
Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience

author:Ganzhou Pioneer Micro Classroom
Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience

Ganzhou Pioneer

The official WeChat of the Organization Department of the Ganzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience

Editor's Note

The original heart is like a rock, and the hard work is committed

In Ganzhou, there is such a group of young people who have been selected and transferred

They take root at the grassroots level and dedicate their youth

With their enthusiasm and hard work

Blooming with its own era

"Ganzhou Pioneer" WeChat public account opened

Column of "Butterfly Change"

Witness their growth, responsibility and responsibility

Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience

Zeng Hui

In 2021, the Jiangxi Provincial Group selection and transfer students

Ganzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs probationary civil servants

He was appointed as the assistant secretary of the party branch of Xiehe Village, Zhengping Town, Xinfeng County, Ganzhou City

"Solve the many difficulties of the people's livelihood, cultivate the talents of the world", inherit the feelings and mission of the people and the country for the people for more than a hundred years, write down the learning and the good deeds in the grass-roots practice, know the farmers and love the farmers, and strengthen the farmers and revitalize the farmers. Standing at the fork in the road of graduation, I resolutely returned to the red land where I was born and raised, as a transfer student, and became a "screw" for the development of the new era in my hometown.


From the "ivory tower" to the "red land", the old revolutionary areas practiced the original intention of selection and adjustment

Bidding farewell to the Weiwei University and the Century-old Agricultural University, the alma mater message of "aiming to go to the four directions, going deep into the grassroots and benefiting the people" still rings in my ears, in November 2021, I came to The Village of Shehe, Zhengping Town, Xinfeng County, and when I first arrived at the grassroots level, my identity and work have undergone great changes. From "classmates" to "comrades", from staying up all night to do experiments with the instrument, holding the computer and racking brains to write papers, to going to the villages and households to go deep into the fields to understand the demands of the masses and collect public opinions, this is not only a change in the environment and title, but also a change in thinking and ability. In the new post, I know very well that officers must work the word real, their work style should be down-to-earth, their business should be solid, they should be real, and they should do practical and good things that the people can see, touch, and benefit.

Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience


From "outside" to "inside", the grassroots frontline is deeply rooted in the people's feelings

"A thousand lines above, a needle below", grassroots work is complicated, mass work is not easy to carry out, with these voices I came to The Village of Shehe. When I first arrived in the village, I was not familiar with the village conditions, did not understand the work in the village, the whole person was ignorant and confused, full of enthusiasm but did not know where to start, and finally decided to take the poverty alleviation household as the "ice breaking point". I think that they are one of the groups in the village that need feedback on the most problems, and I followed the village team and village cadres to visit 47 poverty alleviation households and 3 households in the village, to check their living environment at home, and carefully understand their physical condition, production and living conditions, family income and expenditure, and the implementation of support policies, so I have a certain understanding of the work of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation in the village. In order to better serve the group of poverty-alleviated households and make up for the shortcomings of unclear policies, I looked up the reward and compensation policies issued by the superiors in recent years on the work of poverty-alleviated households, and asked the cadres in the towns and villages, hoping to answer questions and solve problems for the masses. In the process of contact with poverty alleviation households, it was found that many of them were impoverished due to illness and disaster, their physical condition did not support long-term labor, we should try our best to help them apply for subsidies within the policy and improve conditions; some poverty alleviation households that still have labor force actively publicize the policies of recruitment and employment and industrial development for them, guide them to participate in rural revitalization projects, encourage the planting of early rice, peanuts, tobacco, etc., breed chickens, ducks, geese, etc., strengthen the industry to drive employment, and fundamentally improve the quality of life. Slowly, now walking on the village road, what you see is no longer a curious look, but a kind face, and what you hear is no longer "which is this", but a kind "Xiao Zeng".

Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience

3 From "little white" to "all-rounder", practice and exercise the skills of growth officers

As a newcomer, it is necessary to strengthen practical training, temper skills and increase talents in the first-line exploration. Pair up to help add friendship, package 2 households to get rid of poverty, help solve the current practical difficulties, form a one-household one-policy help plan, according to the household policy, effectively prevent and resolve the risk of returning to poverty, and do a good job in ensuring the bottom of the work. Add impetus to epidemic prevention and control, in the face of the severe epidemic situation, sink the first line at the first time, help key places apply for place codes, issue registration forms, urge merchants to consciously shoulder the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, and implement the disinfection of public places; door-to-door inspection of key areas in the province and returnees outside the province, publicize epidemic prevention knowledge, and guide residents to do a good job in personal protection. Organizational construction adds vitality, using the party building information platform to familiarize with the organizational structure, the construction of the "three modernizations" of party building, the four discussions and two openness, etc., to consolidate the foundation of party affairs, and have a deeper understanding of rural grassroots party building work.

Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience

As a selected and transferred student working at the grass-roots level, we must pay for the masses of the people with "true feelings," bend down and put down the shelf, be a good "service soldier" of the masses, do practical things for the masses with heart and soul, solve practical problems, and contribute our youth strength to the realization of the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience
Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience

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Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience
Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience

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Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience

Ganzhou Pioneer

Zeng Hui: My grassroots first experience