
"Ring time depth" snake island battle, what are the plans of Russia and Ukraine?

Source: Global Times

On the first day of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, snake island in southern Ukraine attracted global attention. Recently, Russia and Ukraine have once again fought fiercely for the island, and both sides have paid a heavy price. Why is this once inconspicuous island so attractive?

"Ring time depth" snake island battle, what are the plans of Russia and Ukraine?

Russian forces "thwart suicidal actions instigated by British advisers"

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the 9th that "Ukrainian troops attempted to seize Snake Island", saying that with the direct participation of US and British advisers, the Ukrainian General Staff planned a "major provocation" to seize Snake Island on May 7 according to the direct orders of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. Within two days, Ukrainian airborne troops and marines repeatedly "desperately attempted to land on Snake Island from the air and sea." However, the Russian army defeated ukrainian provocations one after another, causing heavy losses to the enemy. ”

The Russian satellite network said on the 11th that Russian powerful department sources revealed that the attack on Snake Island was the idea of British advisers. The source said: "The Ukrainian General Staff opposes this suicidal action proposed by British advisers. But Zelenskiy personally ordered a stupid attack on Snake Island and demanded the results the media needed by May 9. ”

"Ring time depth" snake island battle, what are the plans of Russia and Ukraine?

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov informed that "this military adventure ended in a disaster in Ukraine." Kiev's blind offensive operation to capture Snake Island ahead of victory led to the loss of more than 50 elite Ukrainian soldiers, and the Ukrainian side also lost 4 fighter jets, 10 helicopters, 3 speed boats and 30 drones. ”

According to the Russian report, the Ukrainian Air Force lost 3 Su-24 fighter-bombers and 1 Su-27 fighter in the Snake Island area. Three Mi-8 transport helicopters carrying airborne troops and one Mi-24 helicopter gunship were also destroyed during the raid, and six other helicopters involved in the operation were destroyed on the ground in the village of Alziz in the Odessa region. In addition, the Ukrainian army sent a suicide commando team of 100 soldiers to try to land on Snake Island, but the landing operation was thwarted by the Russian army, 27 corpses of Ukrainian soldiers were left on the coast of Snake Island, and 3 "Centaur" class armored assault boats were destroyed in the operation on the night of May 8.

Snake Island is located in the western part of the Black Sea, and during the Soviet period, the Soviet Army deployed air defense systems and coastal surveillance systems on the island as air defense outposts in the Crimea region. Snake Island is flat and lacks shelter, with a land area of only 0.17 square kilometers, which is a typical terrain that is easy to attack and difficult to defend. But it is 140 kilometers away from Odessa, an important port city in southern Ukraine, and only 35 kilometers from the nearest Ukrainian coast, which is of considerable strategic importance.

Russian military experts believe that although the Ukrainian army suffered heavy damage in this operation, there are signs that Ukraine is transporting American-made M777 howitzers and precision-guided artillery shells to the vicinity of Odessa, and the range of these modern artillery can cover the Russian positions on Snake Island, and the possibility of another attack by the Ukrainian army is not ruled out in the future.

The Ukrainian army has successively issued videos of "heavy blows to the Russian army"

The Ukrainian side did not deny that there was a fierce battle on Snake Island, but more through multiple videos released through social media showing "the heavy losses of russian troops in the region". Western media have also widely quoted the Ukrainian army's statement to prove that "it is difficult for the Russian army to gain a firm foothold on Snake Island."

Although as early as the day of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Russian army dispatched a number of naval ships to attack Snake Island, which was famous for the life and death Rashomon of the so-called "Thirteen Warriors of Snake Island". However, with the Complete Control of the Island by the Russians, the Ukrainians did not attack Snake Island for a long time thereafter, until the Cruiser Moscow, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, sank not far from Snake Island, and the Ukrainian movements suddenly increased.

Western military experts believe that because Snake Island is far from Crimea and the Russian military control area, coupled with the small size of the island, it can only rely on the Russian Navy to provide air defense cover. After the sinking of the Moscow, the Russian Black Sea Fleet continued to grit its teeth and send capital ships with regional air defense capabilities to the vicinity of Snake Island. A number of Western media quoted Ukrainian sources on the 6th to declare that the Ukrainian military successfully hit the Russian Black Sea Fleet frigate "Admiral Makarov" with the "Neptune" missile, which is one of the most advanced capital ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, equipped with SA-N-12 medium-range air defense missiles and "caliber" cruise missiles, which entered service in 2017. Although the Russian Navy has not confirmed the news, Western observers say the Russian Navy's capital ships have been asked to maintain more than 100 miles away from the Ukrainian coast to avoid attacks by Ukrainian shore-based anti-ship missiles.

Since then, the Ukrainian army's air strikes on Snake Island have become increasingly active. A video released by the Ukrainian army shows that a TB-2 drone destroyed the Russian military "Doyle" air defense system that had just been transported to Snake Island. Another video shows the TB-2 drone destroying a Russian helicopter that was landing. On the 7th, the video released by the Ukrainian army showed that the TB-2 UAV destroyed a Russian landing ship in the waters near Snake Island, and the "Doyle" air defense system that the ship urgently transported to Snake Island was destroyed before it was unloaded.

According to the Ukrainian army, after destroying the Russian air defense system cover on Snake Island, the Ukrainian Air Force dispatched two Su-27 fighters on the 7th to destroy part of the Russian military equipment located on Snake Island in the form of low-altitude bombing. The video released by the Ukrainian army shows that the TB-2 drone recorded the whole process of this bold bombing. According to the analysis of the US "Power" website, the video shows the Ukrainian army dispatching Su-27 low-altitude to drop unguided bombs, and this rare and dangerous low-altitude bombing operation can be successful, proving that there are serious loopholes in the Russian defense of Snake Island.

Britain's "Daily Mail" quoted the Ukrainian side as saying that the parade ship used by the Russian leader to review the naval fleet was blown up by laser-guided bombs near Snake Island. "A dramatic footage taken by a drone on the 8th showed that a Russian Navy's 'Raptor' class patrol boat was destroyed by a laser-guided bomb fired by a Ukrainian drone." It is said that due to the attack of the Ukrainian UAV, the original 8 "Raptor" class patrol boats of the Russian Black Sea Fleet may only have 3, most of which occurred near Snake Island. Western observers believe that although the Ukrainian army temporarily lost the battle for Snake Island, relying on the advantage of closer geographical location, it can use such rapid sneak attacks to make the Russian army "continuous blood loss".

Both sides are "drunkards do not mean to drink"

Why did Russia and Ukraine recently fight again in the direction of Snake Island? According to the analysis of the US "National Interest" website, the intentions of both sides are not limited to the gains and losses of the island, but are related to the current progress of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict situation.

For Ukraine, Snake Island is isolated outside the Russian military's defensive circle, its own defense force is weak, and the terrain is easy to attack and difficult to defend, which is originally an ideal target. Due to the deeds of the "Thirteen Warriors of Snake Island" earlier, Snake Island is of great symbolic significance in Western public opinion, and if the Ukrainian army can retake the island, it will not only greatly improve morale, but also be an important political plus. The Financial Times reported on the 10th that Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba said that Ukraine has upgraded its war goals: as long as Western allies quickly deliver the promised heavy weapons, Ukraine now hopes to drive Russian troops out of the country.

In addition to military considerations, Snake Island is also related to Ukraine's economic lifeline in the long run. After the Russian army took control of Snake Island, the routes of commercial ships were completely blocked, leaving Ukraine no longer able to export grain from the port of Odessa, one of the country's two major sources of foreign exchange. In addition, the seabed around Snake Island is rich in oil and natural gas resources.

In Russia's view, although it will pay a considerable price to continue to control Snake Island, it is still of great significance to the Russian military to promote the current strategy. Controlling Snake Island means that russian forces are almost unimpeded in the Black Sea and are always under pressure on Ukraine's southern coast. Russia's "free media" website said on the 10th that NATO is shipping weapons to Ukraine, and one of the main ways is through land and sea transportation in Romania. The Russians who control Snake Island could cut off the Passage of Western weapons by sea.

In addition, the Russian army has taken control of Mariupol, Ukraine's main port in the Sea of Azov, and poses a direct threat to Odessa, Ukraine's most important port off the coast of the Black Sea. Recently, the Russian army has launched air strikes on targets around Odessa, and even used the "dagger" hypersonic missile rarely, and the intention of competing for Odessa is very clear. But to capture a large city like Odessa, it is essential to rely on Snake Island to cut off its foreign maritime assistance.