
The special meritorious man joined the army for 5 years, never took off his clothes when he slept, and later learned that he was a woman when he was in a coma and was hospitalized

author:Xiao Qi talked

At a time of national crisis, some people are not afraid of life and death, and they are called heroes, however, there are many types of heroes.

The special meritorious man joined the army for 5 years, never took off his clothes when he slept, and later learned that he was a woman when he was in a coma and was hospitalized

Among all the combat heroes, there is a warrior named Guo Junqing who is very special, and even when Chairman Mao sees her, he will give her a thumbs up and praise her: "You are the contemporary Mulan, the representative of the scarf who does not let the eyebrows be shaved, and it is worth learning from all of us!" ”

Who is Guo Junqing? Why did she get such praise?

Guo Junqing is a heroine, she has always been a boy with the public, at that time she was not called Guo Junqing, but guo fu.

In order to keep this secret, Guo Junqing never stripped off his clothes and slept for five years, if he had not been admitted to the hospital in a coma, everyone might not have known that this comrade-in-arms who always rushed in front of him was actually a daughter. What the hell happened to her?

01 Poor daughter who aspires to join the army

When Guo Junqing was born, it was the time when Chinese people were being bullied.

When the country is broken and the family is destroyed, it is not only the iron hooves of the great powers that bully the Chinese, but also the ugly landlords.

The special meritorious man joined the army for 5 years, never took off his clothes when he slept, and later learned that he was a woman when he was in a coma and was hospitalized

In that era, this kind of employment relationship did not have the slightest equality to speak of, but more of the exploitation and oppression of the other party by one party, and such a thing also happened to Guo Junqing's family.

Guo Junqing is the eldest in the family, as the eldest daughter in the family, Guo Junqing is very sensible, since childhood knows to help her parents deal with household chores and help with farm work.

She grew up in the picture of her parents being bullied by landlords, and from an early age she hoped to make her parents live a happy life on her own.

The so-called do not erupt in silence, and die in silence.

The family that silently endured the oppression of the landlord did not get a happy reward because of their silence, and on the cold winter moon day, the father who carried water for the landlord's family fell off the cliff, and since then, the family has lost its dependence.

Her father's departure inspired Guo Junqing's deeply buried fighting spirit, and she was bent on joining the army to gain a sigh of relief for her father.

The special meritorious man joined the army for 5 years, never took off his clothes when he slept, and later learned that he was a woman when he was in a coma and was hospitalized

In the following days, Guo Junqing silently waited for the opportunity to join the army until the appearance of the Eighth Route Army.

02 Angry cut short hair, the daughter also wants to become a soldier

When the team of the Eighth Route Army came to Guo Junqing's village, Guo Junqing was excited. However, after calming down, she thought about an important issue: the Eighth Route Army did not accept female soldiers.

This made Guo Junqing very distressed.

Looking at the face of the girl in Qing Shui, Guo Junqing ruthlessly cut off his hair and dressed up like a leather boy.

In this way, Guo Junqing, who dressed up as a boy, got his wish.

After joining the army, Guo Junqing became the commander of the cavalry communication squad with excellent ability, and as a communication soldier, Guo Junqing must ensure that the letters in his hand can be delivered to the brother troops in time.

The special meritorious man joined the army for 5 years, never took off his clothes when he slept, and later learned that he was a woman when he was in a coma and was hospitalized

Such a task was not easy at that time, first through the enemy's heavy defensive area, in addition, but also to overcome the problem of physical strength, after all, sometimes in order to send a letter need to cross tens of kilometers of distance.

At one point, Guo Junqing was ordered to deliver an important document to her brother troops 30 kilometers away and return to the base within four hours.

Estimated by the order, Guo Junqing immediately rushed to the position of the brother's troops with his own white horse.

The snow had reached her knees, and the horses could not drag her through the thick snow.

Looking at the deep snow that was nearly the thickness of his thighs, Guo Junqing did not hesitate to jump off the white horse, grab the rope and drag the horse to continue to rush forward.

The sky grew darker and darker, until the whole sky was covered by an airtight black, and finally, at dawn, Guo Junqing arrived at the brothers' troops.

After delivering the envelope to the other party, Guo Junqing immediately led his mayuan road back.

At this time, the exhausted old horse was powerless to complete the remaining tasks with Guo Junqing, and finally fell into a white snow.

The special meritorious man joined the army for 5 years, never took off his clothes when he slept, and later learned that he was a woman when he was in a coma and was hospitalized

Looking at the old horse that accompanied her for a long time, Guo Junqing was very sad in her heart, but she did not have time to pay attention to the emotions in her heart, and could only drag her body to continue to the position where the troops were located.

Guo Junqing completed the task brilliantly, and it was this thrilling process that further affirmed Guo Junqing's ability.

She has accumulated a good reputation among her comrades-in-arms by virtue of her ability, and has become a qualified warrior in the witness of everyone.

At this time, everyone looked at Guo Junqing, who rushed to the front all the time, and felt that he was a very responsible young man. No one ever imagined that this heroic comrade-in-arms was actually a daughter.

03 Five years to cover up the daughter's body exposed

In the process of five years of companionship, what makes Guo Junqing feel most sad is how to hide the identity of his daughter.

In order to be able to hide people's eyes, whether it is on a three-volt day or in the cold winter moon, Guo Junqing never refuses to take off his coat and sleep.

The special meritorious man joined the army for 5 years, never took off his clothes when he slept, and later learned that he was a woman when he was in a coma and was hospitalized

Sometimes between a group of bare-chested men, Guo Junqing, dressed in full, looks very special, and many comrades-in-arms will pull Guo Junqing to be honest with each other.

At this time, Guo Junqing often chose to retreat, and said that he was weak, and when the wind blew, he would be infected with wind chills.

Although such a statement caused everyone to laugh, Guo Junqing would rather be the protagonist of the joke than reveal the identity of his daughter.

She didn't know if, when everyone knew she was a woman, she would continue to stay in the army and charge.

In the five years of her military life, she never chose to hide behind her comrades because of her female identity.

On the contrary, in the process of each charge, she was the fastest and fiercest fighter, and after five years of trembling, a coma finally exposed Guo Junqing's secret.

Guo Junqing, who was sent to the hospital, needed to change the number of the patient according to the nurse's request.

When the nurse lifted Guo Junqing's coat and saw her throat and the surface of her skin, she concluded that the little warrior in front of her was a daughter.

The special meritorious man joined the army for 5 years, never took off his clothes when he slept, and later learned that he was a woman when he was in a coma and was hospitalized

Since then, the title of Guo Junqing's heroine has also sounded in the army, and she has also received corresponding commendations and become a special meritorious person.