
Some women have "menopause", but looking not old, young, may be related to 4 points

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

Menstruation is a special sign of a woman's physiology.

Every month is like a creditor on time, there is a beginning and an end, menstruation can be said to be the "barometer" of the female body, the time to come, how much to come, are the embodiment of women's physical condition, come to make people uncomfortable, do not come and make people think day and night, menstruation can really be women's joy and wrongdoers, I hope that one day it will completely disappear.

Some women have "menopause", but looking not old, young, may be related to 4 points

To get rid of any problems with the body, for women, the disappearance of menstruation means the beginning of a woman's amenorrhea. Every woman must experience menopause once in her life, which is a very normal physiological phenomenon. After menopause, the body's estrogen secretion will decrease, the function of the ovaries and the quality of the eggs will decline, and menstruation will begin to be disordered, may suddenly become more or less, and then slowly disappear until menopause.

What is the difference between when a woman is good for amenorrhea and too early or too late

The beginning of menopause, means that the female body is entering aging, generally normal is after 40 years old, menstrual volume will be correspondingly reduced, women are worried that after menopause, the body will begin to age, become a real "yellow-faced woman", some people 45 years old menopause, some people 54 years old menopause.

In fact, these two ages are normal, because each woman's physique is different, menstruation is actually the maturity of follicles, estrogen secreted by the ovaries and luteinizing hormone will stimulate the uterine wall, the lining thickens, the egg is discharged, these two hormones fall, and then the uterus lacks moisture, and the lining atrophises and then falls off. Some people have follicles that mature faster and some people slowly, which is one of the reasons why women have menopause time sooner or later.

That is to say, menstruation will be affected by body hormones, if the female body hormones are more, menopause is late, less hormones will be early. As long as the menopause time is 45-55 years old, it is normal. The general living environment, work intensity, eating habits, and ovarian health will affect the time of amenorrhea sooner or later.

Some women have "menopause", but looking not old, young, may be related to 4 points

Premature amenorrhea, needless to say, definitely has an effect on the body, which may mean that the decline in ovarian function in women and then lead to premature aging. It means that menopause arrives early, the mood becomes capricious, osteoporosis, and other manifestations of menopausal syndrome. But there are also benefits, no longer need to prepare sanitary napkins, save money, and do not have to worry about the sudden visit of menstruation at any time, embarrass yourself, and even have dysmenorrhea that is worse than death.

In life, you will definitely find why some women have menopause like themselves, but look younger than their peers, compared to this is also very curious about everyone, the next meeting will answer for you.

Obviously amenorrhea, why do you still look young? It may be related to these few good habits

Loved exercising

Exercise can help the body's blood circulation, promote the body's metabolism, maintain physical health and vitality, and is also a good way to relieve physical and mental exhaustion. When women have reached middle age when they are menopause, many people will think that when they are old, they will not toss anymore, if they break themselves, it is not pure to add to their own psychological blockage. This idea is very wrong, now do not exercise to strengthen the body, do you want to wait until the seven years old and eighty with crutches limping and then exercising? If you don't want to get older and older after menopause, you have to find a workout method that suits you now, and then stick to it, you can also have youthful vitality after amenorrhea, you can try yoga, jogging, swimming.

Eat well

We have to eat every day, we get the energy and nutrition needed for the operation of the body through food, and our current diet is really rich, and the whole table is estimated to be able to arrange for ourselves as long as we are willing to spend money. There are many types of food, but also to pick nutritious to eat, the body itself has entered aging, digestive function began to decline, it is necessary to avoid overeating to increase the burden on the body, slowly affect the health of the body, it is recommended that the diet is light and easy to digest the best.

Some women have "menopause", but looking not old, young, may be related to 4 points

Get enough sleep

Women themselves like to chase dramas, I believe that everyone watches such a large-scale series as "The Biography of Zhen Huan", no less than 3 times. Chase chase chase to forget the time, as well as work-based, stay up late overtime strong women, many women after menopause to see aging is because, often stay up late and then lead to endocrine disorders of the body, affecting the secretion of estrogen, the skin will also come worse and worse, look how can it not be old?" Sleeping Beauty "Beauty is sleeping out, adequate sleep can delay aging, but also prevent disease.

The mentality is good

Many women after menopause, along with menopausal syndrome will become irritable, irritable, sad and fearful, etc., which has a great impact on estrogen, if not relieved in time, the attitude is more and more negative, is to help the body aging. Whether women who are experiencing menopause or who have been in a desperate situation should pay attention to the positiveness of their mentality, a good attitude to help you survive menopause.

These foods can help women delay aging

Eat more legumes

This contains isoflavones, has the effect of lowering blood lipids, promoting bone repair, menopausal women are recommended to consume more than 30 grams of beans or soy products per day, improve body protein and calcium substances, and prevent osteoporosis.

Eat more oats

Oats are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants, these substances one is to help delay the aging of the body, the other is to help promote bowel movements, the phenomenon of constipation after menopause is also more common, eat more oats to help prevent this phenomenon.

Leafy greens and fruits

For example, spinach, tomatoes, grapefruit, oranges or carrots contain not only iron that can make blood, but also folic acid and various vitamins to help relieve the symptoms of anemia. Watermelon has a diuretic function, which can avoid early edema in women, eat a light diet, and avoid irritating foods.

Some women have "menopause", but looking not old, young, may be related to 4 points

The majority of female friends, it seems that this article, your view of amenorrhea has not improved a lot?


1. "Eat four more foods during menopause to ensure good health"——CICC Online 2015-01-15