
Such a "desperate drug addict" must go

author:Bright Net

【Special Attention to The Russian-Ukrainian Situation Scholars' Talk】

Author: Chen Ji (Researcher, Nankai University Base, Tianjin Research Center for theoretical system of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Professor, Research Center for Ethnic Affairs, Nankai University) Zhang Yangzihan (Secretary of the Center for Ethnic Studies, Nankai University)

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the scandal of the United States establishing a large number of biological laboratories in Ukraine was lifted. The fact that the United States has set up biological laboratories to study deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in many countries outside its borders has once again aroused great concern and strong condemnation from the international community.

According to the information previously released by the Russian Ministry of Defense and the relevant investigation committees of the Russian side, under the guise of the so-called "threat reduction cooperation plan" and under the supervision of Joanna Winterlar, head of the office of the US Defense Department in Ukraine, the United States has implemented the "UP-4", "UP-6" and "UP-8" research programs, and has wantonly produced many deadly pathogens such as Bacillus anthracis, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, and leptospirosis. The Russian Defense Ministry Day further confirmed that from 2019 to 2021, the Biological Laboratory established by the United States in Melev, Ukraine, has tested potentially dangerous biological samples on patients in the Third Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, and has carried out 24/7 monitoring records of patients on special forms.

The establishment of biological laboratories in Ukraine and the biological experiments they carry out are just the tip of the iceberg of the U.S. Threat Reduction Cooperation Program. The United States has established 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world, the purpose of which is to manufacture, control, and use various deadly viruses to serve the interests of the United States. This act of the United States has seriously threatened and damaged the lives and safety of the people of other countries and regions, and can be called a veritable "drug maker" in the world today.

It is not surprising that the United States has braved the world's great disobedience and is willing to become a "desperate drug master". For a long time, the United States has done everything in its power to pursue narrow and selfish domestic interests. The establishment of these so-called biological laboratories by the United States overseas, its disregard and trampling on the right to life and health of the people of other countries, and even the use of innocent people in other countries as experimental objects, is just another bad deed of the United States. The appalling evil deeds of "drug control" in the United States are inextricably linked to the long-term pursuit of hegemonism and power politics in the United States, and behind the identity of the United States as a "desperate drug addict" is the essence of its hegemonism.

In today's world, the United States is a believer and manipulator of hegemonism; in order to selfishly seek the maximization of national interests, it puts its own interests above the interests of other countries, and by virtue of its superiority as a superpower, it frequently controls, sanctions, interferes in, and even wars against other countries, endangers the peace and security of other countries, harms the interests of the people of other countries, and creates one humanitarian disaster after another in various parts of the world, which is the greatest threat to peace and stability in the world today. Whether it is the blockade and embargo on Cuba that continues to this day, or the long-term high-pressure sanctions against Iran, or the war against Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries, or the instigation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, all of them portray the ugly face of US hegemonism. The United States has established biological laboratories overseas and wantonly developed deadly viruses, which have brought great risks to the safety of people in relevant countries and regions and brought great harm to world peace and security. This is another evil result of the United States' pursuit of hegemonism and power politics, and another cancer brought to the world by the United States, the "desperate poisoner."

It is recalled that the United States used biological and chemical weapons in warfare, causing a large number of innocent casualties. Documents released by the CIA in recent years also show that the United States used a large number of germ weapons in the Korean War, which was the result of a private and dirty deal with the notorious Japanese army Unit 731. After the end of World War II, the United States ignored the pain and demands of the people of the victimized countries, exempted Unit 731 from war responsibility as a quid pro quo, obtained the use of biological weapons and a large number of experimental data of the Japanese army, and hired Shiro Ishii, the leader of Unit 731, as a us biological weapons adviser. According to statistics, at that time, the North Korean front-line military hunted 200,000 rats, killed 4 million flies, and eliminated more than 2 million fungal insects, and the poisonous bacteria they carried caused a large number of casualties and property losses. During the Vietnam War, the United States used chemical weapons in large quantities, leaving many years of pain and disaster to the lives and health of the local people. The use of biological weapons in war, causing a large number of casualties to the people of other countries and causing humanitarian disasters, is a true portrayal of the evil acts of US hegemonism.

For a long time after World War II, the U.S. Department of Defense has not stopped its biological weapons research programs, and in the name of "protecting the country," it has increased funding for research projects on pathogens such as yellow fever, Rift Rift Valley fever, dengue fever, anthrax, and plague. Since March 1975, the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) has entered into force through the conclusion of treaties between many countries in the world, forming relatively complete verification and supervision measures for biological laboratories and biological weapons. However, in 2001, the United States, as one of the States parties, unilaterally opposed the Verification Protocol to the Biological Weapons Convention on the grounds that "the biological field is not verifiable" and announced its withdrawal. As the world's superpower and the number one military power, the United States' move is tantamount to losing the efforts of countries around the world to ban the use of biological weapons.

Although the United States has long carried out biological weapons and germ warfare research on the grounds of "protecting its own country", in fact no country has ever really threatened the national security of the United States; on the contrary, the biological weapons research of the United States, including the biological laboratory established in the name of "scientific research" in other countries, has laid a huge security risk for the world. In fact, there were frequent safety accidents in biological laboratories in the United States, which caused serious protests from the public. Therefore, the United States is targeting other countries and regions to implement its biological experiment program, which is actually passing on huge risks and hidden dangers to other countries. According to official data released by the United States, there are 26 biological laboratories in ukraine alone, all biological research projects in the local area are led by the United States, and the US Department of Defense has absolute control and use rights. Vasily Prozorov, a former Ukrainian security official, said U.S.-led biological laboratories have been conducting secret research that poses a potential threat to Ukraine and its people, who have long been ignorant of it. Recent data provided by Russia further confirm that biological research and live experiments carried out by the United States in Ukraine have seriously harmed the lives and safety of the Ukrainian people. It can be said that the United States has never really cared about the right to life of the Ukrainian people.

According to Armenian media, the United States has set up biological laboratories in the country since 2010, three of which are located in the capital Yerevan. In 2018, Former Minister of State Security of Georgia Giorgadze noted in a publicly available statement that the United States had invited Armenian experts to study virus data obtained by the United States in Iraq. Armenia and Georgia have also participated in NATO research projects on genes for anthrax, plague pathogens, etc. A few days ago, the Armenian people held a protest in front of the US Embassy in Asia, opposing the US biological experimental research in Asia, and strongly demanding that international observers settle in the local biological laboratory for verification.

In South Korea, the United States has set up biochemical laboratories in disregard of the Biological Weapons Convention and South Korean laws, completely disregarding the safety of South Korean people's lives. After the United States' biological research plan in South Korea and the delivery of live bacillus anthracis were exposed, the South Korean people resolutely opposed it and held a march to demand the closure of the biochemical laboratory in the United States.

With the exposure of the so-called overseas biological research programs of the United States one after another, more and more people in various countries have expressed great anger and strong condemnation of the United States. Seriously threatening the security of other countries and seriously infringing on the right to life and health of the people of other countries - letting such a "desperate drug master" go has increasingly become the consensus of people around the world.

Guangming Daily (2022.05.13. 12th edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily