
The most chicken rib of the original God's life is the five-star, complete with zero life and full of life

author:Post-90s game fungus

As we all know, the lifeline improvement of the original god-limited role is very significant, but there is such a role that his life seat improvement is not only not so significant, but even has the possibility of negative promotion, this role is Zhong Li.

The most chicken rib of the original God's life is the five-star, complete with zero life and full of life

First of all, there can be one more pillar on the field of one life, and many people will say that this life seat can effectively increase the damage of the resonance flow, achieving the effect of having two pillars on the field at the same time. But in fact, this life base is more inclined to increase the fault tolerance rate when placing the column. After all, Zhong Li's pillars are sometimes accidentally inserted into creations or monsters and broken directly, without generating pillars, and when you need to change positions, such as when monsters run to the other side of the field, it is more convenient to make up the pillars to resonate. Even if you are a life away, but you still rely on the long E on the shield, and the cooling of the long E is quite long, if you have to cool down to the long E and then lose two pillars, it will be dragged to the team output axis, so if you want to fully experience the happiness of the resonance of the two pillars in actual combat, please smoke two lives.

The most chicken rib of the original God's life is the five-star, complete with zero life and full of life

Zhong Li's second life is far from being as simple as helping his teammates to shield when they are online, which is equivalent to adding a means of replenishing shields. At the beginning of the general environment battle, you can directly open the shield and hit the damage, in the team loop output, but also eliminate the long E on the shield to drag time; and in the face of high-pressure environment, you can choose to use the big move and the long E way to take turns on the shield to supplement the shield, others can only last shield within 12 seconds, you can go twice, so it can also be said that the amount of shield in disguise has increased the shield of the bell. Zhong Li's three lives can increase resonance damage and shield volume, but Zhong Li pillars will be directly destroyed when inserted in other rock creations or on water, and the two rock ridges will not resonate with each other, but they will still be counted as two rock creations covered on the field, so the actual output will be slightly lower.

The most chicken rib of the original God's life is the five-star, complete with zero life and full of life

Four Lives: Extend the petrification time and petrification range of the big move. In terms of extending the time, it is actually quite emotional, and it can be almost seamlessly petrified when paired with the six-life Thor minus CD. However, because the cost is too high and the boss-type enemies cannot be petrified, I think it is not worth it to draw four lives just for this game. As we all know, Zhong Li's big move has a short cooldown, low energy requirements, and the multiplier is not low, so many people's first impression of Zhong Li is that the big move is very painful. But in fact, in the current version, if your bell is placed in the non-resonance team, do not care about the resonance damage is just a simple 12 seconds out to open a big move, in fact, it has been a bit off the team DPS, after all, the big move animation will waste about two seconds of time. During the period when the target is petrified, there will be rock attachments on the body, but it will still not be able to use other rock system skills to create rock crystals at this time.

The most chicken rib of the original God's life is the five-star, complete with zero life and full of life

Six Lives will regenerate health based on damage taken to a character on the field, but there is a limit to a single restore. It is very useful to return health when encountering multi-stage damage such as the Trick Flower Machine Gun or Grass Burning, but it will not return a lot when encountering high burst damage. This life seat can be said to make the clock from a shield to a shield, but the cost is too high. The big world experience is excellent, but the abyss is not particularly widely used at present. In short, Zhong Li's life seat improvement has achieved little effect except for the second life, and it belongs to the rare true .0 life complete body role.