
Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Now the temperature rises, warm flowers bloom, everything grows, is the vigorous period of plant growth, but with the continuous growth of temperature, all kinds of insects have also reached the high incidence season, especially in the spring and summer, many plants are thriving, suddenly you will see that the top is full of dense insects, the reproduction is particularly fast, which makes people look very surprised. In fact, raising flowers at home, many bugs are particularly fertile, a few days ago to see one, may see a nest of small bugs in a few days.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

If we leave it alone and let them develop, not only will there be new shoots, but there will be buds, and even the leaves at the bottom will be densely packed. The leaves of the plant are all eaten up, then the potted flowers are not saved, directly dead warped, and once there are insects will infect other plants indoors, so the family raises peanut worms, and insects must be killed. Many friends say that raising flowers at home does not like spraying, in fact, there are several stupid methods, simple and easy to get started, you can also get rid of insects, if you are also plagued by pests and diseases, hurry up and try it.

First, use small white medicine to prevent it

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

If there are more flowers at home, you can buy small white medicine online, small white medicine is a systemic powdered drug is low toxicity, you can dig a spoonful when raising flowers, sprinkle on the edge of the pot, even if there are insects and insects, you can prevent various diseases and insect pests. As the watering drug penetrates into the pot, the plant becomes resistant after absorption, and it is not easy to produce any diseases and insect pests.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

Especially for raising some succulents or other flowering plants at home, and there is no time to manage the medicine, sprinkling a spoonful of small white medicine is simple and convenient, which can prevent various diseases and insect pests, and can prevent problems before they occur.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

Second, lay a layer of river sand on the surface of the pot

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

If indoor flowers are particularly easy to breed small black fly, flying around is particularly annoying, small black fly breeding conditions have three, moist soil, warm environment and soil fertility, the soil contains a lot of organic matter. And coupled with the wet soil, small flying insects will breed. In order to prevent the appearance of these flying insects, you can lay a layer of large particles of river sand on the surface of the pot soil, about two centimeters or so to cut off the contact between the small flying insects and the soil, and there is no way to lay eggs in the soil to survive.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

You can fundamentally prevent the emergence of a variety of small black fly, not only large particles of river sand, but also with pottery grains, colored small pottery particles, etc. spread on the edge of the pot, which can reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, but also prevent too much soil from being washed out when watering, resulting in soil erosion, which is also a common method used by many flower lovers.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

Third, use an insecticidal plate

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

Many people raise flowers and vegetables indoors and do not like spraying, but what if there are insects? You can hang some insect-proof plates on the edge of the pot, this yellow insect trap board color is very bright, the insects are easy to pounce on, and then after hatching the larvae, some bugs will climb directly to the insect trap board, and once they climb up, they will be directly stuck. This is also a common way to get rid of small flying insects that fly around.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

Fourth, soaked cigarette butt water

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

If the flowers and plants raised at home are insecticidal, you can also make some non-toxic insecticide liquid, such as using an empty plastic bottle, and then picking some leftover cigarette butts and powder of chaotian pepper and putting them into the water. Then add water to soak for a few days, wait until the water turns brown and filter, pour it into the watering can and add some water.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

Spray on the flowers, you can eliminate a lot of small flying insects, such as common aphids, whiteflies, etc., as long as you are contaminated with this cigarette butt water can be eliminated, the effect is very good, and the human body is harmless.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

Fifth, smoke with a fly incense

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

If there are more peanut worms at home, but you don't want to spray medicine, you can also smoke with the smell of flies. Sometimes the flying insects are particularly annoying, but because of safety considerations, you can't spray the medicine, you can prepare a few fly incense to gather these flowers and plants in an empty room. Then light the fly incense for a night and you will see diseases and insect pests, small insects, small flying insects, etc. all smoked to death, densely falling on the ground.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated

This is also a very effective way to solve various pests and diseases, does not require spraying, and the fly fragrance is also harmless to the body. We must remember that the kind of fly incense that smokes flies has a greater effect, do not use mosquito coils, smoke these small flying insects that fly around, sprinkle some small white medicines in the pots, etc., to prevent problems before they occur, and there are still some insect eggs in the soil, so that you can completely eliminate all kinds of small black fly and aphids and other diseases and insect pests in the room. If you have this kind of trouble, you can collect these methods and give it a try.

Indoor flowers love insects? 5 "stupid methods", no need to spray potion, the worms are eliminated