
Azov camp ran out of food and water! Sneaking to drink the river water was found and blocked by the militia in Dongwu, and hundreds of people wanted to surrender

author:Camouflage Tiger

At present, the city of Mariupol has been besieged by the Russian army for more than 2 months, and the reason why the Russian army has not completely taken it is that there are still many civilians in the hands of the Azov battalion who are taken hostages, and they also negotiated with the Russian army the other day, saying that it was 1 hostage in exchange for 66 kilograms of food. Now, after many efforts, the civilians trapped in the Azov steel plant have all withdrawn, which means that the Russian army can completely let go of its hands and feet, without worrying that the operation against the steel plant will accidentally injure the civilians, so during this time, the Russian army has resumed the attack on the steel plant.

Azov camp ran out of food and water! Sneaking to drink the river water was found and blocked by the militia in Dongwu, and hundreds of people wanted to surrender

For the remnants of these Azov battalions, they are now like gophers, as long as they show their heads, they will be beaten by the Russian army, forcing these people to have fun in tunnel warfare, digging tunnels in the basement, trying to surprise the Russian army, and on several occasions almost succeeded. Once before, the tunnel was dug, and in a hotel next to the municipal building in Mariupol, the Azov battalion was preparing to go back and ask people to come over, but they were discovered and driven back, and the dug tunnel was invalidated.

Azov camp ran out of food and water! Sneaking to drink the river water was found and blocked by the militia in Dongwu, and hundreds of people wanted to surrender

The second time they decided to change their targets and focus on the logistics of the Russian army, because these Azov battalions were already hungry, and after hearing that the Russian army had opened a bread factory to distribute food to civilians, they decided to attack this bread factory, after all, they could not fight with the Russian army head-on, could they not even grab the bread? After several days and nights of hard work, the Azov battalion finally dug the tunnel to the bread factory, and in order to prevent the last situation, they dug the tunnel opening a little off, specifically avoiding the crowded place. But I didn't expect that this time it was still a failure, because the Russian drones had long seen them assembling from the tunnels one by one, crouching down in advance, and when the gang came to grab bread, they were naturally beaten to the ground, and several soldiers were killed before fleeing back to the basement.

Azov camp ran out of food and water! Sneaking to drink the river water was found and blocked by the militia in Dongwu, and hundreds of people wanted to surrender

This is also the reason why the people of the Azov battalion were willing to negotiate with the Russian army a few days ago, since the two excavations of tunnels failed, the food and medical supplies in the basement have fallen into a shortage, the soldiers are injured and can not be treated, not to mention, even the food and water are seriously insufficient, can only drink some groundwater and wastewater inside the machine; and the commander inside issued a distress letter, asking the outside world to come to the rescue And no one paid attention, but said that Jean insisted on insisting, so these desperate Azov battalions had to find their own way out.

Azov camp ran out of food and water! Sneaking to drink the river water was found and blocked by the militia in Dongwu, and hundreds of people wanted to surrender

After the complete withdrawal of the civilians from the steel mill, the Azov battalion completely gave up the idea of sticking to the end with the Russians, and the only thing they wanted to do now was to have some food and water so that they would not starve to death, and to be able to escape from the city smoothly, so the gang thought of another way - since digging into the city can't work, then I will dig into the mountains, and you can't catch me in the mountains, right? So in the Russian war report, it was also seen that the Russian army destroyed a tunnel of the Azov battalion, which was under the railway track, and it was carefully repaired, with a height of 3 meters, and the width was enough, completely enough for the smooth passage of the Azov battalion; and in front of this passage was a river channel, and from the scene of the scene, the people of the Azov battalion used this channel to divert water, thus solving the problem of insufficient water source.

Azov camp ran out of food and water! Sneaking to drink the river water was found and blocked by the militia in Dongwu, and hundreds of people wanted to surrender

When this passage was blocked, the Azov battalion was also in despair, on the spot there were two or three hundred people who wanted to surrender and run, because there was no food to endure, but even the water did not have to drink, 3 days can not be used will be thirsty to death; but these people surrendered even if they still want to leave with the flag, you know that there are many people in the Russian army but hate the Nazi flag of the Azov battalion, see that it is not bad to burn you, how can it be taken away? Naturally, the Russians refused their request.

Azov camp ran out of food and water! Sneaking to drink the river water was found and blocked by the militia in Dongwu, and hundreds of people wanted to surrender

At present, there are only more than 1,000 people in the Azov battalion in the steel plant, and if you add these two or three hundred people who want to surrender, I am afraid that even a thousand will not arrive; by the end of the month, I am afraid that all the soldiers in the basement will be wounded soldiers who lack arms and legs. The Russian army also does not have to be too anxious, after all, now the Ukrainian army in the steel plant only needs to send a part of the troops to cope, the rest can go to support the battle in the Donbass region, and with the arrival of summer, these Azov battalions trapped underneath may be more anxious, after all, there are warm pressure bombs on the ground that have been baking, and there is no water and electricity underground How to resist this temperature? Not to mention the wounded soldiers, I am afraid that the wounds will be suppurative.

Azov camp ran out of food and water! Sneaking to drink the river water was found and blocked by the militia in Dongwu, and hundreds of people wanted to surrender

Here I would still like to advise you that these Azov battalions, which are still dying in the basement, are the best to surrender now, after all, they can still jump for a while, in case they are starved of food and water after waiting, they can't move, they can't surrender if they want to surrender, and when the people of the East Ukrainian militia come over, they are afraid that they will not have to burst out on the spot, and the foreign war report says that the two sides have been killed in a firefight, what do these dead people take to prove it?