
Star Hui disappeared for 3 years and returned to "Sweet Taste"! She was awakened by the 3 words written by the boy

author:Starlight clouds

Entertainment Center/General Report

Actor Xinghui has performed many well-known local dramas such as "Home and Everything", "True Feelings Are Full of The World", but in 2014, after acting in "The Heart of a Woman in the World", he stopped taking over the drama and disappeared from the screen for nearly 3 years, and finally announced "re-emerging from the jianghu" a few days ago, and will play the role of "White Hibiscus" in "Sweet Life", the news made fans who waited for a long time quite excited, and all this was because the boy wrote "What Grandma Wants to Say".

According to the "Liberty Times" report, Xinghui died of her grandmother at the age of 92 in 2014, when she signed a consent to give up first aid for her grandmother, which became an inextricable pain in her heart, not only because of this melancholy, stopped taking over the drama, and even tried to feel the meaning of her existence through shopping, until a friend introduced a rather magical Mazu Temple.

Because Grandma tried to speak to Xinghui before swallowing her last breath, but because she could not hear clearly through the oxygen mask in the middle, it became an unsolvable mystery in her heart, hoping to solve the doubts in her heart through religious power. She said that at that time, she only saw the boy write a big "love" word, and next to it wrote a small "self", and the other party told her that the deceased hoped that she could love herself more, "to let go of the shackles and open her heart".

Hearing the boy's retelling, Xinghui cried on the spot, "These words gave me a slap in the face, I think carefully about what I have been doing in the past few years, I told my grandmother, I will listen to her words and take good care of myself." He also secretly vowed to reinvigorate, "I want to re-emerge from the jianghu, and now I want to adjust my mentality, tell myself that everything is fine in the future, and give everyone more positive strength."

Star Hui disappeared for 3 years and returned to "Sweet Taste"! She was awakened by the 3 words written by the boy

▲ Xinghui returned to Sanli as Bai Furong in "Sweet Life". (Photo/Photo from Xinghui Facebook)

Finally, after nearly 3 years of silence, she decided to return to Sanli and played the role of "White Furong" in "Sweet Life", and she specially pocast screenshots on Facebook, announcing "I am really back!" Although it is difficult to hide the tension between the words "I can't even speak Taiwanese", I believe that with the support of loyal fans, everything will turn into her help.