
Chinese loves to grow vegetables too much, vipshop will plant vegetables and the machine is on fire, and the Chinese in New York are all in action abroad

author:Yuri does not take revenge today

There is a saying that if the racial talent of blacks is sports and Rap, then the racial talent of Chinese is to grow vegetables, which has been increasingly verified in recent years.

Chinese loves to grow vegetables too much, vipshop will plant vegetables and the machine is on fire, and the Chinese in New York are all in action abroad

Abroad, Chinese Americans are "carrying forward" their instinct to grow vegetables and grow vegetables in big cities like New York. The US media "World Journal" recently reported that the Chinese people are good at taking care of it, and the wasteland, balcony or top floor can be turned into a "vegetable garden".

In Evergreen Park in Flushing, New York, a 20-square-meter wasteland was applied for by the elderly of Chinese descent and after a long period of care, it was turned into a fertile vegetable garden. Only 50 yuan a year is paid, and you will harvest a full range of vegetables and fruits.

This is not an isolated case, and some Chinese have even opened natural farming classes in New York to teach local Chinese and Americans to grow vegetables. From the soil to the climate to the cultivation of crops, it has become a must-learn knowledge in the classroom.

Ms. Yang, a teacher, said: "We teach in a high-rise building in Manhattan, and every seed, every grain of dirt and sand is brought up by us in the elevator. Many Chinese people have expressed interest in farming, and I have renewed my lease of two farmlands this year, taking everyone to the farmland to cultivate soil and sow seedlings. ”

Chinese loves to grow vegetables too much, vipshop will plant vegetables and the machine is on fire, and the Chinese in New York are all in action abroad

It is said that what people will always miss is the soil of their hometown, although the Chinese are far away, growing vegetables in New York is undoubtedly a way to commemorate their hometown.

In addition to the Chinese, in fact, young people in China are also addicted to growing vegetables. Remember in 2008, "Happy Farm" was popular all over the country as soon as it was born, how many young people turned the alarm clock to get up in the middle of the night to "steal vegetables", some people laughed and said that stealing vegetables at that time was more active than going to work.

In recent years, more and more young people have begun to be dissatisfied with stealing vegetables online, and have begun the offline "vegetable growing business". If you have the conditions, you can open up a vegetable garden downstairs or on the top of the building, plant your favorite vegetables and fruits, and plant several pots of flowers and plants. If the conditions are slightly worse, I use a pot to grow vegetables on the balcony, whether it is garlic seedlings or leeks, there is also a different kind of fun.

Chinese loves to grow vegetables too much, vipshop will plant vegetables and the machine is on fire, and the Chinese in New York are all in action abroad

If there is no balcony in the home, the emergence of the home intelligent vegetable grower also solves this problem very well. Miniaturized and intelligent vegetable growers, because they are easy to take care of and are not affected by factors such as light and climate, have begun to flourish among young people at home.

Vipshop data shows that in the first quarter of 2022, the sales volume of vegetable growing machines increased by more than 30% month-on-month, of which the growth rate of orders after 90 and 95 far exceeded the average level of other groups. That is to say, the post-90s and post-95s are becoming the main consumers of household smart vegetable growing machines.

In a planting-related store on another platform, vegetable-related utensils also ushered in a big outbreak. In the past year, the store sold seeds, seedlings and other related utensils to create more than 30 million sales.

I have to say that growing vegetables has become the deepest instinct of Chinese genes. This point is surprisingly consistent between Chinese and Chinese, whether it is the elderly or young.

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