
Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding

author:Wen Qi kitchenette

Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding

Eggs are a high nutritional value of food, eat an egg a day, you can add sufficient protein, energy, etc. for the body, suitable for all ages, many benefits, you remember to eat. Eggs are also very varied, fried, steamed, stewed, boiled, fried, etc., each of which is rich in flavor.

Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding

Among them, the most suitable for breakfast, is steamed egg soup, boiled eggs, our children like to eat egg soup the most, fresh and tender, steamed out like pudding, look at it with full appetite.

Steaming the egg soup, it sounds too simple, beat the egg liquid, add water and steam it, steam it and eat it.

Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding

But is this really the case? Not so, surely many people steamed out, the appearance is particularly poor, full of honeycombs, it does not look flat at all, there is no appetite, it is not tender to eat, but the taste is very old.

How do you do it when steaming egg custard, add cold or hot water? Below I teach you 4 tips, steamed out with this method, tender and fresh like pudding.

Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding

【Steamed egg soup】

Ingredients list: egg, warm water, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil, green onion

1: Prepare 2 or 3 eggs, beat them in a slightly larger bowl, then add a small spoonful of salt to increase the bottom flavor, stir well with chopsticks and set aside.

Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding

2, next, we are going to pour water into it, so whether to add cold water or hot water, is very exquisite. If it is cold water, it is very old and dry when steamed, and if you use boiling water, you will blanch the eggs into frangipani, which is neither beautiful nor delicious.

Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding

3, so the best practice should be, add warm water to it, the water temperature of 40 degrees is appropriate, the amount of water is about 1.5 times the egg liquid. After pouring it in, stir it again with chopsticks, and after mixing well, you need to take a spoon and scoop out the foam on it, and there will be no more honeycombs.

Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding

4, then, we lay a layer of plastic wrap above the egg liquid, use a toothpick to prick a few holes, or directly buckle a plate on it, which can prevent water vapor from dripping inside, resulting in potholes and soft collapses. Add water to the pot, bring the water to a boil over high heat, and steam the egg soup must be steamed in boiling water.

Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding

5, after the water is boiled, put the egg liquid on it, steam for 15 minutes on it, and then use chopsticks to insert it after the time, if there is no wet feeling, you can take it out. Finally, pour light soy sauce and sesame oil on top, sprinkle with green onions, and a bowl of fragrant, tender egg custard is ready.

Steamed egg custard, cold or hot water? Keep in mind 4 tips, tender and fresh like pudding


Steamed egg soup, the main need to master 4 tricks, the first egg liquid needs to add warm water, the second stirred egg liquid above, the foam must be skimmed off. The third egg liquid needs to be covered with plastic wrap or covered with a plate, and the fourth must be boiled on the water to steam.