
Put 2 garlic under the pillow before going to bed, after a while, what does the body finally get?

author:Doctor Yong popular science chat

Garlic is a common condiment in life, but also a health food, very widely used, which contains allicin, often eat garlic has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects.

Garlic contains protein, fat, carb, crude fiber and other nutrients, which contains allicin and volatile oil ingredients have a strong ability to sterilize and sterilize, but also to eliminate the presence of pathogens in the body.

The benefits of allicin contained in it to the brain are much stronger than vitamin B, usually eat more garlic is good for the body, garlic can not only eat, but also has a certain medicinal value, put two garlic under the pillow before going to bed, after a period of time, the body will harvest some benefits.

Put 2 garlic under the pillow before going to bed, after a while, what does the body finally get?


Put 2 garlic under the pillow before going to bed, after a while, what does the body finally get?

Improves sleep

Many people in life have sleep disorders, and now the pressure of work and life is getting more and more intense, and people's mental pressure is becoming more and more large, resulting in a decline in sleep quality, insomnia, dreams, and waking up in the middle of the night.

Before going to bed at night, you can put two pieces of garlic under the pillow, and the smell of garlic is transmitted into the nasal cavity through the pillow, which can help improve the quality of sleep, and after a period of time, you will find that the symptoms of insomnia will be improved.


Garlic has a strong pungent taste, which contains ingredients with antibacterial and antibacterial effects, before going to bed, put two garlic under the pillow, can play a role in sterilization.

Put 2 garlic under the pillow before going to bed, after a while, what does the body finally get?

There are a lot of mites on our pillows and sheets, and garlic can kill these mites, make the mites disappear, and protect the health of the skin.

Improve the phenomenon of nose failure

There are some people in life whose resistance is relatively poor, it is easy to catch a cold when it comes to changing seasons, it is easy to have nasal congestion after a cold, you can only breathe through the mouth when you sleep at night, and you will find dry mouth and dry tongue and dry throat after waking up in the morning.

To improve the phenomenon of nose failure, put two garlic under the pillow before going to bed at night, the allicin in the garlic will enter the nasal cavity through the mouth and nose, remove the obstacles that hinder the nose breathing, and after a period of time, you will find that breathing becomes smooth.

Put 2 garlic under the pillow before going to bed, after a while, what does the body finally get?

Hair texture gets better

Excessive stress will not only affect the quality of sleep, but also lead to hair loss problems, now many young people are facing the trouble of hair loss, want to alleviate hair loss, before going to bed you can put two garlic under the pillow.

Garlic is rich in garlic essential oil, can play a role in hair care, which can stimulate the growth of hair follicles, promote blood circulation in the head, adhere to a period of time will find that the hair texture has become better, hair loss phenomenon has also been alleviated.

The body does not easily catch colds

People with poor physical resistance are prone to colds, when bacteria are raging, you can put two garlic under the pillow, which can play a certain bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, and when the body is invaded by external bacteria or viruses, it can protect the body and prevent colds.

Put 2 garlic under the pillow before going to bed, after a while, what does the body finally get?


What are the benefits of eating garlic sprouts for human health?

Prevent blood clots

The allicin in the young buds of garlic can play a role in sterilization and antiseptic, but also reduce the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, has the effect of lowering blood lipids, preventing blood clots, and can also prevent coronary artery thrombosis. Diabetic patients eat the young buds of garlic appropriately, which can play an auxiliary role in lowering sugar.

Boosts immune function

Garlic sprouts are rich in vitamin C, higher than the content of ingredients in garlic, eating garlic properly can enhance the immune function of the human body, people who are prone to colds eat some garlic appropriately in autumn and winter, which can prevent colds.

Bactericidal and anti-inflammatory

There is also a large amount of capsaicin in garlic, this ingredient has a strong bactericidal effect, for parasites and pathogenic bacteria have a strong hunting effect, often eat garlic can prevent influenza, but also to prevent wound infection.

Put 2 garlic under the pillow before going to bed, after a while, what does the body finally get?

Healthy spleen and appetizer, improve loss of appetite

Garlic in the aged vinegar and sugar juice for marinating, can strengthen the spleen and appetizer, improve the loss of appetite, people without appetite eat a few grains of garlic when eating, can stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice.

Relieves cold stomach and nausea

Patients with cold intolerance and nausea can eat garlic appropriately to help the stomach qi decline, warm the stomach to drive away the cold, remember not to eat too much, because eating too much will make the stomach feel spicy.


Eating garlic has many benefits, but it is better for 4 types of people to eat less

Many people like to use garlic to flavor, add garlic dishes, Yao will have a different flavor, but not everyone has this mouth, the following 4 types of people try not to eat or eat less garlic:

Put 2 garlic under the pillow before going to bed, after a while, what does the body finally get?
  • Suffering from eye disease: If you have stye swollen eyes and often dry eyes, then do not eat too much garlic, because the spicy ingredients of garlic will spread into the air and burn the mucous membranes.
  • From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, eating too much garlic will hurt the eyes, hurt the qi and blood, so it is not advisable to eat more, and if the elderly have cataracts or conjunctivitis, do not eat more garlic.
  • Patients with liver disease: liver disease patients do not think that garlic can kill the virus to eat more, the type of virus is not the same, eating food into the body can not kill the virus on the liver. Blindly eating garlic will cause acid reflux, bring discomfort to the body, and even affect the treatment of liver disease.
  • Suffering from stomach ulcers: After eating garlic, it will make you feel stomach upset, so patients with stomach ulcers should not eat garlic.
  • Frequent diarrhea: If symptoms of diarrhea occur, then do not eat garlic.