
Wild fruits on the side of the road, don't pick them randomly! The sisters and brothers were both poisoned and hospitalized

Source: Spring City Evening News

Summer is here, the weather is hot, and the wild fruits on the roadside are ripe, which is very tempting to watch. Can you pick some and get over the addiction of foodie?

Just this past holiday, the sunshine was just right, and Ms. Xiao's family in Zhejiang Went to the scenic spot to play.

While playing, my sister and brother picked many wild fruits with red and lustrous colors. Mom and Grandma saw that the wild fruits were very similar to the wild strawberries they ate as children, so they agreed to the sisters' request to eat the wild fruits. In the end, my sister ate 20, my brother ate 10, my mother ate 3, and my grandmother ate 1.

Half an hour later, the sisters and brothers suddenly cried out that their stomachs hurt. What's going on? Is it related to eating wild fruits? Mom quickly contacted the scenic staff and learned that pesticides had just been sprayed in the prospect area for two days.

My mother quickly took the sisters and brothers to the emergency room of Zhejiang University Children's Hospital. Fortunately, the wild fruits eaten by the sisters and brothers were not too much, and they were sent to the hospital in time, and after symptomatic treatment such as gastric lavage and rehydration, they were discharged from the hospital on the same day.

In this regard, doctor Chen Yuanyuan reminded: in the summer, the wild fruits on the roadside are ripe, and parents should remind their children not to pick and eat indiscriminately. Taking wild strawberries as an example, wild strawberries and snakeberries are similar in appearance, and it is difficult for children to distinguish, even if it is determined that it is a non-toxic wild strawberry, it is necessary to guard against whether pesticides have been sprinkled.

Eating wild fruits food poisoning is not an isolated case

According to media reports, many children in Anshun, Guizhou, were poisoned and hospitalized because they accidentally ate a wild fruit called "Ma Sang Guo" in the mountain.

Wild fruits on the side of the road, don't pick them randomly! The sisters and brothers were both poisoned and hospitalized
Wild fruits on the side of the road, don't pick them randomly! The sisters and brothers were both poisoned and hospitalized

A child in Shangqiu, Henan Province, was hospitalized for accidentally eating fruit that resembled wild walnuts on the side of the road.

Wild fruits on the side of the road, don't pick them randomly! The sisters and brothers were both poisoned and hospitalized

These wild fruits are also found in Yunnan

Xiaobian search found that the above several wild fruits: wild strawberries, horse mulberry fruit, wild walnuts, are distributed in Yunnan.

Wild strawberries are plants of the genus Rosaceae. In the mainland, it is mainly distributed in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. It grows mainly on hillsides, meadows, under woods, and grows in large areas.

Masanko, also known as poisonous empty wood, water horse mulberry, duck eating wood, chicken plague wood, saddle, etc., is a plant of the massang family, growing on the slopes or ravines. The mulberry fruit is the size of a pea, round and succulent, and green when immature. Distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hubei, Shaanxi and other places.

Wild walnuts are also known as pecans. It is a genus of walnuts in the family Walnut family, deciduous trees or small trees; the main difference from other species in this genus is that the leaflets are densely covered with short soft hairs and star-like hairs after they grow into small leaves; the fruit order is long and drooping. Distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi, Xinjiang and other places.

How can I tell if I have food poisoning?

Most food poisoning is caused by the ingestion of expired or moldy foods, spoiled foods, toxic food additives or pesticide poisons, and poisonous animals and plants such as poisonous mushrooms.

Depending on the cause of food poisoning, the clinical manifestations are different, and generally have the following characteristics: the onset is relatively urgent, the incubation period is short, there is no contagiousness, and the most common clinical manifestations are the following two:

Gastrointestinal food poisoning, symptoms include nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain (mostly paroxysmal, mostly colic in nature, the above abdomen and perumbilical area is the most common), diarrhea, etc., individual patients can be accompanied by chills, fever, headache, myalgia and other symptoms of systemic poisoning.

Neuropathic food poisoning, symptoms include headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, etc., and the paralysis of the eye muscles, manifested by blurred vision, diplopia, ptosis, pupillary dilation, and loss of light reflexes.

How to deal with food poisoning?

Remember the key: as soon as you find food poisoning, go to the hospital for treatment immediately!

First aid measures usually include: promoting the excretion of poisons, including methods of inducing vomiting or gastric lavage, to promote the excretion of poisons and reduce the continued absorption of toxins by the gastrointestinal mucosa; promoting excretion, using methods of diarrhea, or whole bowel lavage.