous and solid, and it needs to be continuously improved and improved." ”

Take the initiative to go to the front line of the fight against the epidemic and donate blood for more than ten years

At the beginning of 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic was menacing, and Liu Yinglong stepped forward and asked to participate in the epidemic prevention and control duty at the highway intersection for the first time. He said: "As a young party member on the transportation front, in the critical period when the city and people's lives and safety are threatened by the epidemic, we should fight in the forefront of prevention and control and do what we can!" "Wind and frost on his head, ice and snow on his feet, "not to retreat" is his oath.

According to the needs of international flight entry personnel control, the detachment needs to arrange for personnel to rush to Qingdao Airport to participate in the transfer and placement of inbound personnel. Although Liu Yinglong was in love at the time, as a young party member of the detachment, he persuaded his girlfriend to be the first to go to Qingdao Airport and stay in the risk for a month.

Liu Yinglong: Dedicated with blood, painting the color of youth for the transportation of a strong country

In addition to his work, Liu Yinglong is also enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, and actively participates in volunteer activities such as helping the poor and helping the poor and the cleaning of the city organized by the unit. He has insisted on unpaid blood donation for more than ten years, accumulatively donating blood more than 20 times, donating nearly 9,000 ml of blood, and won the National Gold Award for Unpaid Blood Donation.

Struggle is the brightest undertone of youth. On the stage of the "Most Beautiful Strivers" propaganda contest held in Yantai City on the centenary of the founding of the Party, he told with tears in his eyes the moving deeds of an old director of the Municipal Transportation Law Enforcement Supervision Detachment who fought until the last moment of his life for the traffic cause, which not only touched the judges, but also infected all the audiences present. In the end, he won the first place in the competition. On that day, Liu Yinglong wrote in the circle of friends: Old Director, your mission is also our mission, your original intention will always be our original heart, we all have a resounding name - Communist Party members! Your glorious deeds will always guide us to unremittingly strive for the transportation of a strong country!

Editor-in-Charge: Liu Lin

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