
The living room potted small leaf rosewood, the temperament is noble and elegant, the aroma is pleasant, and it can purify the air

author:Brother Qiang loves Sannong

The existence of nature is very important to human beings, for example, the most critical oxygen for maintaining human life activities is provided by nature. In addition, the food needed for human growth also comes from nature, and it can be said that people's lives are closely related to nature.

The living room potted small leaf rosewood, the temperament is noble and elegant, the aroma is pleasant, and it can purify the air

At present, many people will plant some flowers and trees at home in order to get close to nature. Among them, there is a potted green plant that is very popular, and its name is called small leaf rosewood. So far, the small leaf rosewood has a very long history, as early as the Qing Dynasty, it was loved by the dignitaries.

The living room potted small leaf rosewood, the temperament is noble and elegant, the aroma is pleasant, and it can purify the air

Even now, it is still a very valuable existence, and if it is planted at home, what is most needed is the patience of the grower. The main reason is that the growth rate of rosewood is very slow, like a snail crawling slowly.

The living room potted small leaf rosewood, the temperament is noble and elegant, the aroma is pleasant, and it can purify the air

Even after several years of cultivation, the small leaf rosewood itself will not change much. In fact, it only grows once every five years, so we need a lot of patience when growing. Therefore, growing rosewood at home is the plant of choice for cultivating tolerance.

If you want rosewood to grow into usable wood, it will take at least 800 years. Because of this, the small-leaf rosewood occupies a high position among many trees, which also arouses great curiosity and wants to feel for themselves whether this is true.

The living room potted small leaf rosewood, the temperament is noble and elegant, the aroma is pleasant, and it can purify the air

The small leaf rosewood is very valuable, in ancient times, it was a special wood for the royal family, and many of the furniture and accessories in the Forbidden City were made from it. From this, we can also feel its rarity, so whenever it appears on the market, it is quickly sold out.

When planting small leaf rosewood, we need to put it in a well-ventilated place, mainly because it loves fresh air very much. In addition, the root system of small-leaved rosewood is different from that of ordinary plants, and its root system is relatively fragile, so it is necessary to plant it in loose and soft soil.

The living room potted small leaf rosewood, the temperament is noble and elegant, the aroma is pleasant, and it can purify the air

During the growth process, the small-leaved rosewood will also be affected by some pests and diseases, and once disturbed, the leaves will turn black, at this time, we need to use Hakata solution to treat it.

However, when using, you need to pay attention to the dilution concentration and try to maintain a ratio of 1:100. In addition, some other pesticides can be formulated, and when pests and diseases appear, they can also be dealt with in time to prevent the whole plant from being continuously invaded.

The living room potted small leaf rosewood, the temperament is noble and elegant, the aroma is pleasant, and it can purify the air

In addition, the small-leaved rosewood is also a light-loving plant, so don't forget to add sunlight after planting, you can choose to put it on the balcony or window sill so that the plant can absorb enough sunlight. Only when the growth environment is very properly arranged, the small-leaved rosewood will have a better growth trend.

The ambient temperature should also be paid attention to during the growth process, and the small-leaved rosewood originates in tropical and subtropical regions, so it likes to grow in a warm environment. If a friend in the north wants to grow rosewood with small leaves, you need to cultivate it indoors or in a warm greenhouse. Especially when winter comes, it is more necessary to prevent it in advance.

The living room potted small leaf rosewood, the temperament is noble and elegant, the aroma is pleasant, and it can purify the air

If the above precautions are done well, we can make the small-leaf rosewood have a good growth trend. In addition, putting it in the room will also improve the temperament and style of the whole room, so that people have a better impression of the owner of the room.

【Four Seasons Planting】Precious Small Leaf Rosewood Bonsai Indoor Potted Plants Evergreen Plants ¥59 Purchase

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