
3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

author:Hematology Department Dr. Xu

Spring is coming, the leaves have grown tender buds, a hundred flowers have begun to bloom, the earth is full of life, and the wild vegetables in the wild are gradually ripening, of which bracken and red phoenix are the most popular among the public.

Aunt Zhang is a serious lover of bracken and red phoenix, in this season of bracken and red phoenix, she naturally will not miss this opportunity, and quickly went to the wild to pick two baskets of bracken and red phoenix.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

After returning home, Aunt Zhang also immediately turned these two wild vegetables into two delicious dishes. But after Aunt Zhang's daughter-in-law arrived home, she saw the two dishes of cold bracken and scrambled eggs with red phoenix vegetables on the table, and immediately screamed, and said: "Mom can't eat these two dishes, eating it will get cancer, and in addition to these two dishes can't eat, even your favorite zucchini will cause cancer, so don't eat these dishes in the future."

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

After listening to her daughter-in-law's words, Aunt Zhang was very angry, because not only Did Aunt Zhang like to eat, but the people in Aunt Zhang's village also liked to eat, and they had all eaten for decades, and their bodies had always been very healthy. This made Aunt Zhang think that her daughter-in-law was cursing herself for cancer because of the events of the previous few days, and finally the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law broke up unhappily.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

In fact, the controversy of this short story is whether bracken, red phoenix, and zucchini will cause cancer after eating it? So the question is, will it really cause cancer after eating these three dishes? Obviously not, otherwise Why did Aunt Zhang and the people in her village eat bracken, red phoenix, and zucchini for so many years, and no one had anyone suffering from cancer. So why does Aunt Zhang's daughter-in-law think that these three foods cause cancer? What are the foods that really cause cancer?

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

First, why is it said that bracken, red phoenix, zucchini these three kinds of vegetables, eating too much will cause cancer?

Bracken and red phoenix do contain some carcinogenic factors, and taking a large amount of it will lead to stomach cancer and liver cancer. But zucchini does not directly contain carcinogens, but when making this dish, if the way it is used is inappropriate, then it will produce a large number of carcinogens in the process of making, and it will cause certain harm to the body after eating.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

Species (1): Bracken

The carcinogen contained in bracken is called protofern, which is a class 2B carcinogen, not only human consumption of it will lead to stomach cancer, even animals eat it will also lead to stomach cancer, so bracken is indeed a vegetable that will cause cancer.

However, protofern contained in bracken is a carcinogen that is easy to dissolve in water, volatile at room temperature, and easily destroyed in a high temperature environment.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

Usually when you make a cold dish, the most basic procedure is to wash the dish with water first, and then use boiling water to pass the dish again, and finally put the corresponding seasoning, after these three procedures, the protofern contained in the bracken becomes very rare.

Coupled with the short growth cycle of bracken, everyone only likes to eat very tender bracken, when it is old, it will not be eaten again, so the protofern that can enter the body is actually a very small amount. This is also the reason why Aunt Zhang has eaten bracken for so many years without stomach cancer. But bracken is always a vegetable containing carcinogens, and usually everyone should not eat it for a long time.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

Species (2): Red phoenix

The carcinogenic factor contained in the red bromeliadine is called pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which will cause greater damage to animals and the liver of the human body, and when the animals and the liver in the human body cannot excrete it out of the body, it is easy to lead to liver cancer.

However, pyrrolizidine alkaloids are a carcinogen that is afraid of high temperatures, and people's way of eating this food is generally fried, and before frying, they must use boiling water to pass the dish again, so after these two procedures, the content of pyrrolizidine alkaloids contained in red brome will be greatly reduced, and the remaining pyrrolizidine alkaloids will also be excreted by the liver in the body after entering the human body. However, patients with poor livers are best not to eat this dish, otherwise it will cause some damage to the liver.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

Species (3): Zucchini

Zucchini does not directly contain carcinogens, but if you eat this dish and do not do it through the correct way to do it, it will lead to the appearance of carcinogens.

Zucchini contains a substance called asparagine, which, after being heated at high temperatures, begins to produce a 2A-level carcinogen, acrylamide.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

Therefore, when eating zucchini, remember not to fry for too long, slice as thick as possible, so that the content of acrylamide will be reduced, and the chance of carcinogen will be greatly reduced.

In addition to zucchini, which is easy to produce a large amount of acrylamide at high temperatures, the carbohydrates that we must eat every day in our lives will also produce a large amount of acrylamide in the process of making when they are turned into a delicacy by means of high temperatures.

However, although acrylamide is a carcinogen, the extent to which it can cause cancer in the body is still unclear.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

Therefore, when making zucchini and carbohydrate foods, we must use the right way to make them, which is more conducive to our body becoming healthier.

In summary, in the right way to eat bracken, red phoenix, zucchini and other dishes, the probability of cancer is very low, so what foods are more likely to cause cancer?

Second, foods that really cause cancer

1) Moldy food

When food is mildew or deteriorated, a substance is produced in the food, called aflatoxin. This substance is very toxic, and very resistant to high temperatures, so we can not destroy it by frying, roasting and other ways, in addition to this substance will also cause certain damage to multiple organs of the body, is the cause of a variety of cancers, such as stomach cancer, liver cancer tear gland cancer and other cancers.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

So when we find that the food we buy is moldy, the first thing we have to do is to throw them away immediately, and throw away all the food around it, because there will be residual aflatoxin on the surrounding food, so we must also throw it away. In fact, through the investigation, it was found that many foods in life are moldy because the stored environment is too humid, so it is also necessary to learn some moisture-proof tricks in life.

2) Foods with high nitrite content

Although nitrite is a toxic substance, and when adults take more than 3g will directly lead to death, but this toxic substance is not a direct carcinogenic factor, but when it and protein-containing substances in a high temperature or strong acid environment encounter, it will lead to the emergence of "sodium nitrite", a carcinogenic substance. It is worth mentioning that the high temperature mentioned here refers to the temperature reaching more than 180 °.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

Most foods containing a lot of nitrites are pickled foods and artificially manufactured meats. Because when making these foods, we all add a lot of salt to the production process, and these salts, under the action of bacteria, produce a lot of nitrite. Therefore, this kind of food should be eaten as little as possible, because eating too much will also cause a certain burden on our stomach.

3) Grill food

Barbecue food is a very popular food now, everyone likes to go to the roadside barbecue stall with colleagues after overtime, eat barbecue and drink beer to tell about today's encounter.

However, when this food is roasted with charcoal at high temperatures, a large amount of acrylamide is produced, which is a toxic substance with genetic properties that can cause damage to nerves in the body and cause tumors in internal organs, and is a potential carcinogen.

Therefore, pregnant women, the elderly, children are best to eat less barbecue food, otherwise it will bring certain stimulation to the body, resulting in some bad symptoms, such as pregnant women eating may lead to fetal malformations.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

Although the above foods can cause cancer, and there are many foods that everyone likes to eat, how should we do to make our bodies healthier and avoid cancer?

3. How to avoid the occurrence of cancer?

1. Use boiling, steaming and stir-frying to make food

Among the many carcinogens, most of the carcinogens are not actually present in the food themselves, but because they use an incorrect preparation method when making them, they cause carcinogenic factors.

Studies have shown that it is healthier to use boiling, frying, steaming and other ways to make food, while frying, roasting, frying and other ways are not advisable, these ways can easily lead to chemical reactions in some substances in food, resulting in carcinogens.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

2. Food should be eaten fresh

Although there is now a refrigerator, you can extend the shelf life of food, but this does not mean that you can put some dishes in the refrigerator for a week to eat. Because when the dish leaves the mother plant, it will lack the supply of nutrients, and there will be a chemical reaction in the air, which will not only gradually lose the nutrients contained in the dish, but also produce some substances that are not good for the body, so the dish must be eaten fresh.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

3. Drink less and smoke less

Alcohol and tobacco have always been two more controversial items, because people are under a lot of pressure and need to relax themselves through these two items, but these two items do cause great harm to the liver and lungs of the human body, so regular drinkers and smokers may suffer from liver cancer or lung cancer and other incurable diseases.

3 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", eating too much will cause cancer? These are the only things that really need to be eaten less

4. Eat less irritating foods with a light diet

Irritating food refers to foods that are too spicy, too sour, too salty, such as perverted spicy barbecue, bacon and other foods, very sour or very salty pickles, etc. These foods must be eaten less, because these foods will not only cause a great burden to the stomach, but also easily cause stomach diseases; the less severe cases will only suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcers, etc. can cure the disease, and the more serious situation will suffer from stomach cancer, which is not easy to treat.

Therefore, in terms of diet, try to eat lightly, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and also achieve a balanced diet, do not appear picky eating, so that our body will be more healthy.

In fact, many foods in life do not have direct carcinogenic ability, but sometimes people use inappropriate methods in order to pursue more delicious food, resulting in a large number of carcinogens in the process of making food. And many diseases are actually eaten out, so everyone eats less unhealthy foods, usually pay attention to a balanced diet, so that you are not picky, do not stay up late, and exercise regularly, then you can stay away from the torture of illness.


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