
In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach

author:A cat's eye on history

In the war of self-defense and counterattack against Vietnam, China won a complete victory, which not only showed the military strength of New China to the world, defended the dignity of the country, but also showed the arrogance of a great power.

But few people know who is the highest-ranking person who our army sacrificed in the counterattack against Vietnamese self-defense?

He was the deputy division commander of Unit 52314, Zhao Lianyu.

What is incredible is that he was unfortunately confronted with a black gun on the way back to China, and it was no one else who killed him, but a Vietnamese farmer who did not look good.

This issue of the article will take you to understand the legendary deeds of the older generation of revolutionaries Zhao Lianyu, if you are a reader who likes to understand history, you may wish to calm down and read it, maybe you will gain something.

In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach


In 1930, Zhao Lianyu was born in Xiatun, Xuling Temple, Zhuanghe County, Liaoning Province, to a poor family and a difficult life.

At this time, when the country is in trouble, it is not easy for the small people to survive in the chaotic situation, let alone eat enough.

Zhao Lianyu, who was born in poverty, has lived a life of hunger and fullness since he was a child, and has never tasted the taste of full food and warmth.

Not only that, but children from poor families must also take on the responsibility of providing for their families as soon as possible in order to reduce the heavy burden on the shoulders of their parents.

At the age of eleven, Zhao Lianyu, who was not yet tall enough to raise cattle, had begun to herd cattle for the landlords in a similar way, in exchange for a little food for food.

But the hard work did not bring any improvement to his life, and the exploitation of the landlord still overwhelmed him.

Fate never spared the suffering person, and soon added a heavy weight to the scale of his suffering, so that he deeply experienced the helplessness and pain of life.

One day, Zhao Lianyu was herding cattle for the landlord on the hillside as usual, but he was unexpectedly seen by the Japanese and caught him in Dandong to mine.

Thin and weak, he had no strength to resist at all, and could only be at the mercy of the invaders, working day and night on the mine all day and night. Even if he couldn't bear such a high-intensity work at all, Zhao Lianyu didn't dare to relax and be lazy in the slightest.

Because the Japanese have always insisted on the whip to supervise the operation, if there is a half-point difference pool, the whip will be mercilessly hit on their own body, the skin is open and flesh is commonplace, and it is not unusual to be abused to death.

Hunger, disease, and fatigue overwhelmed the young Zhao Lianyu, and his life was always shrouded in a dark cloud, and the days were like a dark tunnel that could not be seen at a glance, making him feel afraid.

It was not until September 1945, when Japan announced its unconditional surrender, that Zhao Lianyu was finally rescued and saw the hope of life again.

In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach

He was pleased to find that compared with the Kuomintang, the various acts of the Communist Party were more in line with the expectations of the common people, and a fairer and more reasonable system had been established, and he immediately felt enthusiastic and eager to become a member of the revolution to rescue more suffering ordinary people.

Later, Zhao Lianyu really signed up for the People's Liberation Army, when he was only fifteen years old. Although he was young, his combat ability was unexpectedly high.

In the campaign to liberate Andong, Zhao Lianyu, who was still a new soldier, showed great bravery on the battlefield, was not afraid in the face of guns and bullets, and always ran in the front to kill the enemy.

After that, he participated in dozens of large and small battles to liberate Benxi, Huanren, Liaoyang, Yingkou and other places, accumulating rich combat experience and increasingly outstanding ability.

In the Battle of Tashan and the Battle of Jinzhou, Zhao Lianyu was repeatedly commended for his heroic combat achievements.

After the Battle of Western Liaoning, Zhao Lianyu followed the four columns into Tianjin and fought a vigorous Pingjin Campaign, quickly liberating Beiping.

At the entrance ceremony in Peiping, the troops accepted Chairman Mao's review, which made Zhao Lianyu feel honored and excited, and also made his revolutionary conviction even firmer.

In 1962, due to his outstanding performance, Zhao Lianyu was arranged to study at the Nanjing Advanced Infantry School, received formal military science education, and the level of tactical command was greatly improved.

From a cowherd to a soldier to a commander, he fought steadily every step, relying on his firm belief and unremitting efforts, breaking through the limits set by life and tasting the sweet fruits brought to him by struggle.

He understood even more that all the achievements he had achieved were the result of the education and training of the Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army.

He has a deep sense of gratitude and a heart of return for the party and the state, so he secretly made up his mind that he must seize the rare and valuable learning opportunities, enhance his military command ability, and apply everything he has learned to the people's liberation cause in the future.

In 1964, after graduation, Zhao Lianyu was assigned to Puning County, Shantou, Guangdong Province, as the captain of the Siqing Team. The following year, he was transferred back to the army as deputy division commander and continued to contribute his talents in the army, at this time, he was only 35 years old, and his future was very good.

In 1975, Vietnam completed national reunification, stimulated by military victory and instigated by the Soviet Union, Vietnam's regional hegemonism rapidly expanded, thus formulating a policy of aggression and expansion.

In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach

Vietnam, which is trying to dominate the Indochina Peninsula, jumps up and down like a beam-jumping clown, sending troops to invade Cambodia while controlling Laos, and constantly harassing Thailand and invading the Thai border, really thinking of itself as the boss of the Indochina Peninsula.

But it is not satisfied with this, with the Soviet Union behind it, its boldness is getting bigger and bigger, and it is not soft on China.

At home, Vietnam ruthlessly expelled hundreds of thousands of overseas Chinese; internationally, it has constantly provoked trouble on China's borders, deliberately provoked armed conflict, and tested China's bottom line over and over again, with the intention of encroaching on China's territory.

The originally harmonious neighbors, driven by interests, aimed their guns at China, which just happened to confirm the saying: There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

In the face of Vietnam's provocations, China reacted quickly.

On February 17, 1979, the Chinese government issued a solemn statement through Xinhua News Agency.

Ignoring the Chinese side, the Vietnamese authorities have repeatedly warned of aggression against Chinese territory. The Chinese border guards were forced to fight back when they could not bear it.

As a soldier, Zhao Lianyu hated the invasion of Vietnam very much, so he took the initiative to ask Miao to express to the organization that he was ready to go to the front line at any time.

He said that he had been trained by the organization for many years, accumulated rich knowledge of war and actual combat experience, and now it was time to test his learning results.


In this way, on February 17, 1979, Zhao Lianyu received an appointment: transferred to the deputy division commander of unit 53214 and entered the Vietnamese battlefield.

In the counterattack against the Vietnamese self-defense, Zhao Lianyu gave full play to his military command ability, and under his command, the troops successively conquered Gaoping and Liangshan and won great victories.

Not only that, Zhao Lianyu even had the spirit of daring to be a general who dared to lead the way, personally led the strength of a regiment, and successfully completed the interspersed task.

In more than ten combat missions, Zhao Lianyu has also encountered extremely critical situations, fortunately, he is astute and wise, and he can always overcome dangers and successfully complete the task.

In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach

The purpose of China's self-defense counterattack is not to invade, but to teach the Vietnamese who covet China's territory a lesson, a war of a disciplinary nature, so that they understand China's determination to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Therefore, after the People's Liberation Army successfully captured Phan Shan, seeing that the defeat in Vietnam was decided, the Central Military Commission issued an order to the troops fighting on the Vietnamese battlefield to withdraw their troops.

That evening, Xinhua issued a statement on the voluntary withdrawal of troops, saying that from March 5, 1979, All Chinese border troops began to withdraw to China.

On March 5, Zhao Lianyu received the order to withdraw, and the whole team cheered at the news, and every soldier's face was filled with a happy smile. How can it not be exciting that the months of arduous fighting have finally come to an end, and they have not only survived the cruel battlefield, but also won a glorious victory for the motherland?

Zhao Lianyu was also infected by this thick and cheerful atmosphere, and pulled up the soldiers to sing the national anthem in the direction of the motherland.

But no one expected that just a few days later, Zhao Lianyu, who was supposed to arrive at The Country smoothly with his troops, would fall forever less than four kilometers away from Chinese territory because of an accident.

But what people did not expect was that something funny happened, China's withdrawal statement did not let the mad Vietnam get lost, just a few hours after the Xinhua news agency issued the statement, Hanoi sent another blockbuster news:

The Vietnamese government has decided to mobilize all citizens of legal age to join various armed forces throughout the country to achieve the goal of saving the country and resisting the war.

For the Chinese side's point to the end, the subordinates are merciful, Vietnam does not appreciate it, still has to put on a big face, desperately fighting to the death. Such a great enemy is simply a slippery slope.

But in any case, we should admit that the Vietnamese strategy of participating in the war by the whole people did cause certain difficulties for the withdrawal of the PEOPLE's Liberation Army.

On March 7, 1979, the 376th Regiment of the Infantry Regiment, under the orders of the 126th Division, set out from Xialang to attack in the direction of Shuolong, opening up the road from Xialang to Shuolong, creating favorable conditions for the WITHDRAWAL of the People's Liberation Army to the country.

In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach

The seven companies of the three battalions in charge of the vanguard found traces of the enemy after arriving at the nameless heights on the north side of the lane. There was a vietnamese force operating frequently on the northwest side of Ban nao, and the fortifications had been constructed.

The battalion immediately ordered the organization of fire, alternating cover, searching forward.

Just as the Seventh and Ninth Companies entered Bannau, the artillery fire of a reinforced Vietnamese platoon quickly took aim at them.

The 2nd Battalion of the 377th Regiment in the area east of Khao Yah was also attacked by the Vietnamese army and suffered heavy casualties. The 3rd Battalion of the 376th Regiment and the 2nd Battalion of the 377th Regiment seized the terrain and organized a resolute counterattack. The fighting continued until the afternoon, and the troops won the victory, occupying several key points such as Ban Lian and Ban Nao.

Subsequently, the team withdrew into the area of Ban Nong in Xia Lang County, Go Binh Province, Vietnam, to rest. In order to study the next action plan, taking advantage of the darkening night, Zhao Lianyu led the cadres of the regiment and battalion to the high ground to survey the terrain.

Zhao Lianyu pointed to the map and carefully analyzed it, at this time it was only 5km from the mainland, and there was a road to Shuolong that could be walked, and both sides of the highway were full of dense mountain forests and complex terrain. The Vietnamese army has a large number of troops, and if it rushes to carry out a frontal attack, it is difficult to achieve good results.

Zhao Lianyu believed that the tactic of using a two-wing roundabout attack could work, and the comrades present also agreed to this combat plan. So Zhao Lianyu began to arrange the combat tasks of each detachment, while raising the telescope to check the specific terrain around him.

Just at this moment, a gunshot cut through the quiet night, and the bullet whizzed out of the dense forest and grazed the left arm of chief of staff Lai Yulong, who immediately shouted: "The enemy has found us, hurry down the mountain." ”

But the bullet had already hit Zhao Lianyu's neck without fail, and bright red blood spurted out, and before everyone could react, he had already fallen heavily to the ground.

Commander Shi Lianxing exclaimed, "No, Deputy Division Commander Zhao was shot." ”

In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach

The guards immediately pounced on it and blocked the blood gushing out of the fountain with their hands, but this did not help at all, he shouted anxiously, "Division Commander, Division Commander..." The medical staff was not around, and the comrades-in-arms panicked, and could only keep feeding Zhao Lianyu water. But the water was fed from the mouth, but it would immediately flow out of the bullet hole, and everyone was anxious, but they could only wait for the arrival of the medical staff.

Zhao Lianyu's condition was getting worse and worse, and before the medical staff arrived for emergency treatment, he slowly lost consciousness, lay in the arms of the guards, and stopped breathing.

Seeing that the journey back to China was less than an hour away, deputy division commander Zhao Lianyu fell due to a sniper sneak attack, at the age of forty-nine.

In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach

Seeing his close comrades-in-arms die in front of him, everyone present was deeply saddened and unconsciously shed tears.

At 8 o'clock that night, Chief of Staff Lai Yulong wrote a detailed telegram manuscript under a dimly lit horse lamp. In the manuscript, he reported in detail on the situation on the day and the process of the sacrifice of Deputy Division Commander Zhao.

The call back from the command post said that the body of Deputy Division Commander Zhao must be transported back to China.

After receiving the telegram, the head of the military region was furious that Vietnam was really stubborn, and then issued an order: All vietnamese people were strictly forbidden to approach the PLA garrison troops, including children and the elderly.

Lai Yulong hurriedly found the deputy commander of the Fang regiment in charge of the stretcher team, demanded that he must implement the task of transporting the body of Deputy Division Commander Zhao to the people, and resolutely told him: No matter what the circumstances, the task of transporting the body of Deputy Division Commander Zhao back to China must be completed.

The soldiers of the 126th Division could not bear the grief, they hurriedly wiped away their tears, and their eyes showed a sharp and fierce edge like a wolf, because they had a more important thing to do at present, that is, to snipe the murderer of Deputy Division Commander Zhao and avenge Deputy Division Commander Zhao.

A carpet-like mountain search was immediately launched. The results of the search on the mountain surprised everyone, there were no sharpshooters in military uniforms on the mountain, only an old farmer in tattered clothes.


At the beginning of the search for the mountain, the soldiers felt that things were not simple, it was easy to hide in the dense vegetation of the mountains and forests, they were in the light, while the enemy was in the dark, and the search and transportation work was very passive. But they still did not slow down the pace of searching, searched for two days and two nights in one breath, and finally found an old farmer with a suspicious appearance.

At first, the soldiers did not care about this poorly dressed and bearded man, thinking that he was just an ordinary citizen. Just as he was about to let him go, some of the more astute soldiers stopped him.

Why did an ordinary farmer appear in the deep mountains and old forests at this time?

You know, Vietnam is a country where all the people are soldiers.

Therefore, both women, children, the elderly, and young and strong men are likely to participate in the battle.

At this thought, the warriors doubted his true identity. However, the language barrier made several soldiers take control of the seemingly suspicious peasant first, intending to take it back to the camp for their superiors to deal with.

The peasant immediately shouted loudly in Vietnamese, his body was desperately resisting, and the soldiers felt even more strange, and took the people directly back to the camp.

The Vietnamese soldier interrogated him carefully, and at first he gritted his teeth and did not want to say anything, but under many rounds of interrogation, his psychological defense line collapsed, and he confessed all the situation one by one.

It turned out that although he was now a farmer, he had joined the army before and was a famous sharpshooter in Vietnam, Nguyen Thanh Hung.

As an ace sniper, Nguyen Thanh Hung's mission in the army is to assassinate important enemies, and in the war between the United States and Vietnam, his 100 shots and 100 marksmanship once left a deep psychological shadow on the Americans, even offering a reward of 100,000 US dollars to take his life.

In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach

After Vietnam's independence, Nguyen Thanh Hung did not want to continue to serve as a soldier, and chose to retire and return to his hometown to live a peasant life in anonymity. He never mentioned his military experience to anyone, so even the people in the village didn't know his details.

The outbreak of the Sino-Vietnamese War made him pick up a sniper rifle and aim the evil muzzle at the instructors of our army.

Ruan Chengxiong, who had received military training in China, knew the discipline of the Platon Army troops very well, and he knew that Chinese soldiers would never harm ordinary people, so he had to disguise himself as a peasant and complete the task of killing the CHINESE generals.

Unfortunately, his wishful thinking was wrong, and in the end, his disguise was discovered by the People's Liberation Army.

After explaining all this, Ruan Chengxiong knew that his sins were so deep that he could not escape death, and begged our army to give him a hard time. After the troops categorically refused this request, he tried several times to find death, but the PLA stopped him in time.

As a sinner who killed a senior general of our army, of course, he could not die before accepting a just trial. In this way, the Vietnamese sniper was returned to the country and eventually punished by the law.

The body of Deputy Division Commander Zhao was later sent back to China. Because the country's economic and material conditions are very difficult, there is no condition to bury the martyrs, so the burial ceremony of the martyrs is relatively simple, usually for them to wash their bodies, put on new clothes and complete.

However, as the highest-ranking general of the People's Liberation Army in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, Zhao Lianyu was treated as a coffin and was well buried in the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Jiaokan Village, Longquan Perfume Township.

In 1979, a deputy division commander was killed by farmers when he returned to China! Military District Fury: Vietnamese people are forbidden to approach

Today, his life deeds are listed in the 83214 Unit Museum in Hunan County, telling people his legendary military story and patriotic feelings.

Comrade Zhao Lianyu's sacrifice has made people see the brutality and cruelty of the Vietnamese authorities, and also made the world realize the fine qualities of Chinese soldiers who have principles, discipline, and convictions, and China's good wishes for peaceful coexistence.

The background of war is the scarlet of blood, and Chinese never wants to create a war and participate in war, but he will never allow other countries to invade in the slightest.

And these victories that shine with pride are all bought by patriotic soldiers like Zhao Lianyu with their youth and even their lives, as a posterity, only to remember and be self-reliant.

Editor's Profile: Song Xiaole, a post-90s grandfather, from an ordinary family, full-time writing for 5 years, earned the first bucket of gold in his life by relying on self-media writing, and cooperated with a number of new media companies. If you are interested in self-media, writing, and making money, and want to be able to do side jobs and part-time jobs every month after work, you can search for and follow my public account "Today's People" on WeChat to discuss and make progress together.

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