
What is the difference between eating pasta for a long time and a person who eats rice for a long time? Take a look

author:Dr. Shuo talks about health
Want to ensure the health of the body, first of all, you need to take in enough nutrition, so three meals a day must be eaten on time, due to regional differences, so the gap between the people in the north and the south in terms of diet, the southerners have a special love for rice, and the northerners are inseparable from pasta.

What is the difference between a person who eats pasta for a long time and a person who eats rice for a long time? Which habit is good for the body?

We need to be clear about steamed buns and rice, these two kinds of pasta can be used as staple foods to absorb the body, and these two staple foods do not have any harm to the body, we want to know which is good for the body, first of all, you can understand the difference between these two.

What is the difference between eating pasta for a long time and a person who eats rice for a long time? Take a look


100 grams of cooked rice, the calorie is 117 kcal, according to calculations, 100 grams of steamed steamed steam

Rice to become rice, after absorbing water, the water content of each rice will soar from less than 15% to 70%, according to the normal water absorption and taste level, 100 grams of rice can cook more than 200 grams of rice.

What is the difference between eating pasta for a long time and a person who eats rice for a long time? Take a look


The staple food choice of clinical hyperglycemia and diabetes patients needs to consider staple foods with a low glycemic index, and for the transport and excretion of blood glucose by the body's islet cells, the two are compared with each other, and the glycemic index of rice is higher than that of rice.

Rice glycemic index is 83, pasta glycemic index is 81, for clinical diabetes and people with large blood glucose fluctuations, you can choose coarse grain foods to regulate the body's blood sugar fluctuations, which has an adverse impact on the stability of blood sugar.

What is the difference between eating pasta for a long time and a person who eats rice for a long time? Take a look


In terms of nutritional composition, rice is less nutritious than rice, and the vitamin B, mineral and protein content of pasta is more than rice, so in terms of nutritional components alone, it is recommended that everyone can eat some pasta.

Who is likely to be in better health for people who eat rice for a long time and people who eat pasta?

What kind of staple food to choose is related to personal preferences and regions, and has little impact on the body, whether it is eating pasta or rice, you cannot judge the quality of the body through this point.

We recommend a variety of diets, a variety of staple foods to eat, such as drinking porridge in the morning, eating rice at noon, eating noodles at night, you can drink porridge, with a bun.

What is the difference between eating pasta for a long time and a person who eats rice for a long time? Take a look

According to their own situation to choose staple foods, such as high blood sugar can eat more refined rice white noodles, eat more rough food, such as corn, black rice and other multigrain foods, or use cornmeal to make steamed bread to eat, this type of food is more nutritious, more benefits to the body, if you like to eat noodles can be less salt, less oil, increase eggs, shrimp, vegetables, make noodles more nutritious.

Want to lose weight, the following methods can be used as a reference?

1. Maintain exercise more than 3 times a week

Most fat people are not in the habit of exercising, accustomed to sitting still, and the daily walking value is only two or three thousand steps, which will lead to slow metabolism of physical activity, the body is prone to health problems, and it is easy to accumulate fat.

If you can insist on exercising more than 3 times a week, choose jogging, square dancing, playing ball and other sports, you can improve the flexibility of the body, effectively strengthen the body, and maintain a slim figure.

What is the difference between eating pasta for a long time and a person who eats rice for a long time? Take a look

2. Adjust the order of eating

When eating, put the fruit before the meal to eat, and then eat vegetables, put carbohydrates and meat behind to eat, eat more vegetables to enhance satiety, can reduce the intake of other high-calorie foods, a meal down, calorie intake will be reduced.

3. Quit snacking during weight loss

New Year everyone will hoard some snacks, like nuts, puffed food, often once eaten can not stop, weight loss period, to "control the mouth", quit snacks, weight loss period, if you really want to eat anything, eat more low-calorie fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, apples, pears, cucumbers, that is, can supplement nutrition, but will not make us fat.

What is the difference between eating pasta for a long time and a person who eats rice for a long time? Take a look