
Phoenix single bush tea - red tip single bush

author:Phoenix Single Bush Tea Encyclopedia

Phoenix single bush tea, is the world's plant history of the most peculiar tea, it originated from the results of excellent daffodil mutation, mutated out of more than two hundred varieties, more than ten fragrances, each leaf can emit a natural floral and fruit fragrance. Looking at the six major types of tea in China, only single-bush tea has many aromas and spontaneous fragrances.

Phoenix single bush tea is known as the title of perfume in tea, a bush of incense, born dexterous and changeable, with the fragrance of a hundred flowers, and the sweet show of fresh fruits, which makes many tea friends, love, pet, always do not forget to release its fragrance on the tea party.

The tea variety shared with tea friends today is called :"Red Tip Single Bush".

Next, let's take a look at what characteristics it has.

Origin of the name

The "red peduncle" is named after the purple-red color of its petiole and leaf pillow.

"Red Tip", the mother tree grows in the village of Wu Tuo, the mother tree is nearly 200 years old. It belongs to sexual reproduction and looks old in appearance.

This breed is also said to be like duck incense, anonymous and not much spread.

Quality characteristics

Dry tea: the cord is tight and thick, the color is gray-brown, and there is no obvious feature of dry tea, and there is a slight honey sweetness.

Soup color: refreshing and translucent, the entrance tea soup is sweet and fragrant, the fragrance is like the floral fragrance of "five-leaf orchid", which is very comfortable.

Tea base: even and clean, the leaves are thick and thick, and the smell of the tea bottom has a natural floral fragrance.

Tea appreciation

--Tea Tree--

Phoenix single bush tea - red tip single bush
Phoenix single bush tea - red tip single bush
Phoenix single bush tea - red tip single bush

-- Dry Tea --

Phoenix single bush tea - red tip single bush

-- Tea Soup --

Phoenix single bush tea - red tip single bush

-- Tea Base --

Phoenix single bush tea - red tip single bush