
The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip

author:Lin Xi Lin Xi Film and Television
苹果‬拥有全球智能手机收入的44%。 而今年的爆料‬和预计‬,iPhone终于提供了一个新的设计变化,果粉‬们也一直‬期待‬苹果‬新款‬手机‬的‬改变‬! 评论区‬说出‬你对苹果推出的iPhone14 Pro的看法。
The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip


  • 从‬爆料‬中的‬iPhone14Pro‬将会‬是‬8G内存,A16芯片‬、2TB存储、8K视频,听到这里‬,你是否‬也‬心动了‬,多了‬些‬期待‬呢‬?
The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip
  • 目前‬最新‬iPhone上的6G内存也是非常好的。 现在苹果A15仍然是所有手机上最快的芯片,当然‬随着‬A16仿生芯片的‬诞生‬,苹果公司希望通过在‬14系列超越极限。 据称,A16芯片建立在台积电的思纳米工艺上,将会‬带来终极性能。
The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip
  • Now with the launch of a series of iPhone 14s, Apple wants to further improve the battery level. According to the news, Apple will take advantage of Qualcomm's latest ultra-efficient 5GX65 modem, which is built on TSMC's new six-nanometer process. This 5G chip is said to be smaller, powerful, and efficient, while bringing new features such as WIFI6E.
The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip
The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip


相信‬大家多多少少‬‬都看过关于‬新款‬iPhone‬刘海‬设计的‬视频‬和‬图片‬吧‬! 到底是‬挖孔‬屏还是‬感叹号‬屏幕‬? 又或许‬还是‬延续‬经典‬的‬刘海拍‬屏呢‬? 让我们‬拭目以待‬吧‬。

The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip
The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip

48 million super high pixels, 8K video.

The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip
The iPhone 14Pro was exposed, and the bangs disappeared + 4nmA16 chip

What kind of design do you think the iPhone 14Pro will be? You are welcome to leave a message in the comments section.