
It seems romantic and amorous, but in fact, it is a constellation that is single-minded to the point of not being able to do it, and it is a proper infatuation

Sagittarius is always experienced in feelings, and even some people say that they are veterans of the love field, but where Sagittarius looks at the opposite sex, there is no pursuit that is unsuccessful. However, every relationship they always ended in a hurry, and it is easy to leave a psychological shadow on the other half, and a relatively large injury.

So there are always people who say that Sagittarius is too flowery and affectionate to control. Some people even say that sagittarius is a constellation that specializes in producing "scumbags" and "scumbags", and if you meet them, you must stay away.

It seems romantic and amorous, but in fact, it is a constellation that is single-minded to the point of not being able to do it, and it is a proper infatuation

In fact, these judgments are the biggest misunderstanding of Sagittarius, if you really approach them and have a relationship with them, you will understand that Sagittarius is actually very single-minded and even obsessive. If they truly fall in love with someone, they will give up all their resistance and willingly become the other person's lifelong followers.

So why are there still many people who criticize Sagittarius for being too careful in their feelings? Mainly because Sagittarius's attitude towards love is different from other people's, they have some suspense about feelings, and they will not show a very serious, very sad attitude.

If sagittarius in the opposite direction explains something, they may only respond perfunctorily, as if they did not pay attention to it. But in fact, every word said by the other half, Sagittarius is in mind, but they don't want to show such seriousness.

It seems romantic and amorous, but in fact, it is a constellation that is single-minded to the point of not being able to do it, and it is a proper infatuation

When two people quarrel, Sagittarius is mostly silent, and they always believe that if you believe in me, then I don't have to argue anything, if you don't believe me, then it is useless for me to explain more.

Especially when the other half misunderstands Sagittarius, they don't even bother to explain at this time. At this moment, Sagittarius has some sadness and disappointment in their hearts, and they have always believed that the other half knows themselves, but this is not the case.

Sagittarius, they treat every relationship with real care. It may be its own humor and humor that makes it difficult for Sagittarius to give people a sense of reliability and stability. They also often go out to eat and sing with friends, and they will ignore their other half.

It seems romantic and amorous, but in fact, it is a constellation that is single-minded to the point of not being able to do it, and it is a proper infatuation

But Sagittarius doesn't deliberately want to make the other person jealous, they think that although love is important, so is friendship. They don't leave all their friends and family behind for the sake of their loved ones, and Sagittarius prefers that everyone around them can live in peace, but this is only a beautiful imagination after all.

What Sagittarius hates the most is that the other half asks them the question: Who do you choose between me and your friends? Sagittarius has a hard time giving an answer that satisfies them because they don't want to deceive themselves or the other person.

So they often end up causing the other half to leave, and Sagittarius won't say too much after separation, and won't explain to others why the two people broke up. They are a perfect ex, and they will never denigrate each other behind their backs after separation, but it is also easy to cause some tangible or intangible questions for Sagittarius, and some people will think that they are not acting too careful and doing something sorry for the other half.

It seems romantic and amorous, but in fact, it is a constellation that is single-minded to the point of not being able to do it, and it is a proper infatuation

But such speculation is only empty, Sagittarius is not very reliable on the surface, in fact, they are very single-minded personality, even if they will choose to separate because they do not love each other, they will never hurt them, choose to cheat or cheat, because this is also the bottom line of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius, if they really meet a person who understands themselves, understands themselves, and is willing to accompany themselves, they will definitely dedicate all their sincerity and follow them without complaint or regret. They will even change some small problems and shortcomings in their own bodies for them, and no longer look like the hanging lang dang in the past.

Therefore, some Sagittarius friends around them often behave very family-oriented after they get married, and they also reduce the number of times they go out to play with friends, and will take more time to spend with their families and children.

It seems romantic and amorous, but in fact, it is a constellation that is single-minded to the point of not being able to do it, and it is a proper infatuation

So Sagittarius is still a very trustworthy and reliable sign, but their reliability needs time to prove a little bit, don't completely deny them because of Sagittarius's appearance, otherwise you will find yourself missing out on a good person.

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