
Ma Jiantang delivered a speech at the "Inauguration Ceremony of the Secretariat of the China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network"

author:China Economic Times
Ma Jiantang delivered a speech at the "Inauguration Ceremony of the Secretariat of the China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network"
Ma Jiantang delivered a speech at the "Inauguration Ceremony of the Secretariat of the China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network"
Ma Jiantang delivered a speech at the "Inauguration Ceremony of the Secretariat of the China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network"

(Beijing, May 10, 2022)

Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Party Group of the Development Research Center of the State Council

Honorable Ambassador Zaina Abidine, Ambassador Zhou Haoli, envoys of ASEAN countries in China, representatives of government departments, heads of think tanks, heads of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Regional First Division of the Agency for Joint Cooperation, heads of domestic institutions, media representatives, ladies, gentlemen, friends,

First of all, on behalf of the Development Research Center of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, I would like to express my sincere welcome and heartfelt thanks to all of you for taking the time to attend the unveiling ceremony of the Secretariat of the China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network.

On November 22, 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced at the 30th Anniversary Summit commemorating the establishment of China-ASEAN dialogue relations that China supports the establishment of a China-ASEAN development knowledge network. According to the relevant arrangements of the Chinese government, the Development Research Center of the State Council undertakes the task of building a China-ASEAN development knowledge network, and the China International Development Knowledge Center is responsible for the specific preparatory work.

The China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network aims to study and exchange development theories and practices suitable for the national conditions of China and ASEAN countries, share development knowledge and development opportunities, promote regional common and sustainable development, and provide intellectual support for building a China-ASEAN community of common destiny, implementing global development initiatives and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network will adhere to the principle of consultation, co-construction and sharing, and carry out joint research, exchanges and discussions and capacity building on major multilateral and bilateral development issues of common concern to China and ASEAN, so as to promote mutual learning and mutual learning. The network will give full play to the active role of different entities such as government departments, international institutions, think tank academia, industry, and social organizations, and create a knowledge creation and sharing platform for government, industry, research and education to participate in the construction.

Over the past few months, with the strong support of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the China International Development Cooperation Agency and other departments, we have actively promoted the preparation of the network and made good progress. At present, think tanks or academic institutions from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei and other countries, as well as multilateral or regional institutions such as the World Health Organization, the Asian Development Bank, the Mekong Institute and relevant institutions in China have actively participated in and supported the construction of the network. We believe that more institutions will be involved and support the development of the network in the future.

Today, the Secretariat of the China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network is officially inaugurated here, and we will witness an important moment in the development of this mechanism. The Secretariat undertakes the important mission of promoting network construction and coordinating the pragmatic cooperation of network members, and we earnestly hope that the Secretariat will always adhere to the concept of openness, inclusiveness, truth-seeking and innovation, and make overall plans to do a good job in coordinating services, and also hope that all parties can increase human and intellectual support for the network, and put forward opinions and suggestions for the construction and development of the network, so that the network can better serve the common and sustainable development of China and the ASEAN region.

In the next step, we will explore the governance mechanism for establishing a network on the basis of joint consultation and co-construction, organize joint research on major development issues such as trade, finance, investment and green development in bilateral or regional cooperation between China and ASEAN, and strive to officially announce the establishment of the network and hold relevant supporting activities during the China-ASEAN Leaders' Meeting in November this year. This afternoon, we will also host one of the pillar activities under the network, the China-ASEAN Energy Transition Roundtable, to conduct in-depth exchanges on the energy transition and the development of the electric vehicle industry in China and ASEAN countries, and promote the formation of early harvests.

Finally, I wish the China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network to continue to grow and develop!

Thank you!

(Source: China International Development Knowledge Center)

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Ma Jiantang delivered a speech at the "Inauguration Ceremony of the Secretariat of the China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network"
Ma Jiantang delivered a speech at the "Inauguration Ceremony of the Secretariat of the China-ASEAN Development Knowledge Network"

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