
What is the profit model of advertising e-commerce?

author:Wei Sanyun He Xiaoyi

Author: Wei Sanyun He Xiaoyi

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What is advertising e-commerce? E-commerce is no stranger to us, so how to understand advertising e-commerce? The previous issues introduced you to the advertising alliance, today we will talk about advertising e-commerce.

What is the profit model of advertising e-commerce?

Most of the traditional e-commerce relies on selling goods to make money, and sometimes in order to do drainage, it usually invests a lot of money to advertise. However, the effect received is not satisfactory, resulting in a lower profit margin, users watch advertisements on the platform, indirectly make money for the platform, but they do not have any benefits, and some platforms will give some virtual points to offset consumption, but can not be withdrawn, the use is not large. The platform side wants to cooperate with advertisers to access advertising, but because there is no docking channel, there is no model that can be applied to maximize the value of advertising.

Advertising e-commerce is a combination of social e-commerce and advertising commission model, not only allow consumers to get points while shopping, but also through the viewing of the platform docking of advertising tasks, so that consumers in the hands of the points to monetize, in other words, consumers in the watching of the platform access to the advertisement, the platform side will be the consumer's shopping money through the task, in the form of a percentage gradually returned to the consumer, so as to achieve the advertiser, the platform and consumers benefit from the effect.

What is the profit model of advertising e-commerce?

For example, in the platform to spend 200 yuan, get 200 points, by watching the advertising task sent by the platform, the platform according to the proportion of 2% advertising rebate, then the next day can get 4 yuan, at this time there are 196 points left, "the next day" continue to watch the advertising task rebate, can get: 196 * 2% = 3.92 yuan! By analogy, consumption accumulates and advertising rebates decrease.

Let's take a look at the second scenario, as shown in the figure:

What is the profit model of advertising e-commerce?
What is the profit model of advertising e-commerce?

The Internet is constantly innovating and developing, business models are the same, in the increasingly fierce social market competition environment, enterprises can only follow the trend of the times, constantly innovate various models, strengthen the core competitiveness of enterprises in the market, in order to better develop.

For more information about advertising e-commerce, please consult the editor.